
泰林生物2016新品全球巡展第六站--巴基斯坦Health Asia & Pharma Asia

泰林生物2016新品全球巡展第六站--巴基斯坦Health Asia & Pharma Asia

9月20-22日,泰林生物应邀参加在巴基斯坦举办的2016国际制药医疗展(Health Asia 2016 & Pharma Asia 2016),届时我们将继续开启“2016新品全球巡展第六站”发布活动,并在现场展示最新一代无菌隔离器、全新汽化过氧化氢智能灭菌机器人、新型智能集菌仪、新型微生物检验仪、新型TOC分析仪等相关技术和设备,以及无菌检测用集菌培养器、微生物检测过滤器、无菌滤膜、生物指示剂、化学指示剂等一批检测、验证用耗材。

September 20-22,TAILIN is invited to attend the Health Asia 2016 & Pharma Asia 2016 inPakistan. We will continue “The 6th show of TAILIN 2016 newproducts World Tour “launchevent.Tailin will launchfull series of new products, such as Sterility Testing Isolator, VHPSGenerator, Sterility Test Pump, MicrobialLimit Tester, TOC analyzer, Sterility Test Kits, Microbial Limit Test Funnel,Membrane, Biological Indicator, Chemical Indicator and other consumables.

泰林生物2016新品全球巡展第六站--巴基斯坦Health Asia & Pharma Asia

每年一届的Health Asia & Pharma Asia 是巴基斯坦国内通过UFI认证的医疗及药品展,也是中国企业进入巴基斯坦这个尚未被开拓的市场的优秀平台。展会专业性极强,吸引了来自世界各地的参展企业及观众。

The annual session ofthe Health Asia & Pharma Asia Pakistan is a medical and pharmaceuticalexhibition certified by UFI. It can be a good platform for Chinese enterprisesto enter Pakistan which is a not fully open-up market. As a highly professionalshow, it attracts exhibitors and visitors from all around the world.

主办单位 : 巴基斯坦ECG有限公司


展出地点:卡拉奇博览中心Karachi Expo Center

泰林生物展位号:HALL3 / C56

泰林生物2016新品全球巡展第六站--巴基斯坦Health Asia & Pharma Asia

泰林生物2016新品全球巡展第六站--巴基斯坦Health Asia & Pharma Asia

泰林生物2016新品全球巡展第六站--巴基斯坦Health Asia & Pharma Asia

泰林生物2016新品全球巡展第六站--巴基斯坦Health Asia & Pharma Asia

泰林生物2016新品全球巡展第六站--巴基斯坦Health Asia & Pharma Asia

泰林生物2016新品全球巡展第六站--巴基斯坦Health Asia & Pharma Asia







泰林生物2016新品全球巡展第六站--巴基斯坦Health Asia & Pharma Asia

9月20-22日,泰林生物应邀参加在巴基斯坦举办的2016国际制药医疗展(Health Asia 2016 & Pharma Asia 2016),届时我们将继续开启“2016新品全球巡展第六站”发布活动,并在现场展示最新一代无菌隔离器、全新汽化过氧化氢智能灭菌机器人、新型智能集菌仪、新型微生物检验仪、新型TOC分析仪等相关技术和设备,以及无菌检测用集菌培养器、微生物检测过滤器、无菌滤膜、生物指示剂、化学指示剂等一批检测、验证用耗材。

September 20-22,TAILIN is invited to attend the Health Asia 2016 & Pharma Asia 2016 inPakistan. We will continue “The 6th show of TAILIN 2016 newproducts World Tour “launchevent.Tailin will launchfull series of new products, such as Sterility Testing Isolator, VHPSGenerator, Sterility Test Pump, MicrobialLimit Tester, TOC analyzer, Sterility Test Kits, Microbial Limit Test Funnel,Membrane, Biological Indicator, Chemical Indicator and other consumables.

泰林生物2016新品全球巡展第六站--巴基斯坦Health Asia & Pharma Asia

每年一届的Health Asia & Pharma Asia 是巴基斯坦国内通过UFI认证的医疗及药品展,也是中国企业进入巴基斯坦这个尚未被开拓的市场的优秀平台。展会专业性极强,吸引了来自世界各地的参展企业及观众。

The annual session ofthe Health Asia & Pharma Asia Pakistan is a medical and pharmaceuticalexhibition certified by UFI. It can be a good platform for Chinese enterprisesto enter Pakistan which is a not fully open-up market. As a highly professionalshow, it attracts exhibitors and visitors from all around the world.

主办单位 : 巴基斯坦ECG有限公司


展出地点:卡拉奇博览中心Karachi Expo Center

泰林生物展位号:HALL3 / C56

泰林生物2016新品全球巡展第六站--巴基斯坦Health Asia & Pharma Asia

泰林生物2016新品全球巡展第六站--巴基斯坦Health Asia & Pharma Asia

泰林生物2016新品全球巡展第六站--巴基斯坦Health Asia & Pharma Asia

泰林生物2016新品全球巡展第六站--巴基斯坦Health Asia & Pharma Asia

泰林生物2016新品全球巡展第六站--巴基斯坦Health Asia & Pharma Asia

泰林生物2016新品全球巡展第六站--巴基斯坦Health Asia & Pharma Asia