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Company profile

昆山市超声仪器有限公司(Kun Shan Ultrasonic Instruments Co., Ltd)位于江苏省昆山市淀山湖畔,是国内最大的专业研发、制造、经营超声波清洗设备的企业,产品注册舒美(ShuMei)、OK商标。 公司成立于1987年1月,注册资金3000万,占地面积50000平方米,厂房面积38000平方米,公司员工超过300名,在全国各主要城市共计设立30个办事处,已形成了庞大而高效的销售和服务网络。 公司经过二十多年的发展,现已成为一家具备研发、试制以及流水线制造超声波清洗设备的专业企业,产品严格采用国际标准进行配件和生产,并经国家标准化管理委员会备案。现年生产量已突破两万台,主要产品有:超声波清洗器、医用数码全自动三频超声喷淋清洗消毒器、超声波细胞粉碎机、超声波塑焊机、水流压力喷洗设备及水质处理设备等。产品广泛应用于医疗卫生、大专院校、铁路、交通、纺织、冶金、石油、化工、电子、科研、国防及家庭等。 十多年来公司连续被政府相关部门评定为“重合同、守信用”企业及“AAA级”资信等级企业。 2005年, 公司通过英国国家质量保证有限公司ISO9001:2000的审核、注册和ISO13485:2003国际质量体系认证。 2006年,被国家工商联、国家安全生产监督管理总局、国家质量监督检验检疫总局、新华社、中国行业名牌办公室授予“中国名牌超声波清洗设备”称号。 2007年,被全国高科技质量监督促进工作委员会评为“全国质量信誉•AAA企业”。 2008年,荣获中国仪器仪表学会“科技创新奖”称号。 2009年,KQ系列医用数码全自动三频超声喷淋清洗消毒器通过国家级鉴定,并获多项国家专利。 2010年,被认定为江苏省级技术中心, 荣获中国仪器仪表学会“科学技术奖二等奖”。 KUN SHAN ULTRASONIC INSTRUMENTS CO., LTD is located in the Dian Shan Lake-Town, Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province. Which is a professional enterprise of researching and developing、manufacturing、managing ultrasonic cleaning equipment, products registered trademarks Shu Mei、OK. Company was founded in January 1987, registered capital of RMB 30 million, covers an area of 50,000 square meters, plant area of 38,000 square meters, more than 300 employees,setting up a total of 30 offices,which has formed a large and efficient sales and service network in China. With the last two decades development, our enterprise has developed into a research and development assembly line, strict international standards for product components and production, and by the National Standardization Management Committee for the record. Annual output has exceeded 20,000 units, major products: Ultrasonic Cleaner, Medical Digital Three Frequency Full-automatic Ultrasonic Washing Disinfector、Ultrasonic Cell Crusher、Ultrasonic Plastic Welder etc. Products widely used in the healthcare、college institutions、railway、 transport、 textile、metallurgy、petroleum、chemical、electronic、scientific research, national defense and family etc. For more than a decade, was classified as “Heavy Contract, Keep Promise” business and“A.A.A class”credit ratings business by the relevant government departments. In 2005, has passed the British National Quality Assurance Ltd. ISO9001: 2000 audit, registration and ISO13485: 2003 international quality system certification. In 2006, was awarded as “China Famous Brand of Ultrasonic Cleaning Equipment”by the National Federation of Industry and Commerce, the State Administration of Work Safety, State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, the Xinhua News Agency, Chinese brand-name industry's Office. In 2007, was awarded as “National Quality A.A.A Credit Enterprise” by the National Committee for Quality Supervision. In 2008, was awarded as “Technology Innovation Award”by the China Instrument Society. In 2009, KQ series of Medical Digital Full-automatic Three Frequency Ultrasonic Washing Disinfector has passed national identification, and obtained many national patents. In 2010, was recognized as a provincial technology center--"Jiangsu Province Ultrasonic Instrument Engineering Research Center".

Business information


  • 详细地址: 江苏省昆山市淀山湖镇曙光路198号
  • 邮编: 215345
  • 联系人: 刘小姐
  • 联系电话: 0512-57498821
  • Email: 613663753@qq.com


  • 详细地址: 江苏省昆山市淀山湖镇曙光路198号
  • 邮编: 215345
  • 联系人: 张经理
  • 联系电话: 18962635700
  • Email: 613663791@qq.com
当前位置: 昆山超声 简介


