美国Sigma试剂  >  食品和饮料中残留检测标准品

美国Sigma试剂 > 食品和饮料中残留检测标准品

供货周期: 一周
规格: 美国sigma
关注展位 全部试剂

> 黄曲霉毒素标样 Aflatoxins

中文品名 英文品名 Description CAS No. 订货号 包装


Aflatoxin Mix each ampoule contains 1 μg B1, 1 μg G1, 0.3 μg B2, and0.3 μg G2 in benzene: acetonitrile (98:2) S46300-U 5×1 ml


Aflatoxin Mix each ampoule contains 1 μg B1, 1 μg G1, 0.3 μg B2, and 0.3 μg G2 in methanol S46303 5 ml


Aflatoxin B1 soltion, 3 μg/ml in benzene: acetonitrile (98:2) 1162-65-8 S46323-U 1 ml


Aflatoxin B2 soltion, 3 μg/ml in benzene: acetonitrile (98:2) 7220-81-7 S46324-U 1 ml

黄曲霉素G1 Aflatoxin G1 soltion, 3 μg/ml in benzene: acetonitrile (98:2) 1165-39-5 S46325-U 1 ml

黄曲霉素G2 Aflatoxin G2 soltion, 3 μg/ml in benzene: acetonitrile (98:2) 7241-98-7 S46326-U 1 ml

黄曲霉素M1 Aflatoxin M1 soltion, 10 μg/ml in acetonitrile 6795-23-9 S46319-U 1 ml

黄曲霉素M2 Aflatoxin M2 soltion, 1 μg/ml in acetonitrile 6885-57-0 S46910-U 1 ml

黄曲霉素混样测试盒 Aflatoxin Mix Kit each ampoule contains 1 μg B1, 1 μg G1, 0.3 μg B2, and 0.3 μg G2 in methanol S46304-U 5×1 ml

> 抗微生物标样 Antimicrobials

中文品名 英文品名 Description CAS No. 订货号 包装


Benzoic acid neat, standard for Food & Bev., purity: >96% 65-85-0 S47849 1 g


Sodium benzoate neat, standard for Food & Bev. 532-32-1 S47850 1 g


Methyl Paraben neat, standard for Food & Bev., purity: >96% 99-76-3 S47889 1 g


Sorbic acid neat, standard for Food & Bev., purity: >96% 110-44-1 S47845 1 g

山梨酸钾 Potassium sorbate neat, standard for Food & Bev. 590-00-1 S47848 1 g

> 细菌鉴定 Bacterial identification

中文品名 英文品名 Description 订货号 包装


Alcohols mix, C1-C5 solution, 0.1%each of ethanol, 1-propanol, 1-butanol, 2-methyl-1-propanol, 1-pentanol, and 3-methyl-1-butanol in water S46980-U 100 ml

Bacterial acid methyl ester CP solution, 10 mg/ml various C11-C20 bacterial acid methyl esters in methyl caproate S47080-U 1 ml

Non-volatile acid

standard mix solution, 1 meq each of pyruvic acid, lactic acid, oxalacetic acid, oxalic acid, methyl malonic acid, malonic acid, fumaric acid, and succinic acid in water S46985-U 100 ml


中文品名 英文品名 Description CAS No. 订货号 包装


Bisphenol A (2,3-dihydroxypropyl)

glycidyl ether purum p.a. qualitative standard; ~97% (HPLC) 76002-91-0 F73417 25 mg, 100 mg


Bisphenol A (3-chloro-2-hydroxypropyl) (2,3-dihydroxypropyl) ether purum p.a. qualitative standard; >98.0% (HPLC) 227947-06-0 F92427 25 mg, 100 mg


Bisphenol A (3-chloro-2-hydroxypropyl) glycidyl ether purum p.a. qualitative standard; ~95% (HPLC) 13836-48-1 F73124 25 mg, 100 mg


Bisphenol A diglycidyl ether purum p.a. qualitative standard; >97.0% (GC) 1675-54-3 F15138 500 mg

双酚A,双(2,3-二羟丙基)醚 Bisphenol A bis (2,3-dihydroxypropyl) ether purum p.a. qualitative standard; >97.0% (HPLC) 5581-32-8 F15137 250 mg

双酚A,双(3-氯-2羟基丙基)醚 Bisphenol A bis (3-chloro-2-hydroxy-propyl) ether purum p.a. qualitative standard; >99.0% (HPLC) 4809-35-2 F15136 250 mg, 1 g

双酚F,二甘氨酸醚 Bisphenol F diglycidyl ether purum p.a. qualitative standard; mixture of 3 isomers ortho-ortho, ortho-para, para-para;

