夏日炎炎,来杯鸡尾酒吧! -- 英国Bibby 与斯蒂芬森将分子蒸发引入调酒术

英国Bibby Scientific集团日前宣布与斯蒂芬森公司(Aske Stephenson),全球领先的酒饮料生产商,正式建立合作伙伴关系。斯蒂芬森公司将使用Bibby 的台式仪器,如其子品牌 Stuart 的RE300 旋转蒸发仪,来制作其创新的预调鸡尾酒。


英国Bibby旗下子品牌Stuart 的旋转蒸发仪,在可靠性,安全性与用户友好方面表现极佳。 它被广泛用于科研院校与制药公司的化学实验室。该旋转蒸发仪也可在真空下使用,以期达到更完美的蒸馏效果,满足斯蒂芬森鸡尾酒调酒术的要求。


“制作鸡尾酒时,我们需要蒸馏其酒精成份;但是在蒸馏的过程中所产生的热量会破坏鸡尾酒的口味”, 斯蒂芬森负责人Thomas Aske 解释道。“如果用RE300抽真空,整个系统的压力减少,我们可以在更低的温度下蒸馏酒精成份,让我们的鸡尾酒在口感上更刺激,更耐人寻味,印象深刻。”


Bibby 的产品经理助理 Katy Bridge 说到:“我们为能帮助斯蒂芬森研发创新的鸡尾酒而感到非常兴奋。我们看到了更多的新兴行业,如鸡尾酒调酒学行业,对使用科学仪器技术的兴趣在逐步增长。Stuart 仪器的可靠性与使用方便性,使这些兴趣成为可能。”


斯蒂芬森目前应用Bibby 的技术,制作了以下三款获奖鸡尾酒:

1)花生黄油与果酱,怀旧版 – 金牌

2)皮味与核桃,萨泽拉克鸡尾酒– 金牌

3)幻想鸡尾 – 大师奖



Bibby Scientific and Aske Stephenson bring molecular mixing to cocktail mixology

Bibby Scientific announced today that it has formed a partnership with Aske Stephenson, a pioneering alcoholic beverage manufacturer, who will be using benchtop laboratory instruments from Bibby such as the Stuart? RE300 Rotary Evaporator to produce innovative pre-bottled cocktails. Aske Stephenson specialises in developing hand-produced cocktails that are designed to introduce consumers to new and unusual flavour combinations, using a scientific approach that pushes taste boundaries. 

Bibby Scientific's Stuart Rotary Evaporators are extremely reliable, safe and user-friendly instruments that are used widely in chemistry laboratories in universities and pharmaceutical companies. The Rotary Evaporators can also operate under vacuum, making them perfect for the unique distillation requirements of Aske Stephenson's cocktail mixology. 

"We needed to distil alcoholic liquids for making our cocktails, but the distillation process generates heat that can impair the cocktail flavours," explained Thomas Aske, Aske Stephenson. "By placing the RE300 under vacuum, the pressure of the system is lowered, so we can distil our alcoholic liquids at lower temperatures and maximise the impact of our unusual flavours."

Katy Bridge, Assistant Product Manager at Bibby Scientific said, "We're really excited to be able to support Aske Stephenson in developing these innovative new cocktails. We're seeing increasing interest in applying scientific technologies to creative industries such as cocktail mixology, where the reliability and ease-of-use of Stuart instruments makes these lab science principles much more accessible."

Aske Stephenson is currently using Bibby's technologies to produce three award-winning cocktails: 

Peanut Butter & Jam Old Fashioned (Gold medal winner)
American Whiskey macerated with peanut butter and jam before being redistilled under pressure and seasoned. 

Leather & Walnut Sazerac (Gold medal winner)
This Sazerac takes inspiration from classic luxury goods by distilling American rye whiskey under pressure with leather and ground walnuts before being sweetened and bittered to perfection. 

The Revery (Masters award winner)
A modern day interpretation of the spritzer, The Revery combines London Dry Gin with a beeswax-washed vermouth, amaro and acid phosphate. 

About Aske Stephenson
Aske Stephenson is the brainchild of Thomas Aske and Tristan Stephenson; renowned experts within the alcoholic beverage industry. Aske and Stephenson have spent a combined 30 years in the drinks business having owned and operated award winning venues such as The Worship Street Whistling Shop, Purl London, Dach & Sons and Surf-side, as well as co-founding Fluid Movement, a bar consultancy and events company. Fluid Movement has consulted globally on the beverage operation for numerous award winning venues such as Gymkhana in Mayfair and Vesper in Bangkok. The new venture, Aske Stephenson, is focused on providing a selection of pre-bottled cocktails that aim to push boundaries and change perceptions. Each innovative product will be produced by hand at the manufacturing facility located in Mile End before being packaged and shipped. 

关于语特 和 英国Bibby / 德国ART / 德国CAT / 瑞士Gerber Instruments


广州语特仪器科技有限公司专注于搅拌器/分散乳化机等实验室样品制备等通用仪器, 熔点仪/光度计/冰点仪等分析仪器,以及PCR等生命科学仪器。 作为英国比比(Bibby )在中国南方的首代,广东,广西,四川,重庆,云南,海南,贵州和西藏是我司的服务范围。语特公司也是德国ART, 德国CAT,瑞士Gerber Instruments 在中国的首代。

※   英国BIBBY 成立于上个世纪50年代,作为英国最大的实验室科学仪器生产商,  旗下有4个子品牌:Stuart,Techne,Jenway,Electrothermal. 专注于样品前处理等通用实验室仪器(如:熔点仪, 搅拌器, 混匀器,摇床, 培养箱,干浴器/氮吹仪,水浴,菌落计数器, 纯水蒸馏器),分子生物学研究设备(基因扩增仪PCR,荧光定量,杂交箱);分光光度计/超微量紫外等分析仪器,及平行反应工作站相关产品。       

※   德国ART 成立于上个世纪,是德国乃至全球的专业分散乳化专家。其分散乳化产品从实验室仪器,中试产品到工业设备, 分散头种类组合高达上百种;应用领域覆盖了化工,化妆品,制药,食品,环保等各大领域。

※   德国CAT 成立于上个世纪50年代,是德国样品制备仪器方面的专家之一, 以”品质稳定”而闻名。其顶置式搅拌器种类多样,从手持式,教学用,到科研通用型,高粘度型,是CAT的代表产品线。

※   瑞士Gerber Instruments 有超过120的历史,是专注于乳食品行业的典型代表。其产品冰点仪, 乳脂离心机, 食品专用PH计, 流出式粘度计等, 风靡欧洲及其它大陆国家。 



当前位置: 广州语特 动态 夏日炎炎,来杯鸡尾酒吧! -- 英国Bibby 与斯蒂芬森将分子蒸发引入调酒术


