Series STM 10 / 20 kN

2009-05-18 17:20  下载量:88



Series STM 10 / 20 kN The test is conducted to determine the strength of the bond between the spray deposit and the parent material (adhesive strength) and/or the strength of the coating (cohesive strength). It is qualified for coating thickness over 150 µm. The test is used to evaluate the effects of parent material and spray material, surface preparation of the work piece before spraying, and the spraying conditions on the adhesive strength of thermally sprayed coatings, or for quality control and routine supervision of the spray works. Shear Testing Machines according to the new European Standard EN 15340 Standard was developed within a European Joint Research Project together with: Fraunhofer Institut IFAM, Bremen EMPA - Materials Science & Technology walter+bai ag - Testing Machines The Shear Testing Machine Series STM in accordance with ISO 7500-1 allows tests corresponding to new standard EN 15340 with the required accuracy and reproducibility. The high precision sample holder guarantees an exact fixation and alignment of the specimen without any movement of the sample during the shear test. The shear plate is made of carbide and fixed close to the high precision load cell for best results. It allows a movement during loading in the guide ways without deviations or friction that affects the measured shear force. The edge of the shear plate is parallel to the interface coating/substrate and parallel to the upper face of the sample. Thus a uniform loading of the coating is ensured. Worn out carbide cutting plates can be changed very easy. Evaluation: The shear load resistance is taken from the first maximum of the force displacement curve. To clearly distinguish between cohesive and adhesive fracture of the coating it is advisable to evaluate the fracture interface by means of a stereo microscopy (option). Test Reports: Using of the optional Shear Test Software it allows to print test reports in accordance with standard EN 15340 containing: inspection body, inspector, date, coating thickness, shear distance, thrust velocity, type of fracture, particularities, remarks etc.



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当前位置: 艾泰克 资料 Series STM 10 / 20 kN


