
期刊:Journal of Experimental Botany


标题:Tissue-specific respiratory burst oxidase   homologue -dependent H2O2 signaling to the plasma membrane H+-ATPase   confers potassium uptake and salinity tolerance in Cucurbitaceae


检测指标: K+流速



5日龄黄瓜幼苗,75mM NaCl处理24小时


0.5mM KCl,0.1mM CaCl2,pH 5.7



Potassium (K+) is a critical determinant ofsalinity   tolerance, and H2O2 has been recognised as an important   signalingmolecule that mediates many physiological responses. However,   the details onhow H2O2 signaling regulates potassium uptake in the root under salt stressremain elusive. In this study, the salt sensitive   cucumber and salt tolerantpumpkin which belong to the same family   cucurbitaceae were used to answer theabove question.

Weshow that higher salt tolerance in pumpkin was   related to its superior abilityfor K+ uptake and higher H2O2   accumulation in the root apex. Transcriptomeanalysis showed that   salinity induced 5886 (3005 up and 2811 down) and 4679(3965 up and 714   down) differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in cucumber andpumpkin,   respectively. DEGs encoding NADPH oxidase (RBOHD), 14-3-3   protein(GRF12), plasma membrane H+- ATPase (AHA1) and potassium   transporter (HAK5)showed higher expression in pumpkin than cucumber   under salinity stress.Treatment with a NADPH oxidase inhibitor   diphenylene iodonium resulted in alower RBOHD, GRF12, AHA1 and HAK5   expression, reduced plasma membrane H+-ATPase activity, and smaller K+   uptake, resulting in a loss of salinitytolerance trait in pumpkin. The   opposite results were obtained when the plantswere pre-treated with   exogenous H2O2. Knocking out of RBOHD in pumpkin byCRISPR-Cas9 editing   of coding sequences resulted in lower root apex H2O2 and K+content and   GRF12, AHA1 and HAK5 expression, ultimately resulting in asalt-sensitive  phenotype. However, ectopic expression of pumpkin RBOHD inArabidopsis led to the opposite effect.

Taken together, this study shows that   RBOHD-dependent H2O2 signaling in the root apex is important for the   pumpkin salttolerance and suggests a novel mechanism that confers this   trait, namelyRBOHD-mediated transcriptional and post-translational   activation of plasmamembrane H+-ATPase operating upstream of HAK5 K+   uptake transporters.



我们表明,南瓜中较高的耐盐性与其对根尖的K   +吸收能力和较高的H2O2积累有关。转录组分析显示盐度分别诱导黄瓜和南瓜中5886(3005上和下2811下)和4679(3965上和下714)差异表达基因(DEG)。在盐胁迫下,编码NADPH氧化酶(RBOHD),14-3-3蛋白(GRF12),质膜H+-   ATP酶(AHA1)和钾转运蛋白(HAK5)的DEGs在南瓜中的表达高于黄瓜。用NADPH氧化酶抑制剂二亚苯基碘处理导致较低的RBOHD,GRF12,AHA1和HAK5表达,降低的质膜H+-   ATP酶活性和较小的K+摄取,导致南瓜中盐度耐受性状的丧失。当用外源H2O2预处理植物时获得相反的结果。通过编码序列的CRISPR-Cas9编辑敲除南瓜中的RBOHD导致较低的根尖H2O2和K+含量以及GRF12,AHA1和HAK5表达,最终导致盐敏感表型。然而,拟南芥中南瓜RBOHD的异位表达导致相反的效果。

总之,本研究表明,根尖中依赖RBOHD的H2O2信号传导对南瓜耐盐性具有重要意义,并提示了一种赋予这种特性的新机制,即RBOHD介导的质膜H+-ATPase的转录和翻译后激活。 HAK5 K+摄取转运蛋白的上游。

Figure 7. Relative expression of GRF (14-3-3   protein), AHA (plasma membrane H+-ATPase) and HAK5 (high affinity K+   transporter) in the root apex of cucumber (A, C, E) and pumpkin (B, D,   F) exposed to 75 mM NaCl for 24 h. (G) to (J): plasma membrane H+-ATPase  activity and net K+ flux measured after 24 h of exposure to 75 mM NaCl  stress from the root apex pre-treated for 1 h in solutions containing specific chemicals (DPI, an NADPH oxidase inhibitor, H2O2) in cucumber (G, I) and pumpkin (H, J). Values are the mean ± SE (n=4). Different   letters indicate significant difference (P < 0.05) according to   Duncan's multiple range tests. The gene ID for cucumber GRF, AHA and   HAK5 is Csa3G890040 (GRF8), Csa1G045600 (AHA11) and Csa3G835810 (HAK5), and it is CmoCh01G016540 (GRF12), CmoCh11G003690 (AHA1) and   CmoCh08G004000 (HAK5) for pumpkin.



当前位置: 旭月公司 动态 JXB:华中农大丨南瓜和黄瓜耐盐性差异的分子机制(附NMT实验体系)


