电热套免费烧化,加热化学样品更放心了! -- 英国Bibby 的贴心举措

英国Bibby Scientific集团近日宣布子品牌Electrothermal,全球领先的电热套生产商,对其所有的电热套都提供免费的出厂前烧化处理;这样科学家们在实验时,无需预处理,即可立即使用电热套对各种尺寸的化学样品试剂瓶进行加热/搅拌。不愧更安全的贴心举措!

Electrothermal 于1943年在英国领先发明了电热套,当初设计的目的是用它作为气体燃烧器,油浴及电热线圈加热的一个更新替代产品。现在Electrothermal 的电热套在英国Bibby Scientific集团组装生产。每个电热套都在出厂前进行了烧化处理,这样用户在实验前无需再重复进行这样的烧化步骤,以免导致有害气体,或者铜丝上的残留粘物挥发散出,影响人身安全。


Electrothermal 电热套,具有防震和凉外壳设计 -- 即使加热至450°C, 仍然防化学腐蚀,经久耐用。


“我们生产电热套有70多年的历史了;我们的产品功能,产品质量与安全纪录有目共睹。”Bibby 的产品经理Amy Rushton 说到。“我们的电热套非常耐用,是包括科研院校在内的所有实验室,对化学样品进行加热/搅拌的最佳选择。”在欧美品牌中,Bibby 也是能提供同时加热和搅拌功能电热套的唯一厂商。为Bibby点赞!

Bibby Scientific's Electromantles? from Electrothermal are engineered for safe and reliable heating of lab chemicals

Bibby Scientific announced that Electrothermal, the world's leading manufacturer of heating mantles, now provides a free "burn-off" process for all new Electromantles? prior to shipping. This allows lab scientists to use their Electrothermal mantles immediately for safe and reliable heating of chemicals and liquids in vessels of various shapes and sizes.

Electrothermal pioneered the UK's original laboratory heating mantle in 1943 as a dependable and efficient heating alternative to gas burners, oil baths or electric glow coils. Today, Electrothermal's mantles are hand-sewn and assembled at Bibby Scientific UK. Each mantle also undergoes the required "burn-off" process on-site, so that customers no longer need to carry out this task, which typically results in release of an unpleasant gas and sticky brown residue. 

Electrothermal mantles are designed to be shock-proof, cool to touch - even when heating at temperatures up to 450°C, chemically resistant and highly durable.

"We've been engineering Electromantles for over 70 years, and our focus on product functionality and user safety is evident from our enviable quality and safety record," said Amy Rushton, Product Manager, Bibby Scientific. "Our mantles are proven to last for many years and are ideal for chemistry labs of all types, including multi-user labs in schools and universities."



关于语特 和 英国Bibby / 德国ART / 德国CAT / 瑞士Gerber Instruments

广州语特仪器科技有限公司专注于搅拌器/分散乳化机等实验室样品制备等通用仪器, 熔点仪/光度计/冰点仪等分析仪器,以及PCR等生命科学仪器。 作为英国比比(Bibby )在中国南方的首代,广东,广西,四川,重庆,云南,海南,贵州和西藏是我司的服务范围。语特公司也是德国ART, 德国CAT,瑞士Gerber Instruments 在中国的首代。

※   英国BIBBY 成立于上个世纪50年代,作为英国最大的实验室科学仪器生产商,  旗下有4个子品牌:Stuart,Techne,Jenway,Electrothermal. 专注于样品前处理等通用实验室仪器(如:熔点仪, 搅拌器, 混匀器,摇床, 培养箱,干浴器/氮吹仪,水浴,菌落计数器, 纯水蒸馏器),分子生物学研究设备(基因扩增仪PCR,荧光定量,杂交箱);分光光度计/超微量紫外等分析仪器,及平行反应工作站相关产品。       

※   德国ART 成立于上个世纪,是德国乃至全球最专业的分散乳化专家。其分散乳化产品从实验室仪器,中试产品到工业设备, 分散头种类组合高达上百种;应用领域覆盖了化工,化妆品,制药,食品,环保等各大领域。

※   德国CAT 成立于上个世纪50年代,是德国样品制备仪器方面的专家之一, 以”品质稳定”而闻名。其顶置式搅拌器种类多样,从手持式,教学用,到科研通用型,高粘度型,是CAT的代表产品线。

※   瑞士Gerber Instruments 有超过120的历史,是专注于乳食品行业的典型代表。其产品冰点仪, 乳脂离心机, 食品专用PH计, 流出式粘度计等, 风靡欧洲及其它大陆国家。     



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