
2022/12/06   下载量: 0


应用领域 农/林/牧/渔
检测样本 渔业
检测项目 营养成分>粗脂肪, 粗蛋白
参考标准 GB∕T 6433-2006饲料粗脂肪测定方法;GB/T 6432-2018饲料中粗蛋白的测定凯氏定氮法



The effects of dietary bile acid supplementation (BAS) on apparent digestibility coefficients (ADC) and the bile  acid metabolism in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) were investigated for diets differing in non-starch  polysaccharide (NSP) level. Four experimental diets were formulated according to an 2 by 2 factorial design.  A low-NSP and High-NSP diet (0 vs. 160 g kg1 inclusion of an NSP-rich ingredient mixture) were first  formulated. The aim of this was to create differences in the amount of faecal waste produced, and consequently  as previously shown in rainbow, the amount of faecal bile acid loss (FBAL). Both NSP-level diets were tested with  0% and 0.3% BAS (0 vs. 3 g kg1 inclusion of a bile acid mixture). The bile acid mixture contained taurocholic  acid (T-CA) and glycocholic acid (G-CA) in a 2:1 ratio. Glycocholic acid does not naturally occur in trout and was  used as marker to see if supplemented bile acids are efficiently absorbed and enter enterohepatic circulation  (EHC). Fish were fed to apparent satiation for 42 days. Dietary NSP level did not enhance FBAL. BAS was  beneficial for fat ADC, but not for the ADC of protein and carbohydrates. BAS improved fat ADC regardless of  NSP level, which suggests that bile acids are a limiting factor for fat digestion in rainbow trout. Total bile acid  synthesis was a 4-fold lower in fish fed the 0.3% BAS diets compared to the 0% BAS diets. Lower bile acid  synthesis with BAS occurred alongside enlarged body and liver + gallbladder bile acid pools and a higher content  of bile acids in the chyme. These higher bile acid levels most likely caused a negative feedback inhibition of bile  acid synthesis. Negative synthesis rates of G-CA were found when feeding the 0.3% BAS diets, which suggests  that this bile acid is catabolised or converted into other bile acid types in rainbow trout. The enlarged pool of TCA, but especially of the body foreign G-CA, with BAS in both the body and liver + gallbladder shows that dietary  bile acids are effectively taking part in EHC. The relative absorption of T-CA and G-CA over the different intestinal compartments was comparable, which shows that EHC does not differentiate between T-CA and G-CA.  While relative absorption of bile acids was highest between the distal intestine and the faeces, the absolute  decrease in chyme bile acid content was highest between the pyloric region and the mid intestine. The latter  shows that significant bile acid absorption occurs more proximal in the intestine of rainbow trout than previously  thought.


上一篇 工业园区污水及经生物反应器处理后的污水氨氮、有机氮及化学需氧量(COD)的测定
下一篇 膳食蛋白源和配料粒度对限制进食且明显饱足的黄尾鰤鱼类性能,排泄废物产量和特性的影响


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当前位置: 中国格哈特 方案 膳食非淀粉多糖(NSP)水平和添加胆汁酸对虹鳟鱼营养素消化和胆汁酸代谢的影响


