

0 7 . 0 5 . 2 0 1 8 . L U M E X cān le méi chǎng shí sān duō rǎn pái fàng
M E C 1 3 )

May, 2018 – Krakow, Poland. Lumex Instruments experts will present a paper on universal tool for mercury determination in combustion plants at MEC13 workshop which will take place on May 21-23 in Krakow, Poland.


2 0 1 8 nián 5 yuè - lán L U M E X zhuān jiā jiāng zài M e C 1 3 yán tǎo huì shàng jiè shào zhǒng tōng yòng gōng yòng rán shāo shè bèi zhōng gǒng de dìng gāi gōng chǎng jiāng 5 yuè 2 1 zhì 2 3 zài lán xíng

Lumex Instruments and Ohio Lumex representatives will talk about RA-915 mercury analyzers, US EPA toolkit, which is recommended by UN Environment as a Best Available Techniques (BAT) for mercury emissions measurement, and on innovations and user experiences with mercury.


L U M E X é hài é L U M E X dài biǎo jiāng tǎo lùn R A - 9 1 5 gǒng fēn měi guó E P A gōng bāo zhè shì lián guó huán jìng tuī jiàn de zuì jiā yòng shù B A T ) de gǒng pái fàng liáng chuàng xīn yòng de jīng yàn gǒng

MEC13 workshop pulls together international experts on reducing emissions from coal-fired utilities, government agencies, regulators, equipment suppliers, and academia. This year topics to be addressed are tightening emission standards, monitoring emissions at low concentrations and others. For details please visit the official website.

MEC13研讨会汇集了来自燃煤电厂、政府机构、监管机构、设备供应商和学术界国际专家来共同商讨如何减少污染源的排放。今年要解决的问题是收紧排放标准,监测低浓度的排放LUMEX可以为用户提供全面又专业的汞监测解决方案,详情请访问LUMEX官方网站http://www.lumexcn.com C E M 2 0 1 8 huì jiāng zhòng ōu méng guó jiā de guī bāo kuò dìng lái yuán de pái fàng bāo kuò dào liú hǎi yáng yùn shū jiāng tǎo lùn biāo zhǔn huà jiào zhǔn zhì liàng bǎo zhèng děng wèn guān chuàng xīn liáng shù de huì


Lumex Instruments will participate in the international Exhibition that will run alongside the Conference. At our Booth 38 company’s experts will present the range of mercury analyzers as well as monitoring toolkit that implements Sorbent Trap analysis (US EPA’s method 30B), the most cost-effective and accurate method for mercury measurement in flue and process gases.



LUMEX公司具有近30年分析仪器研发经验,生产和销售高频塞曼测汞仪、高频塞曼石墨炉原子吸收光谱仪、傅立叶红外/近红外光谱仪、高效毛细管电泳仪、水质在线监测仪、荧光光谱仪、芯片基因扩增仪(PCR)、激光粒度仪、高效液相色谱(HPLC)、飞行质谱(TOFMS)等产品。同时  LUMEX也专注于分析方法的开发和研究,为各行业用户提供定制化的解决方案。


来源于:LUMEX INSTRUMENTS (鲁美科思分析仪器)






0 7 . 0 5 . 2 0 1 8 . L U M E X cān le méi chǎng shí sān duō rǎn pái fàng
M E C 1 3 )

May, 2018 – Krakow, Poland. Lumex Instruments experts will present a paper on universal tool for mercury determination in combustion plants at MEC13 workshop which will take place on May 21-23 in Krakow, Poland.


2 0 1 8 nián 5 yuè - lán L U M E X zhuān jiā jiāng zài M e C 1 3 yán tǎo huì shàng jiè shào zhǒng tōng yòng gōng yòng rán shāo shè bèi zhōng gǒng de dìng gāi gōng chǎng jiāng 5 yuè 2 1 zhì 2 3 zài lán xíng

Lumex Instruments and Ohio Lumex representatives will talk about RA-915 mercury analyzers, US EPA toolkit, which is recommended by UN Environment as a Best Available Techniques (BAT) for mercury emissions measurement, and on innovations and user experiences with mercury.


L U M E X é hài é L U M E X dài biǎo jiāng tǎo lùn R A - 9 1 5 gǒng fēn měi guó E P A gōng bāo zhè shì lián guó huán jìng tuī jiàn de zuì jiā yòng shù B A T ) de gǒng pái fàng liáng chuàng xīn yòng de jīng yàn gǒng

MEC13 workshop pulls together international experts on reducing emissions from coal-fired utilities, government agencies, regulators, equipment suppliers, and academia. This year topics to be addressed are tightening emission standards, monitoring emissions at low concentrations and others. For details please visit the official website.

MEC13研讨会汇集了来自燃煤电厂、政府机构、监管机构、设备供应商和学术界国际专家来共同商讨如何减少污染源的排放。今年要解决的问题是收紧排放标准,监测低浓度的排放LUMEX可以为用户提供全面又专业的汞监测解决方案,详情请访问LUMEX官方网站http://www.lumexcn.com C E M 2 0 1 8 huì jiāng zhòng ōu méng guó jiā de guī bāo kuò dìng lái yuán de pái fàng bāo kuò dào liú hǎi yáng yùn shū jiāng tǎo lùn biāo zhǔn huà jiào zhǔn zhì liàng bǎo zhèng děng wèn guān chuàng xīn liáng shù de huì


Lumex Instruments will participate in the international Exhibition that will run alongside the Conference. At our Booth 38 company’s experts will present the range of mercury analyzers as well as monitoring toolkit that implements Sorbent Trap analysis (US EPA’s method 30B), the most cost-effective and accurate method for mercury measurement in flue and process gases.



LUMEX公司具有近30年分析仪器研发经验,生产和销售高频塞曼测汞仪、高频塞曼石墨炉原子吸收光谱仪、傅立叶红外/近红外光谱仪、高效毛细管电泳仪、水质在线监测仪、荧光光谱仪、芯片基因扩增仪(PCR)、激光粒度仪、高效液相色谱(HPLC)、飞行质谱(TOFMS)等产品。同时  LUMEX也专注于分析方法的开发和研究,为各行业用户提供定制化的解决方案。
