



Imaging large regions of the spinal cord of GFP-M mice

(a) Entire spinal cord of a GFP-M mouse cut into 3- to 4-mm-long segments, cleared and imaged with ultramicroscopy. (b) Drawing of the ultramicroscopy setup showing tissue positioning and the light path. (c) A spinal cord segment (length 4 mm, T12 to L2 spine level) of a GFP-M mouse scanned with ultramicroscopy shown in a horizontal view. (d) Cross-view projection (50-µm thickness) of the indicated region in c. White arrows in c,d mark individual axons in the white matter; red arrows mark cell bodies in the gray matter. (e) Traced white and gray matter boundaries and axon bundles (yellow arrows).



Double Labeling of β-Amyloid Plaques and Reactive Microgliosis, Axonal Dystrophy, or Vasculature in Cleared AD Brains with Volume Imaging

(A)confocal image of β-amyloid plaques and cell nuclei double staining in a 17-month-old2xTg AD cleared mouse brain. (B) Confocal optical slices of microglia stained with anti-Iba1 antibody. (C) 3D surface rendering of four isolated β-amyloid plaques and neighboring microglia cells from the AD brain described in (B). (D)Maximum intensity projection of β-amyloid plaques and neuro filament H staining in a10-month-old 2xTgAD cleared mouse cortex(500mmthick). (E)Magnified region from (D) showing labeled axons in absence of β-amyloid plaques. (F) Magnified region from (D) showing dystrophic axons surrounding labeled β-amyloid plaques. (G) Maximum intensity projection of optical section (1mm) from the cortex of an 11-month-old 2xTgAD mouse brain labeled for plaques (anti-b amyloid anti-bodies) and vasculature. (H)Maximum intensity projection of optical section (1mm) from the cortex and hippocampus of an 8-month-old 2xTgAD mouse brain labeled for plaques (Congored) and vasculature.

Chung等人通过CLARITY技术获得透明而完整的小鼠大脑,利用Thy1–eYFP信号实现了对小鼠大脑神经元进行远距离投射、神经回路、细胞关系、亚细胞结构、蛋白质复合物、 核酸和神经递质的成像。展现了大脑中复杂的精细连接和分子结构。


Intact adult mouse brain imaging

a, Cajal quote before CLARITY. b, Cajal quote after CLARITY: Thy1–eYFP line-H mouse brain after hydrogel–tissue hybridization, ETC and refractive-index matching. c, Fluorescence image of brain depicted in b. d, Dorsal aspect is imaged, then brain is inverted and ventral aspect imaged. e, Three-dimensional rendering of clarified brain imaged;f, Non sectioned mouse brain tissue showing cortex, hippocampus and thalamus;g–l, Optical sections from f showing negligible resolution;m, Cross-section of axons in clarified Thy1–channelrhodopsin2 (ChR2)–eYFP striatum;n, Dendrites and spines of neurons in clarified Thy1–eYFP line-H cortex.



Construction of a single-cell-resolution mouse brain atlas (CUBIC-Atlas)

a, Overview of construction of the CUBIC-Atlas. b, The CUBIC-Atlas. Horizontal, sagittal and coronal view of single-plane images (left) and volume-rendered images (right) of the CUBIC-Atlas. c–j, Major anatomical areas in the CUBIC-Atlas. k, Overview of whole-brain cell counting in C57BL/6N 8-week-old male mice. l, Cell numbers in each brain area.


目前组织透明化方法有油性,基于水凝胶和水性的组织透明化方法。其中油性组织透明化方法主要有BABB, 3DISCO, uDISCO,FDISCO和 PEGASOS等,基于水凝胶的透明化方法有CLARITY和SHIELD,水性组织透明化方法有CLearT/CLearT2,SeeDB, FRUIT, Scale和CUBIC等方法。而锘海研发的透明化试剂盒依托测样服务中积累到的丰富而宝贵的经验,对各种透明化方法进行测试和比较后对试剂配方进行了精心优化,使其在组织荧光保护、样本形态维持、降低自发荧光等方面表现出非常优异的性能,是研究神经科学的不二之选。




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