美GMW 电流测量

美GMW 电流测量

参考价:¥10万 - 30万
型号: Electric Current Measurement
产地: 美国
品牌: GMW
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DaniSense DC/AC High Accuracy Current Transducers

PEM CWT Ultra Mini AC Current Probe

PEM CWT Mini50HF AC Current Probe

Very high accuracy current measurement for power converters, motor drives, electrochemistry, particle accelerator electromagnets, MRI gradient magnets.

Clip-around AC Current Probe. A Rogowski Coil thin enough to fit between the legs of a T0220 semiconductor device. Insertion impedance < 5pH.

Clip-around AC Current Probe. Shielded for dV/dt rejection and increased HF bandwidth.

•Peak Current: ±60A .. ±10000A
•Overall Accuracy: ~10ppm
•Bandwidth: DC – 5kHz .. DC – 1MHz (-3dB) (depends on model)

•Peak Current: ±30A .. ±6kA
•Coil Circumference: 80mm (standard) to 300mm (max)
•Coil Cross Section: 1.6mm
•Bandwidth: 2.0Hz to 30MHz (-3dB)

•Peak Current: ±30A .. ±3kA
•Coil Circumference: 100mm (standard)
•Coil Cross Section: 3.5mm
•Bandwidth: 3.0Hz to 50MHz (-3dB)

PEM CWT Mini/MiniHF AC Current Probe

PEM CWT AC Current Probe

PEM LFR Dual-Range AC Current Probe

The MiniHF version adds electrostatic shielding for reduced interference from fast local dV/dt transients or high 50/60Hz voltages.

The CWT is ideal for power electronics development work because it combines an easy to use thin, flexible, clip-around coil with an ability to accurately replicate fast switching current waveforms.

A dual range, clip-around, battery powered AC probe for general purpose ac power measurements. The LFR has a 10:1 switch selectable current ratio to give a wide dynamic range in a single probe.

•Peak Current: ±30A .. ±30kA
•Coil Circumference: 100mm (standard) to 300mm (max)
•Coil Cross Section: 3.5mm (2kV isolation) or 4.5mm (5kV isolation)
•Bandwidth: 0.03Hz to 30MHz (-3dB)

•Peak Current: ±30A .. ±300kA
•Coil Circumference: 300 .. 1000mm (standard) to 10000mm (max)
•Coil Cross Section: 8.5mm
•Bandwidth: 0.0038Hz to 16MHz (-3dB)

•Peak Current: ±60A .. ±600kA
•Coil Circumference: 300 .. 1000mm (standard)
•Coil Cross Section: 8.5mm
•Bandwidth: 0.07Hz to 1MHz (-3dB)

PEM CMC Common Mode Current Probe

PEM RCT AC Current Probe

GMW DC/AC Clip-on Current Probe

A clip-around, current probe to measure high frequency common mode currents which flow from a variable speed motor drive to ground via the bearings in AC drive systems.

AC Rogowski Coils with a DIN Rail Mounted Integrator for permanent or semi-permanent installation on equipment. They are exceptionally simple to retrofit into existing plant.

Electrically isolated measurement of high electric currents without disconnection of the primary conductor.

•Peak Current: ±37.5A .. 150A
•Coil Circumference: 500 .. 4000mm (Standard)
•Coil Cross Section: 8.5mm
•Bandwidth: 1.9kHz to 14MHz (-3dB)

•Peak Current: ±100A .. 500kA
•Coil Circumference: 500 .. 700mm (Standard)
•Coil Cross Section: 8.5mm
•Bandwidth: 0.6Hz to 600kHz (-3dB)

•Peak Current: ±250A .. ±2000A
•Accuracy: < ± 1% of Full Scale
•Bandwidth: DC – 75kHz (-3dB)
•Aperture: 27mm

GMW DC/AC Clamp-on Current Probe

VAC DC/AC Current Sensors

Bergoz IPCT DC/AC Current Transducer

Electrically isolated measurement of high electric currents without disconnection of the primary conductor.

Current Sensors for high accuracy and high stability current measurement

High sensitivity for low current. Differential and net current measurements of multiple conductors. Large internal diameter enables high voltage isolation.

•Peak Current: ±500A .. ±16000A
•Accuracy: < ± 1% of Full Scale
•Bandwidth: DC – 40kHz (-3dB)
•Aperture: 77mm and 160mm

•Peak Current: ±700A .. ±2500A
•Accuracy: < ± 0.5% of Full Scale
•Bandwidth: DC – 50kHz (-3dB)

•Peak Current: ±10mA .. ±5000mA
•Resolution: 10uA
•Bandwidth: DC – 4.2kHz

MagneLab CT Current Transformer

Bergoz FCT Current Transformer

Senis NVM-01 NanoVolt Amplifier

The Magnelab Current Transformer (CT) provides an accurate, ohmically isolated, measurement of unipolar, bipolar pulse or alternating current.

The Fast Current Transformer (FCT) is a wideband AC transformer with a rise time down to 175ps and a bandwidth up to 2GHz.

The NVM-01 is a low noise amplifier module, for sensitive DC/AC measurement and data acquisition systems. It is ideal as an input for accurate voltage measuring systems down to nV range and for measuring of low noise and of low impedance sources.

•Peak Current: ±200A .. 200kA
•Droop: 4%/ms .. 0.0003%/ms
•Rise time: 0.875ns .. 17.5ns

•Bandwidth up to 1.75GHz 200-ps risetime
•Droop down to 0.1%/μs down to 160 Hz lower cutoff freqency
•Extra-high sensitivity up to 5 V/A

•Ultra-low noise & offset fluctuation amplifier, allowing very high resolution measurements (spectral density of noise down to 1 nT/ Hz )
•Very high linearity

天津多为莱博科技有限公司为您提供美GMW 电流测量Electric Current Measurement,GMWElectric Current Measurement产地为美国,属于光学仪器组件,除了美GMW 电流测量的参数、价格、型号、原理等信息外,还可为您提供美国ARS标准光学型闭循环低温恒温器X-1AL、美国ARS 高效型低温恒温器 X-1SS、ARS顶端装载型光学型闭循环低温恒温器X-19-OP,多为莱博客服电话400-860-5168转2626,售前、售后均可联系。

用户单位 采购时间
上海交通大学 2017/09/12
中国科学院上海应用物理研究所 2014/11/25
兰州近物所 2014/07/16
北京师范大学 2015/04/17
云南大学 2015/06/29
西安交通大学 2018/05/09
山东大学 2015/08/04
中山大学 2017/02/24
中科院合肥物质科学研究院 2016/05/19
中科院物理所 2015/10/27
华南理工大学 2014/09/23
厦门大学 2018/01/10
清华大学 2017/05/11
南京大学 2016/12/15
福建物质结构研究所 2015/08/10
东南大学 2018/11/16
复旦大学 2014/05/13
北京邮电大学 2013/07/11
北京大学 2017/02/03
浙江大学 2017/09/05
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天津多为莱博科技有限公司为您提供美GMW 电流测量Electric Current Measurement,GMWElectric Current Measurement产地为美国,属于光学仪器组件,除了美GMW 电流测量的参数、价格、型号、原理等信息外,还可为您提供美国ARS标准光学型闭循环低温恒温器X-1AL、美国ARS 高效型低温恒温器 X-1SS、ARS顶端装载型光学型闭循环低温恒温器X-19-OP,多为莱博客服电话400-860-5168转2626,售前、售后均可联系。
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