The potential utilization of Mixolab

2012-06-07 10:21  下载量:3



The aim of this study was to determine the possibility of using Mixolab to assess the quality of different wheat genotypes. Mixolab data were compared with various flour quality characteristics and bread volume. The samples were chosen to represent a wide range in terms of grain and rheological properties and baking quality. There were significant correlations between two Mixolab parameter(Stability and C2) and Zeleny sedimentation and Alveograph W values (p<0.01). Some of the Mixolab parameters (C3, C4, C5) were correlated with Alveograph G and P/L value (p<0.01). Mixolab values aregenerally in agreement with Farinograph values. There were significant negative correlations between most of the Mixolab parameters (Stability, C2, C3, C4) and Farinograph softening degree. Stability and C2 parameters of Mixolab were also significantly correlated with Farinograph stability values (p<0.01). The correlation between Mixolab stability and Farinograph stability was found to be considerably high (r=0.907, p<0.001). The Mixolab parameters C3, C4 and C5 were significantly correlated with the bread volume. Significant correlations were observed between the slope α and Zeleny sedimentation (p<0.05), Alveograph W (p<0.01), Farinograph softening degree (p<0.001) and stability (p<0.001) values. Hamit Koksel,1 Kevser Kahraman,1 Turgay Sanal,2 Dilek Sivri Ozay,1 Arnaud Dubat3 1 Hacettepe University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Food Engineering, 06800 Beytepe, Ankara, Turkey 2 Central Field Crop Research Institute, Ankara, Turkey 3 Flour and Food Department, Chopin Technologies, Villeneuve la Garenne, France



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