~97% (GC) total assay of the 3 isomers 2095-03-6 F15144 500 mg

双酚F,双(2,3-二羟丙基)醚 Bisphenol F bis (2,3-dihydroxypropyl) ether purum p.a. qualitative standard; mixture of 3 isomers ortho-ortho, ortho-para, para-para;

>97% (HPLC) total assay of the 3 isomers 72406-26-9 F15142 250 mg

双酚F,双(3-氯-2-羟丙基)醚 Bisphenol F bis (3-chloro-2-hydroxy-propyl) ether p.a. qualitative standard; mixture of 3 isomers ortho-ortho, ortho-para, para-para; ~95% (HPLC) total assay of the 3 isomers F15139 250 mg

> 单糖碳水化合物 Carbohydrates-monosaccharides

中文品名 英文品名 Description CAS No. 订货号 包装


Monosaccharides kit contains D-(+)-Galactose, D-(+)-Glucose (mixed isomers), D-(+)-Mannose (mixed isomers), D-Psicose (mixed isomers), D-(-)-Ribose, D-(+)-Xylose, D-(-)-Arabinose, neat, standard for Food & Bev. S47267 7×100 mg


D-Malic acid neat, standard for Food & Bev. 636-61-3 S46940-U 100 mg



(mixed anomers) neat, standard for Food & Bev. 50-99-7 S47249 500 mg


D-(+) Xylose neat, standard for Food & Bev. 58-86-6 S47253 500 mg

异丁酸 Isobutyric acid neat, standard for Food & Bev. 79-31-2 S46935-U 500 mg

> 双糖 Carbohydrates-disaccharides

中文品名 英文品名 Description CAS No. 订货号 包装


Maltose neat, standard for Food & Bev. 6363-53-7 S47288 500 mg


-Lactose Monohydrate neat, standard for Food & Bev. 5989-81-1 S47287-U 500 mg


Disaccharides kit contains -Lactose Monohydrate, Maltose, Sucrose, Isomaltose (mixed is omers), neat, standard for Food & Bev. S47268-U 4×500 mg


Sucrose neat, standard for Food & Bev. 57-50-1 S47289 500 mg

> 低聚糖 Carbohydrates-oligosaccharides

中文品名 英文品名 Description CAS No. 订货号 包装


Oligosaccharides kit contains Maltohexaose (Dp6), Maltopentaose (Dp5), Maltoteraose (Dp4), Stachyose (Dp4, Maltotriose (Dp3), D-(+)-Melezitose (Dp3), D-(+)-Raffinose (Dp3), Isomaltotriose (Dp3), Maltoheptaose (Dp7), neat, standard for Food & Bev. S47265 set

Isomaltotriose neat, standard for Food & Bev. 3371-50-4 S47884 100 mg

Maltoheptaose neat, standard for Food & Bev. 34620-78-5 S47872 100 mg

Maltohexaose neat, standard for Food & Bev. 34620-77-4 S47873 100 mg

Maltopentaose neat, standard for Food & Bev. 34620-76-3 S47876 100 mg

Maltotetraose neat, standard for Food & Bev. 34612-38-9 S47877 100 mg

> 糖醇 Carbohydrates-sugar alcohols

中文品名 英文品名 Description 订货号 包装

Sugar alcohols kit contains Dulcitol (Galacitol), Iso-Erythritol, Glycerol, Maltitol, D-Mannitol, Ribitol (Adonitol), D-Sorbitol, D-(+)-Arbitol, neat, standard for Food & Bev. S47266 8×500 mg

> 甜味剂Carbohydrates-sweeteners

中文品名 英文品名 Description CAS No. 订货号 包装


Aspartame neat, standard for Food & Bev. 22839-47-0 S47135 500 mg

木糖醇 Xylitol neat, standard for Food & Bev. 87-99-0 S47844 1 g

葡萄糖 D-(+)-Glucose neat, standard for Food & Bev. 50-99-7 S47829 1 g

山梨醇 D-Sorbitol neat, standard for Food & Bev. 50-70-4 S47841 1 g

糖精 Saccharin, Hemicalcium neat, standard for Food & Bev. 6381-91-5 S47840 1 g

糖精(钠盐) Sodium saccharin neat, standard for Food & Bev. 82385-42-0 S47839 1 g

糖蜜素 Sodium cyclamate neat, standard for Food & Bev. 139-05-9 S47827 1 g


(安赛蜜) Acesulfame K neat, standard for Food & Bev. 55589-62-3 S47134 1000 mg

> 食物照射浅霉检测标准品 Food irradiations

中文品名 英文品名 Description CAS No. 订货号 包装


1,7-Hexadecadiene ~95% (GC), standard for food analysis 125110-62-5 F52206 5 mg, 25 mg

十四碳双烯 1,7-Tetradecadiene ~95% (GC), standard for food analysis 150767-46-7 F87141 5 mg, 25 mg

十二烷基环丁酮 2-Dodecylcyclobutanone >95% (GC), standard for food analysis 35493-46-0 F44197 5 mg, 25 mg

邻酪氨酸 DL-o-Tyrosine ~98% (NT), standard for food analysis 2370-61-8 F93851 100 mg

间酪氨酸 DL-m-Tyrosine >98.0% (NT), standard for food analysis 775-06-4 F93853 100 mg

> 毒枝菌素 Mycotoxins

中文品名 英文品名 Description CAS No. 订货号 包装


Patulin solution, 100 μg/ml in chloroform 149-29-1 S46914-U 1 ml

脱氧雪腐镰刀菌烯醇 Deoxynivalenol solution, 200 μg/ml in ethyl acetate: methanol (95:5) 51481-10-8 S46911 1 ml

玉米烯酮 Zearalenone solution, 50 μg/ml acetonitrile 17924-92-4 S46916-U 1 ml

赭曲霉素A Ochratoxin A solution, 50 μg/ml in benzene: acetic acid (99:1) 303-47-9 S46912 1 ml

赭曲霉素B Ochratoxin B solution, 50 μg/ml in benzene: acetic acid (99:1) 4825-86-9 S46913-U 1 ml

> 有机酸Organic acids

中文品名 英文品名 Description CAS No. 订货号 包装


Malonic acid neat, standard for Food & Bev. 141-82-2 S46938-U 500 mg

奎尼酸 (-)Quinic acid neat, standard for Food & Bev. 77-95-2 S46944-U 500 mg

乳酸 Citric acid neat, standard for Food & Bev. 77-92-9 S46933 500 mg

柠檬酸 L(+)-Lactic acid neat, standard for Food & Bev. 79-33-4 S46937 100 mg

顺丁烯二酸 Maleic acid neat, standard for Food & Bev. 110-16-7 S46939-U 500 mg

乙酸 Acetic acid neat, standard for Food & Bev. 64-19-7 S46928 500 mg

有机酸测试盒 Organic acid kit contains Acetic acid, L-Ascorbic acid, Benzoic acid, Butyric acid, Citric acid, Formic acid, Fumaric acid, lsobutyric acid, Dl-lsocitric acid, L-(-) Lactic acid, Maleic acid, D-Malic acid, Malonic acid, Oxalic acid, Phytic acid, Propionic acid, (-)Quinic acid, Shikimic acid, Succinic acid, D-Tartaric acid, Adipic acid, neat, standard for Food & Bev. S47264 21×500 mg

> 植物性雌激素 Phytoestrogens

中文品名 英文品名 Description CAS No. 订货号 包装


3',4',7-Trihydroxyisoflavone >99.0% 485-63-2 F91953 1 mg, 5 mg

4',7-二甲氧基异黄酮 4',7-Dimethoxyisoflavone ~98% 1157-39-7 F38763 1 mg, 5 mg

4',5,7-三羟异黄酮 4',5,7-Trihydroxyisoflavone >98.0% 485-63-2 F91955 25 mg, 100 mg

4',6,7-三甲氧基异黄酮 4',6,7-Trimethoxyisoflavone >99.0% 798-61-8 F92182 1 mg, 5 mg

4',6,7-三羟异黄酮 4',6,7-Trihydroxyisoflavone ~98% 17817-31-1 F91956 1 mg, 5 mg

5,7,4-三羟异黄酮-4',7-二甲基醚 Genistein 4',7-dimethyl ether ~95% 34086-51-6 F48754 1 mg, 5 mg

