

参考价:¥200万 - 500万
型号: Dynamic Test Systems / DP 100.01
产地: 德国
品牌: form test
关注展位 全部仪器
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UP 100 AK-2DH疲劳试验机



  • 材料和部件试验
  • 研究与开发
  • 质量控制


  • 汽车工业,航空航天,大学


  • 静态试验力:±100 kN
  • 动态测试力:±80 kN
  • Andere Gr en oder PrüFkr fte auf Anfrage m glich


  • 0.5级根据DIN en ISO 7500-1


  • 标准样品

Universal Test Machine UP 100 AK-2DH万能试验机UP 100 AK-2DH

100 hk-2dh-包括一个液压可移动的十字头,一个轴对齐单元和专门用于25赫兹以上循环试验的样品夹持器、高温引伸计和3区辐射分裂管炉,Form+Test显示了它的能力,特别是在1000℃以上的试验中。


    • 万向试验架100-AK-2DH与主动液压夹紧十字头和液压调节

    • 单缸EPZ-H 100
    • 独立冷却的冷却适配器
    • DIGIMAXX C 2000

    • 水泵机组PA 9-280 bar WKN有声保护
    • 高达1200℃的高温炉
    • 高温试样夹持
    • 扩展计
    • 对准装置

    Universal Testing Machines - Dynamic

    For demanding dynamic testing tasks in development / research and quality assurance

    • Universal Testing Machine Type UP-E

      Universal Testing Machine Type UP-E

      Modular testing machine for demanding static and dynamic tests in research and development and quality control. The solid test frame with two columns ensures a high flexibility of adaption and fixing options. Test load: 1 - 50 kN 

    • Universal Testing Machine Type UP-H

      Universal Testing Machine Type UP-H

      Modular testing machine for demanding static and dynamic testing tasks in research, development and quality assurance. The solid test frame in 2-column design guarantees a high flexibility of adaptation and specimen holding options. Test load: 1 - 3000 kN

    • Universal Testing Machine UP 50 HK-2DH

      Universal Testing Machine UP 50 HK-2DH

      static and dynamic testing; tensile, compression and bending testing; fatigue testing; force-, distance- and deformation controlled testing

    • Universal Testing Machine UP 100 AK-2DH

      Universal Testing Machine UP 100 AK-2DH

      UP 100 HK-2DH - Dynamic testing machine for the systematic examination of fatigue properties of metals and composite materials at high, service relevant operating temperatures

    • Universal Testing Machine UP 160 S

      Universal Testing Machine UP 160 S

      For testing structural components and assemblies. The T-slot plate allows an uncomplicated mounting and alignment of the test piece. With the hydraulically height-adjustable crosshead, the test cylinder can be quickly adjusted to different height requirements.

    • Universal Testing Machine UP 160 HK-2DH

      Universal Testing Machine UP 160 HK-2DH

      Testing machine for the aerospace, automotive, shipbuilding, rail vehicles and medical technology industries dynamic tensile, compression, bending and torsion tests, fatigue strength tests, cyclic tests, follow-up tests

    • Universal Testing Machine  UP 250PK-2DH

      Universal Testing Machine UP 250PK-2DH

      Testing machine for the aerospace, automotive, shipbuilding, rail vehicles and medical technology industries dynamic tensile, compression, bending and torsion tests, fatigue strength tests, cyclic tests, follow-up tests

    • Universal Testing Machine UP 500 AK-2DH

      Universal Testing Machine UP 500 AK-2DH

      Dynamic testing machine for the systematic examination of fatigue properties of metals and composite materials at service relevant operating temperatures

    • Universal Testing Machine UP 500 PK-2DH

      Universal Testing Machine UP 500 PK-2DH

      Testing machine for the aerospace, automotive, shipbuilding, rail vehicles and medical technology industries dynamic tensile, compression, bending and torsion tests, fatigue strength tests, cyclic tests, follow-up tests

    • Universal Testing Machine UP 600 PK-2

      Universal Testing Machine UP 600 PK-2

      Precise, reproducible, demanding inspection tasks for a variety of different applications due to the flexible design Fatigue and fracture mechanics tests are selected and offered from the wide range of possibilities for this series, depending on the customer's applications and test procedures.

    • Universal Testing Machine UP 1000 PK-4 S

      Universal Testing Machine UP 1000 PK-4 S

      Precise, reproducible, demanding inspection tasks for a variety of different applications due to the flexible design Fatigue and fracture mechanics tests are selected and offered from the wide range of possibilities for this series, depending on the customer's applications and test procedures.

    • Universal Testing Machine UP 1000 PK-4 T

      Universal Testing Machine UP 1000 PK-4 T

      Testing machine for the aerospace, automotive, shipbuilding, rail vehicles and medical technology industries dynamic tensile, compression, bending and torsion tests, fatigue strength tests, cyclic tests, follow-up tests

    • Universal Testing Machine UP 2000 PK-4

      Universal Testing Machine UP 2000 PK-4

      Precise, reproducible, demanding inspection tasks for a variety of different applications due to the flexible design Fatigue and fracture mechanics tests are selected and offered from the wide range of possibilities for this series, depending on the customer's applications and test procedures.

    How to reach us

    FORM+TEST Seidner&Co. GmbH
    Zwiefalter Stra?e 20
    88499 Riedlingen 

    phone +49 7371 9302-0
    sale +49 7371 9302-20
    fax +49 7371 9302-99
    Send e-mail


    Image Video

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    上海迪安电工器材有限公司为您提供form testUP疲劳试验机Dynamic Test Systems / DP 100.01,form testDynamic Test Systems / DP 100.01产地为德国,属于进口疲劳试验机,除了UP疲劳试验机的参数、价格、型号、原理等信息外,还可为您提供EM型万能试验机、阿尔法1-2000 S三轴试验机、高载荷1-60MN疲劳试验机,迪安客服电话,售前、售后均可联系。

    用户单位 采购时间
    迪安集团 2021/08/04
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    上海迪安电工器材有限公司为您提供form testUP疲劳试验机Dynamic Test Systems / DP 100.01,form testDynamic Test Systems / DP 100.01产地为德国,属于进口疲劳试验机,除了UP疲劳试验机的参数、价格、型号、原理等信息外,还可为您提供EM型万能试验机、阿尔法1-2000 S三轴试验机、高载荷1-60MN疲劳试验机,迪安客服电话,售前、售后均可联系。
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    当前位置: 迪安 仪器 UP疲劳试验机


