



  被誉为“上佳组织、最值得与会、最最好玩的学术会议”的 ASMS 美国质谱年会,将于2020年6月1-12日开启别样形式,线上举办,使用网页和手机应用程序等工具,研讨会内容实时直播。华质泰科打开分享通道,带您预览“原位质谱”相关的诸多应用,欢迎届时查看。更多精彩,等您发现!

  SICRIT 流过式介质通路放电-原位质谱

  Orals 口头报告

  WOH am: Energy, Petroleum, and Biofuels: Instrumentation and Applications


  09:30 am, Wednesday, June 10


  GC-SICRIT-HRMS for detailed analysis of saturated and unsaturated components in complex hydrocarbon mixtures

  GC-SICRIT-HRMS 细究复杂混合烃中饱和与不饱和组分

  Markus Weber1; Jan-Christoph Wolf2; Christoph Haisch1

  1 TU Munich, Munich, Germany

  2 Plasmion GmbH, Augsburg, Germany

  Posters 应用海报 (美国中部时间)

  TP 273, Tuesday

Investigation of a fast and versatile analysis platform for screening and quantitation of explosives


  DART 实时直接分析-原位质谱

  Orals 口头报告

  TOE pm:Cannabis Testing 大麻分析

  03:10 pm, Tuesday, June 9


  Vaping-Related Outbreak: Unique Information from Direct Analysis in Real-Time Mass Spectrometry

  电子烟引致的爆发?DART-MS 提供独特信息

  Travis M. Falconer1; Adam C. Lanzarotta1; Robert A. Wilson1; Rick A. Flurer1;

  1 美国 FDA, Cincinnati, OH

  WOC pm:Forensics: Innovations and Applications 鉴证:创新与应用

  02:30 pm,Wednesday, June 10


  Birds of a Feather: Species Identification of Endangered Macaws Using Direct Analysis in Real Time-Mass Spectrometry and Machine Learning

  物以类聚:利用 DART-MS 和大数据机器学习对濒危物种金刚鹦鹉的物种鉴别

  Meghan G. Appley1; Samira Beyramysoltan1; Rabi A. Musah1;

  1University at Albany, Albany, NY

  Posters 应用海报 (美国中部时间)

  MP 012, Monday

  High-throughput Determination of Pesticides using DART-QTOF MS

  DART-QTOF-MS 高通量筛查农药残留

  MP 023, Monday

  Rapid evaporative ionisation mass spectrometry and direct analysis in real time-mass spectrometry as techniques to rapidly determine poultry meat characteristics

  结合快速蒸发电离和 DART-MS 两种原位质谱技术快速测定禽肉特征

  MP 025, Monday

  Rapid Quantitative Screening of Cyanobacteria for Anatoxins Using Direct Analysis in Real Time-High Resolution Mass Spectrometry

  DART-HRMS 原位高分辨质谱法快速和定量筛查蓝藻中毒素

  MP 026, Monday

  Analysis of Oceanic Systems by TM-DART-QTOF-MS-Based Seaomics

  以透过式 DART-QTOF-MS 原位质谱海洋组学法研究分析海洋体系

  MP 031, Monday

  Non-proximate Ambient Sampling for Solvent-free Analysis of Intact Objects


  MP 034, Monday

  Quantitation with Direct Analysis in Real Time Mass Spectrometry by utilizing less sample

  少即是多:DART-MS 小体积采样定量分析

  MP 041, Monday

  Hybrid thermal desorption-ambient mass spectrometry developments for the trace detection of explosives, illicit narcotics, and related species


  TP 005, Tuesday

  Thermal Desorption Enabled Electrospray and DART Ionization of Solids and Inorganic Salts

  热解析辅助的电喷雾和 DART 离子化技术结合分析固体和无机盐

  TP 006, Tuesday

  Skip Sample Preparation and Facilitate Analysis of Food by Screening via the 24-Pin Sampler with DARTMS

  无需样品制备直接以 DART-MS 的24-位进样针模块快速便捷筛查食品

  TP 010, Tuesday

  Post-acquisition Data Analysis Program for Automating Data Processing in High-throughput Experimentation with DART-MS

  高通量 DART-HT-MS 实验结果的全自动数据分析程序


  TP 016, Tuesday

  Rapid Analysis of Products from High Throughput Experimentation Utilizing a Novel Pulsed Gas Control System for an Ambient Ionization Source


  TP 017, Tuesday

  Rapid screening procedures for a wide variety of forensic samples using an ambient ionization technique coupled to different mass spectrometers


  TP 018, Tuesday

  Rapid Detection of 25 Types of Drugs by DART Coupled with Ultivo Triple Quadrupole MS

  DART-Ultivo 原位三重四极质谱快速靶向筛查25种毒品

  TP 019, Tuesday

  Identification of Random or Block Copolymers by Pyrolysis DART-MS: A Comparison Study with Pyrolysis GC-MS

  DART-MS 与 GC-MS 对无规共聚物和嵌段共聚物的分析方法比较

  TP 020, Tuesday

  Pulse DART: Improving Throughput and Reducing Helium Consumption, Ambient Background and Matrix Interference

  脉冲 DART:用以提升分析通量和减耗氦气以及消除空气背景和基质干扰

  WP 139, Wednesday

  Build, Weigh, and Eat Molecules - Scalable Activities Coupled with Breath Analysis Using Direct Analysis in Real Time Mass Spectrometry

  DART-MS 原位质谱呼气分析技术辅佐饮食营养健康研究

  WP 179, Wednesday

  Development of an Updated Forensic DART-MS Mass Spectral Database

  升级版 DART-MS 法医学原位质谱数据库的开发

  ThP 397, Thursday

  Application of DART-9.4T FT ICR MS to discovery of geo-location origin markers in small brown planthopper (Laodelphax striatellus)

  DART-9.4T 傅里叶变换离子回旋共振原位质谱技术在小褐飞虱(灰飞虱)地源性标志物发现中的应用

  ThP 119, Thursday

  An Ambient Mass Spectral Technique for the Rapid Detection of Cannabinoids in Plant Material and Complex Edible Matrices


  AP/MALDI 常压基质辅助激光解吸-原位质谱

  Posters 应用海报 (美国中部时间)

  MP 003, Monday

  High-throughput and sensitive analysis of diverse molecules using AP MALDI interfaced with a QqTOF system

  利用 AP/MALDI-QTOF 实现多组分的高敏高通量分析

  MP 388, Monday

  Characterization of detection limits using sub-AP and AP MALDI sources utilizing high- and low-resolution mass spectrometers

  亚大气压 Sub-AP/MALDI 及常压 AP/MALDI 与高低分辨质谱耦合及其检出限表征

  LESA 液滴萃取表面分析暨多通道纳喷-原位质谱

  Orals 口头报告

  WOF am: Top Down Protein Analysis 自上而下蛋白分析

  09:30 am, Wednesday, June 10


  Application of cylindrical FAIMS for top-down identification of proteins directly from bacterial colonies by LESA MS

  柱状 FAIMS 结合 LESA-MS 原位质谱技术自上而下直接从细菌菌落中鉴定蛋白质

  Jana Havlikova1; Robin C. May1; Iain B. Styles1; Helen J. