动态疲劳拉扭 试验机技术

2009-03-11 17:21  下载量:34



瑞士 动态疲劳拉扭 试验机技术 Series LFV - T Upgrading the test system with torsional performance with customized torsional moment, angle and frequency range. Dynamic Biaxial Testing Systems The Series LFV-T can torsion loading be coupled with tension-compression. Both torsion and tension-compression can be loaded independently in phase or out of phase. With related accessories the LFV-T series of testing machines allows to perform a wide range of mixed-mode fatigue tests. Examples: Type LFV 100 kN - T 1'000 Nm Type LFV 600 kN - T 20’000 Nm Applications: Type LFV 5 kN - T 10 Nm for Testing of Implants in Salt Universal Material Testing Static Universal Testing Machines Dynamic Testing Systems Testing Systems Series LFV 1 - 600 kN Biaxial Testing Series LFV - T High Force Testing 3000 kN or higher Rotary Bending Testing Machines Digital Controllers Material Testing Software DION Accessories Customized Test Systems Pendulum Impact Testers Pipe & Pressure Testing Systems Shear Testing Device EN 15340 Torsion Testing Machines Test Bar Dividing Machines Civil, Structural and Architectural Testing Products Servo - Actuators Portal Load Frames Joints Hydraulic Power Packs Accessories Building Material Testing Cement Concrete Concrete Pipe and Masonry Bituminous Rock Mechanics Aggregats, Sands, Soils Laboratory Equipment Wood and Timber Modernisations Hydraulic Testing Machines Electromechanical Testing Machines Second Hand Machines Universal Material Testing Building Material Testing



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