Correlation of Physical and Structural利多卡因/丙胺卡因外用药



Background and Purpose:In the past few years a collective weight of evidence approach has been recommended to demonstrate bioequivalence (BE) for several topical  dermatological drug products.An essential component of this approach is a comprehensive characterization of the physical and structural (Q3) properties of complex topical semisolid dosage forms. The purpose of this study is to determine if comparative Q3 characterization of topical lidocaine and prilocaine products maybe used to predict the comparative product performance, which was evaluated by comparing cutaneous pharmacokinetics (PK) of lidocaine and prilocaine in vitro and in vivo.


Methodology: The products evaluated in this study were 1) the reference product,  EMLA®    (lidocaine;  prilocaine)  cream,  2.5%;2.5%   2)  a  generic version  of  EMLA®    cream,   and  3)  Oraqix®    (lidocaine;   prilocaine)  gel, 2.5%;2.5% as a different formulation with the same strength of lidocaine and prilocaine. The comparative Q3 properties of these three drug products were assessed. The cutaneous PK of lidocaine and prilocaine from the gel and cream products were compared by an in vitro permeation test (IVPT). The  BE  of the  generic  cream  and  of  Oraqix®   gel  to  EMLA®   cream  was evaluated  based  upon   cutaneous  PK  endpoints  for  both  lidocaine   and prilocaine. The  dermal  bioavailability  of  EMLA®    and  Oraqix®   was  also compared in an in vivo pilot study using dermal open flow microperfusion (dOFM) in 6 healthy subjects.


Results: The Q3 properties  of the reference and generic lidocaine/prilocaine  topical  creams  were  similar  to  each  other,  while Oraqix®  gel had a lower pH, a higher evaporative rate, a lower yield stress, and an absence of globules compared to the cream products. The results of IVPT study demonstrated that the cutaneous PK of lidocaine and prilocaine was comparable between the reference and generic creams. By contrast, the maximum flux (Jmax) and area under the curve (AUC) of both lidocaine and prilocaine were lower for Oraqix®  gel compared to EMLA®  cream and the gel and cream products were not found to be bioequivalent. The results of an in vivo cutaneous PK study using dOFM in healthy subjects were in agreement with the in vitro (IVPT) results.


Conclusion:These results demonstrate the correlation between the Q3 similarity or difference of three lidocaine prilocaine topical products used for comparison and the similarity or difference in their product performance (cutaneous PK), both in vitro (IVPT) and in vivo (dOFM). The similarity of Q3 characteristics between the reference and generic creams accurately correlated with and was predictive of comparable bioavailability (and bioequivalence) for both lidocaine and prilocaine, whereas the difference in Q3 characteristics between the reference cream and the gel accurately correlated with and was predictive of differences in bioavailability.




In the past few years, a collective weight of evidence approach has been recommended  to support a demonstration of bioequivalence (BE) for several topical drug products. An essential component of this approach is a comprehensive characterization of the physico-structural (Q3) properties of complex topical semisolid dosage forms.


The purpose of this study was to determine if comparative Q3 characterization of topical lidocaine and prilocaine products maybe used to predict the comparative product performance, which was evaluated by comparing the cutaneous pharmacokinetics    (PK) of lidocaine and prilocaine in vitro and in vivo. The specific objectives of this study include:


•Characterize and compare the Q3 properties of cream and gel products, each containing both lidocaine and prilocaine


•Compare the performance of lidocaine/prilocaine cream and gel products using in vitro and in vivo cutaneous PK studies


Materials and Methods


The products evaluate in this study were 1) the reference product, EMLA®  (lidocaine;  prilocaine) topical cream, 2.5%;2.5%  2) a generic version of EMLA® cream, and 3) Oraqix® (lidocaine; prilocaine) dental gel, 2.5%;2.5% as a different formulation with  the same strength of lidocaine and prilocaine. The comparative Q3 assessment of these three drug products included microscopic examination, pH, evaporative rate, and  rheological behavior. The cutaneous PK of lidocaine and prilocaine from the gel and cream products were compared by an in vitro permeation test (IVPT) with a replicate study design (six skin donors with six replicates per donor) using heat separated human epidermis and a flow through diffusion system. The BE of the generic cream and of Oraqix® gel to EMLA® cream was evaluated based upon cutaneous PK endpoints for both lidocaine and prilocaine, using a reference scaled average BE (SABE) analysis and evaluation of the 90% confidence interval (CI). The dermal bioavailability of EMLA® and Oraqix® was also compared in an in vivo pilot study using dermal open flow microperfusion (dOFM) in 6 healthy subjects. The dose of all products used in the IVPT and dOFM studies was 10 mg product/cm2 .


1)参比产品EMLA®乳膏(利多卡因/丙胺卡因);2) EMLA®乳膏的仿制药,以及3)Oraqix®凝胶(2.5%利多卡因/2.5%丙胺卡因)。这三种药品的Q3比较评价包括显微镜检查、PH值、蒸发速率和流变行为。采用体外渗透试验(IVPT),采用重复研究设计(6个皮肤供体,每个供体6个重复),利用热分离的人体表皮和流动扩散系统,比较利多卡因和丙胺卡因凝胶和乳膏产品的皮肤PK。使用参考标度平均BE (SABE)分析和90%置信区间(CI)评估,基于利多卡因/丙胺卡因的皮肤PK终点,对Oraqix®凝胶与EMLA®乳膏进行BE评估。EMLA®和Oraqix®皮肤生物利用度也在6名健康受试者的皮肤开放流微灌注(dOFM)体内试点研究中进行了比较。在IVPT和dOFM研究中使用的所有产品的剂量为10mg/cm2。


Figure 1. Light microscopy images: (a) EMLA® cream and (b) generic lidocaine and  prilocaine cream showing globules, vs. a homogenous globule-free matrix in the (c) Oraqix® gel. The scale bars are 20 µm in images a and b, and 100 µm in image c.

图1所示.显微镜图像:(a) EMLA®乳膏和(b)仿制药利多卡因和丙胺卡因乳膏显示球状,(c) Oraqix®凝胶中均匀无球状基质。图a和图b的比例尺为20µm,图c的比例尺为100µm。


Figure2.Cryo-SEM images at 3000X magnification depicting the internal microstructures  of  (a) EMLA® cream (b) generic lidocaine prilocaine cream and (c) Oraqix® gel. Scale bar - 1µm

图2.  3000倍放大的冷冻扫描电镜图像描绘了(a) EMLA®乳膏(b)通用利因双卡因乳膏和(c) Oraqix®凝胶的内部微观结构。比例尺- 1µm

Results and Discussion


Quality tests and Q3 propertie


The Q3 properties of the reference and generic lidocaine and prilocaine topical  creams  were similar to each other and different from those of Oraqix® gel:

•The average pH values measured for the  reference lidocaine/prilocaine cream,  the  generic lidocaine/prilocaine cream, and Oraqix®gel were 9.10, 8.90 (i.e., 9.0 ± 0.1) and 7.65, respectively.

•The microscopic images of the cream products showed the presence of globules with a diameter of 1-3 µm, while the Oraqix®  gel appeared to be a homogenous globule-free system. The cream products also showed a different microstructure than the gel product under cryo-scanning electron microscopy (cryo-SEM) (Figure 2).



•凝胶产品的显微图像显示直径为1-3 μ m的小球的存在,而Oraqix®凝胶似乎是一个均匀的无小球系统。在冷冻扫描电镜(cryo-SEM)下,乳霜产品也显示出与凝胶产品不同的微观结构(图2)。


Figure 3.Rate of evaporation of volatile components from lidocaine; prilocaine topical cream and gel products measured gravimetrically at 32ºC. Data are expressed as Mean  ± SD (n=3).

图3.在32℃利多卡因/丙胺卡因挥发性成分的蒸发速率;重量法测量,数据以Mean±SD (n=3)表示。


Figure 4. Left: Viscosity as a function of shear stress for lidocaine and prilocaine cream and gel products.Right: Strain sweep for all three products. Closed symbols (G’) represent the storage modulus and the open symbols represent loss modulus (G”). The yield stress was determined to be 110 for the cream products and 11 for Oraqix®gel.


Performance tests性能测试

In vitro cutaneous PK study using IVPT



Figure 5. Cutaneous PK (flux profile) of lidocaine and prilocaine in vitro

from topical applications of the same dose of EMLA® cream, the generic

cream, and Oraqix®gel.Data are shown as Mean ± SEM from 6 donors

and 6 replicates.


Table 1. BE analysis results for lidocaine (in orange); prilocaine (in yellow) based on PK endpoints of area under the curve (AUC ) and maximum flux (Jmax) and within donor variability associated with EMLA®  cream (Swr)



2.In vivo cutaneous PK study using dOFM 使用dOFM研究体内皮肤PK


Figure6.Mean lidocaine and prilocaine concentration-time profiles (±SE) for EMLA® cream and for Oraqix® gel following application of 10 mg/cm2 of products.Data are shown as Mean±SEM from six subjects.

图6.EMLA®乳膏和Oraqix®凝胶在给药10mg /cm2产品后的平均利多卡因/丙胺卡因浓度-时间曲线(±SE)。数据以6名受试者的平均值±SEM表示。



These results demonstrate the correlation between the Q3 similarities (or differences)   of three comparator products and their corresponding cutaneous PK, both in vitro (IVPT) and in vivo (dOFM). The similarity of Q3 characteristics between the reference and  generic creams accurately correlated with and was predictive of comparable  bioavailability (and bioequivalence) for both lidocaine and prilocaine between the two creams, with the exception of prilocaine AUC in the (underpowered) IVPT study. The difference in Q3 characteristics between the reference cream and the gel accurately   correlated with and was predictive of differences in bioavailability.


Acknowledgement and Disclaimer: Funding for this work was made possible, in part, by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration through award U01FD005226 and award 1U01FD005861. The views expressed here do not reflect the official policies of the U.S . Food and Drug Administration or the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; nor does any mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organization imply endorsement by the United States Government.




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