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Company profile

北京中和测通仪器有限责任公司总部位于北京市高新技术产业园区,是一家专业从事光谱分析仪器研发和生产制造的公司,是中国分析仪器行业著名的仪器供应商和专业技术服务企业。公司集研发、制造、销售和服务于一体,有着完善的管理体系并且通过ISO9001质量体系认证,公司专注于新一代光电测量技术、分析技术的研究与开发,致力于工业过程控制及实验室分析提供整体解决方案,并荣获北京市高新技术企业认定。 北京中和测通仪器有限责任公司经过多年对高精尖技术的研究,研发制造出多款满足国内外市场需求的分析测量仪器。仪器融合了多项自主创新技术与国际高端品牌的先进技术。符合国际规范的生产线和检验流程,保证了产品的性能和品质。产品广泛应用于冶金、铸造、机械加工、电力、食品、医药、饲料等行业。公司提供的产品技术先进,可靠性高,得到了广大的客户群的普遍欢迎和赞誉,多款产品已成为行业内的知名品牌。   北京中和测通仪器有限责任公司在金属分析行业,拥有长达多年的行业经验,享有良好的声誉;公司的销售工程师具有高度的敬业精神,严格遵守职业道德,关心客户需求;公司专业化的应用研究和技术服务团队始终保持热情与专注,为中国用户提供一流的技术服务。   Beijing Zhonghe measurement instrument limited liability company headquarters is located in Beijing high tech Industrial Park, is an analytical instrument development and manufacturing company specialized in the spectrum, is China analytical instrument industry well-known equipment suppliers and professional technical service enterprises. The company focused on a new generation of photoelectric measurement technology research and application development of analysis technology the analysis is committed to industrial process control and laboratories to provide the overall solution. Beijing Zhonghe Measurement Instrument Co. Ltd. through research on advanced technology for many years, R & D and manufacturing of a variety of products to meet the measurement and analysis of the domestic and international market demand. Advanced technology products in the integration of a number of independent innovation and international high-end brands. The production line process and comply with international norms, to ensure product performance and quality. The products are widely used in metallurgy, casting, machining, electric power, food, medicine, detection and analysis of feed and other industries. The company provides products with advanced technology, high reliability, the majority of customers widely welcome and praise, a variety of products has become the industry well-known brands. Beijing Zhonghe measurement instrument limited liability company in metal analysis industry, has many years of experience in the industry enjoyed a good reputation; the company's sales engineer with a high degree of professionalism, strictly abide by the occupation morals, concerned about customer needs; application of professional research and technical service team, always keep the enthusiasm and attention to provide technical services class for Chinese users.

Business information
当前位置: 北京中和测通 简介


