
供货周期: 现货
品牌: TSZ
规格: 48T/96T
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大鼠解整合素样金属蛋白酶19(ADAM19)检测试剂盒 Rat A Disintegrin And Metalloprotease 19,ADAM19 ELISA Kit ,产品别名: 大鼠解整合素样金属蛋白酶19(ADAM19)检测试剂盒 ,商用名称: 大鼠解整合素样金属蛋白酶19(ADAM19)检测试剂盒


1. 从-20℃取出的试剂盒,最好在4℃解冻过夜。盒内每一瓶解冻的溶液在开启瓶盖之前都要轻轻摇匀,避免解冻时出现的分层,否则会出现浓度不均一的现象。

2. 开启试剂盒之前要室温平衡至少30分钟。

3. 配制各种试剂时,切记混匀!

4. 用户在初次使用试剂盒时,应将各种试剂管离心数分钟,以便试剂集中到管底。

5. 建议所有小鼠TSH标准品、样本都做双份检测。

6. 要严格避免操作过程中酶标板干燥。干燥会使酶标板上生物成份迅速失活!

7. 为免交叉污染,要避免重复使用手中的吸头和试管。

A68308 PARC/CCL18(Human pulmonary activation regulated chemokine) ELISA Kit  人肺部活化调节趋化因子 48T

A68309 MAdCAM-1(Human mucosal addressin cell adhesion molecule-1) ELISA Kit  人黏膜地址素细胞黏附分子 48T

A68310 IFN- Beta/IFNB(Human Interferon Beta) ELISA Kit  人β干扰素 48T

A68311 sCD38(Human Soluble Cluster of differentiation 38) ELISA Kit  人可溶性CD38 48T

A68312 CR2/sCD21(Human Soluble Cluster of differentiation 21) ELISA Kit  人可溶性CD21 48T

A68313 sLR(Human Leptin Soluble Receptor) ELISA Kit  人可溶性瘦素受体 48T

A68314 TLR-9/CD289(Human Toll-like receptor 9) ELISA kit  人Toll样受体9 48T

A68315 TGF Beta2(Human transforming growth factors Beta2) ELISA Kit  人转化生长因子β2 48T

A68316 MCP-4/CCL13(Human monocyte chemotactic protein 4) ELISA kit  人单核细胞趋化蛋白4 48T

A68317 LTD4(Human leukotriene D4) ELISA Kit  人白三烯D4 48T

A68318 N-Cad(Human Neural-Cadherin) ELISA kit  人N钙黏蛋白/神经钙黏蛋白 48T

A68319 HB-EGF(Human heparin-binding epidermal growth factor-like growth factor) ELISA Kit  人肝素结合性表皮生长因子 48T

A68320 ESF(Human erythropoiesis stimulating factor) ELISA Kit  人红细胞刺激因子 48T

A68321 TRANCE(Human TNF related activation induced cytokine) ELISA Kit  人肿瘤坏死因子相关激活诱导因子 48T

A68322 GH-RF(Human growth hormone relasing factor) ELISA Kit  人生长激素释放因子 48T

A68323 MCF(Human macrophage chemotatic factor) ELISA Kit  人巨噬细胞趋化因子 48T

A68324 IFN- Alpha/ BetaR(Human Interferon Alpha/ BetaReceptor) ELISA Kit  人α/β干扰素受体 48T

A68325 BCGF(Human B cell growth protein) ELISA Kit  人B细胞生长因子 48T

A68326 BCDF(Human B cell differetiation factor) ELISA Kit  人B细胞分化因子 48T

A68327 Ep-CAM/CD362(Human Epithelial Cell Adhesion Molecule) ELISA Kit  人上皮细胞粘附分子 48T

A68328 Sam(Human soluble adhesion molecules) ELISA Kit  人可溶性粘附分子 48T

A68329 AmAC-1(Human Alternative macrophage activation-associated CC chemokine 1) ELISA Kit  人巨噬细胞替代激活相关化学因子1 48T

A68330 VEGFR-2/sFLK-1(Human soluble vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-2) ELISA Kit  人可溶性血管内皮生长因子受体2 48T

A68331 TSLP(Human thymic stromal lymphopoietin) ELISA Kit  人胸腺基质淋巴细胞生成素 48T 

A68332 PF/PFP(Human Perforin/Pore-forming protein) ELISA Kit  人穿孔素/成孔蛋白 48T

A68333 PTN(Human pleiotrophin) ELISA Kit  人多效生长因子 48T

A68334 sCD28(human soluble cluster of differentiation 28) ELISA Kit  人可溶性CD28 48T

A68335 Human lymphocyte factor ELISA Kit  人淋巴细胞因子 48T

A68336 TARC/CCL17(Human thymus activation regulated chemokine) ELISA Kit  人胸腺活化调节趋化因子 48T

A68337 NCAM-L1/CD171(Human Neural cell adhesion molecule ligand 1) ELISA Kit  人神经细胞粘附分子配体1 48T

A68338 CVNPF(Human Cobra venom neuronal protective factor) ELISA Kit  人神经保护因子 48T

A68339 sTNF AlphaR(Human soluble Tumor Necrosis Factor Alphareceptor) ELISA Kit  人可溶性肿瘤坏死因子α受体 48T

A68340 sCKR(Human soluble cytokine receptor) ELISA Kit  人可溶性细胞因子受体 48T

A68341 sFASL(Human soluble Factor-related Apoptosis ligand) ELISA Kit  人可溶性凋亡相关因子配体 48T

A68342 IAP(Human inhibitor of apoptosis) ELISA Kit  人细胞凋亡抑制因子 48T

A68343 CSF(Human colony-stimulating factor) ELISA Kit  人集落刺激因子 48T

A68344 MIGF/CXCL9(Human monocyte interferon gamma inducing factor) ELISA Kit  人γ干扰素诱导单核细胞因子 48T

A68345 ITAC/CXCL11(Human Interferon inducible T-cell Chemoattractant) ELISA Kit  人干扰素诱导T细胞趋化因子 48T

大鼠解整合素样金属蛋白酶19(ADAM19)检测试剂盒A68346 CDl4(Human cluster Of differentiation) ELISA Kit  人CD14分子 48T

A68347 AIF(Human apoptosis inducing factor) ELISA Kit  人凋亡诱导因子 48T

A68348 LCA/CD45(Human leukocyte common antigen) ELISA Kit  人白细胞共同抗原 48T


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