

型号: NB5000
产地: 日本
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Hitachi's high performance FIB-SEM provides unparalleled nano-analyses of devices and functional materials !!

Legendary Hitachi reliability and performance in an integrated system (Ultra-high performance FIB and high resolution FE-SEM) enabling high-throughput specimen preparation, high resolution imaging and analysis and precision nanofabrication. New low-damage fabrication techniques have been developed for materials sensitive to electron irradiation. Innovations in sample loading, sample navigation, and Micro-sampling increase analysis efficiency(*1)


Ultra-high performance FIB

  • Low CsFIB optics(*2) deliver 50nA or more of beam current (@40kV) in an about 1µm spot-size. The high current enables unconventional large-area milling, hard material fabrication and high throughput multiple specimen preparation.

New Micro-sampling

  • Hitachi's patented Micro-sampling technology provides smooth probe motion. Also, the probe can be used for newly developed absorbed current imaging(*1) to aid fault isolation.

High precision end-point detection

  • High resolution SEM allows high precision end-point detection. Section-view function, which displays an outline of the cross-section utilizing the real-time FIB image, is ideal for preparing electron irradiation sensitive specimens like low-K material.

High resolution SEM

  • Hitachi's unparalleled SEM column and detector design(*2) enables high resolution SEM imaging during and after FIB fabrication.

Holder compatibility with TEM/STEM(*1)(*2)

  • A side entry STEM/TEM-type staqe(*1) allows the use of the same specimen holder (compatible with NB5000 and Hitachi TEM/STEM). No tweezer handling of specimen during transfer results in higher throughput TEM/STEM analysis.

(*1):Optional accessory
(*2):Hitachi patent
Low Cs FIB optics: patent pending, Micro-sampling: JP2774884/US5270552, Section-view function: patent pending, SEM column and detector design: JP3081393/US5387793, Holder compatibility: JP2842083


FIB Accelerating voltage 1 - 40kV
Beam current 50 nA or more @ 40kV (CP)
SIM resolution 5nm @ 40kV (CP)
Magnification ×60 - ×250,000
Ion source Ga Liquid Metal Ion Source
Lens system Low Cs 2-stage electrostatic lens system
SEM Accelerating voltage 0.5 - 30kV
SEM resolution 1.0nm @ 15kV (CP)
Magnification High Mag mode ×250 - ×800,000
Low Mag mode ×70 - ×2,000
Electron source ZrO/W Schottky emission
Lens system 3-stage electromagnetic lens reduction system
Signal selection SEM Upper SE, Lower SE, Absorbed current(*1)
FIB Lower SE, Absorbed current(*1)
Eucentric stage Traverse range X: 50mm (30mm(*2)),
Y: 50mm (30mm(*2)), Z: 22mm
T: -1.5 - 58.3°, R: 360°
Sample size Maximum diameter Φ50mm (Φ30mm(*2))
Deposition Material Tungsten/Carbon (changeable)
Micro-sampling Probe exchange Load lock type
Additional function Touch sensing, Absorbed current imaging(*1)

CP:Beam Cross Point

(*1):Optional accessory
(*2):When side entry stage is ordered


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当前位置: 日立科学仪器 仪器 聚焦离子束&电子束装置NB5000