5,7-二羟黄酮 Chrysin ~98% 480-40-0 F27214 100 mg, 1 g

葛根素 Puerarin >99.0% 3681-99-0 F82435 1 mg, 5 mg

黄豆苷 Daidzin ~97% 552-66-9 F30408 1 mg, 5 mg

黄豆苷原 Daidzein >98.0% 486-66-8 F30405 5 mg, 25 mg

鸡豆黄素A Biochanin A >97.0% 491-80-5 F14385 100 mg, 1 g

鸡豆黄素配糖物 Sissostrin ~95% 5928-26-7 F85447 1 mg

基黄烷酮 Pinostrobin >99.0% 480-37-5 F80614 5 mg, 25 mg

金合欢素 Acacetin >99.0% 480-44-4 F00017 25 mg, 100 mg

栎精 Quercetin Dihydrate ~99% 6151-25-3 F83370 25 g, 100 g

芒柄花苷 Ononin >99.0% 486-62-4 F75375 1 mg, 5 mg

牛尿酚 Equol >99.0% 531-95-3 F45405 1 mg, 5 mg

漆树黄酮 Fisetin >99.0% 528-48-3 F46340 5 mg, 100 mg

芹甙元 Apigenin ~98% 520-36-5 F10798 25 mg, 100 mg

染料木苷 Genistin >99.0% 529-59-9 F48756 1 mg, 5 mg

山奈醇 Kaempferol >96% 520-18-3 F60010 25 mg, 100 mg

樱黄素 Prunetin >99.0% 552-59-0 F82415 5 mg, 25 mg

玉米烯酮 Zearalenone >98.0% 17924-92-4 F96093 5 mg, 25 mg

> 固醇类Sterols

中文品名 英文品名 Description CAS No. 订货号 包装


5--Cholestane 10 mg/ml in chloroform 481-21-0 S47124 1 ml

菜油固醇 Campesterol 100 μg/ml in chloroform 474-62-4 S47126 1 ml

胆固醇 Cholesterol 10 mg/ml in chloroform 57-88-5 S47127-U 1 ml

胆甾烷醇 5--Cholestan-3-ol 100 mg/ml in chloroform 516-92-7 S47125-U 1 ml

豆甾醇 Stigmasterol 10 mg/ml in chloroform 83-48-0 S47132 1 ml

二氢胆固醇 Dihydrocholesterol 10 mg/ml in chloroform 80-97-7 S47129 1 ml

麦角固醇 Ergosterol 10 mg/ml in chloroform 57-87-4 S47130-U 1 ml

-谷甾醇 -Sitosterol 100 μg/ml in chloroform 83-46-5 S47133 1 ml

> 维生素类 Vitamins

中文品名 英文品名 Description CAS No. 订货号 包装


DL--Tocopherol acetate neat, standard for Food & Bev., purity: >90% 7695-91-2 S47786 100 mg

核黄素B2 Riboflavin (B2) neat, standard for Food & Bev. 83-88-5 S47861 1 g

琥珀酸维生素E DL--Tocopherol succinate neat, standard for Food & Bev., purity: >95% 4345-03-3 S47782 100 mg

抗坏血酸 Ascorbic acid neat, standard for Food & Bev., purity: >96% 50-81-7 S47863 1 g

维生素A(醋酸盐) Retinol acetate neat, standard for Food & Bev., purity: >96% 127-47-9 S46958 100 mg

维生素A(棕榈酸盐) Retinol palmitate neat, standard for Food & Bev., purity: >90% 79-81-2 S46959-U 100 mg

维生素B Folic acid neat, standard for Food & Bev. 75708-92-8 S47866 500 mg

维生素B1 Thiamine hydrochloride (B1) neat, standard for Food & Bev. 67-03-8 S47858 1 g

维生素B12 Cyanocobalamin (B12) neat, standard for Food & Bev. 68-19-9 S47869 100 mg

维生素B3 D-Pantothenic acid (Hemicalcium) neat, standard for Food & Bev. 137-08-6 S47867 1 g

维生素B6 Pyridoxine hydrochloride (B6) neat, standard for Food & Bev. 59-56-0 S47862 1 g

维生素D2 Ergocalciferol (D2) neat, standard for Food & Bev., purity: >95% 50-14-6 S47768 100 mg

维生素D3 Cholecalciferol (D3) neat, standard for Food & Bev., purity: >95% 67-97-0 S47763 100 mg

维生素H D-Biotin neat, standard for Food & Bev. 58-85-5 S47868 100 mg

维生素K1 Phylloquinone (K1) neat, standard for Food & Bev., purity: >95% 84-80-0 S47773 100 mg

维生素K2 Menaquinone (K2) neat, standard for Food & Bev., purity: >95% 84-81-1 S47774 100 mg

维生素K3 Menadione (K3) neat, standard for Food & Bev., purity: >95% 58-27-5 S47775 1000 mg

烟碱 Nicotinamide (Niacinamide) neat, standard for Food & Bev. 98-92-0 S47865-U 1 g

烟碱 Nicotinic acid neat, standard for Food & Bev. 59-67-6 S47864 1 g

-维生素E DL--Tocopherol neat, standard for Food & Bev., purity: >97% 10191-41-0 S47783 100 mg

-维生素E Rac--Tocopherol neat, standard for Food & Bev., purity: >95% 148-03-8 S46401-U 1 ml

-维生素E -Tocopherol neat, standard for Food & Bev., purity: >90% 119-13-1 S47784 100 mg

-维生素E -Tocopherol neat, standard for Food & Bev., purity: >95% 54-28-4 S47785 25 mg


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