

参考价:¥20万 - 35万
型号: Compass-900
产地: 江苏
品牌: 英飞思
关注展位 全部仪器
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便携式XRF光谱黄金分析仪 - Compass 900

X 射线荧光 (XRF) 是通过高能 X 射线或伽马射线轰击激发的材料发射特征性“二次”(或荧光)X 射线。这种现象广泛用于元素分析和化学分析,特别是金属、玻璃、陶瓷和建筑材料的调查,以及地球化学、法医学、考古学和绘画等艺术品的研究。

ESI XRF 黄金分析仪 Compass 900 可对您的银、铂和 PGM 金属和杂质进行现场分析,从而轻松提高客户信心并确保经销商的可靠性。


>ESI 研究人员开发了改进的认证参考材料,用于 XRF 分析仪的校准 QC,用于元素分析、金属正极材料鉴定。



XRF 的工作原理

X 射线具有电离或“激发”材料中存在的元素的独特能力。 当电离元素恢复到松弛或稳定状态时,它们会发射荧光 X 射线,其能级是发射这些 X 射线的特定元素的“特征”。

ESI XRF 分析仪通过将电离 X 射线发送到样品中,测量返回的荧光 X 射线(元素的“特征”)的能级,并对这些 X 射线进行计数以确定每个个体的相对浓度来利用这种现象 元素存在。

通过复杂的迭代计算,机载计算机提供样品的完整元素分析并将其显示给用户。 所有这一切都在短短几秒钟内完成,通常在不到 5 秒的时间内提供准确的结果。 分析结果以 Excel 测试报告的形式存储在分析仪本地。


成分范围 2ppm 至 100%

重复性 RSD≤0.05% Au≥90%

样品类型 固体、粉末、液体

感兴趣的元素 Au、Ag、Pt、Pd、Ru、Rh、W、Os、Ir,


基本金属 Cr、Mn、Fe、Co、Ni、Cu、Zn、Cd、Sn、Pb 等。

管电压 5KV~50KV


管电流 0μA~1000μA


测试时间 3秒~100秒

用户友好的基于 FP(基本参数)的软件,具有直观的界面




XRF Gold Analyser- Compass 900 


X-ray fluorescence (XRF) is the emission of characteristic "secondary" (or fluorescent) X-rays from a material that has been excited by bombarding with high-energy X-rays or gamma rays. The phenomenon is widely used for elemental analysis and chemical analysis, particularly in the investigation of metals, glass, ceramics and building materials, and for research in geochemistry, forensic science, archaeology and art objects such as paintings.

ESI XRF Gold Analyzer Compass 900 provides on-the-spot analysis of your silver, platinum, and PGM metals and impurities, making it an easy way to boost customer confidence and ensure dealer reliability.



>ESI researchers have developed improved certified reference materials for calibrated QC of XRF analyzers utilized for elemental Analysis, Metal positive material identifications.

>All ESI products are specially manufactured by industry top Minded professions, our engineers & researchers continuously develop new products & keep enhancing product quality to meet customer demands & Industry challenges.

>New designed direct angle of X-ray shooting to the sample avoid the sample shape influence to the final results of curvy samples like ring or necklace.


How XRF works

X-rays have a unique ability to ionize or “excite” elements present in materials. When ionized elements return to a relaxed or stable state, they emit fluorescent x-rays whose energy levels are “signatures” of specific elements emitting these x-rays.

ESI XRF analyzers harness this phenomenon by sending ionizing x-rays into a sample, measuring the energy levels of the returning fluorescent x-rays (the elements’ “signatures”), and counting these x-rays to determine the relative concentration of each individual element present.


Through complex, iterative calculations, the onboard computer provides a complete elemental analysis of the sample and displays it to the user. All of this is done in mere seconds, with accurate results typically provided in less than 5 seconds. The analysis results are stored locally on the analyzer in a Excel test report.



Composition range           2ppm to 100 %

Repeatability                 RSD0.05%  Au90%

Sample type                 Solid, powders, liquid

Elements of interests          Au, Ag, Pt, Pd, Ru, Rh, W, Os, Ir,

Detector: Silicon Pin detector with 165ev resolution

Basic metals         Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Sn, Pb, etc.

Tube voltage                 5KV ~ 50KV

HV unit                      0 ~ 50KV       

Tube current                 0μA ~ 1000μA

Sample viewing system: High resolution camera

Sample chamber Dimensions  310*280*60mm

Test time                     3seconds ~ 100seconds           

Instrument dimensions         380*372*362mm

Instrument weight             31Kg

User friendly FP(Fundamental Parameter ) based software with intuitive interface



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当前位置: 英飞思 仪器 英飞思便携式快速测金仪Compass900光谱仪


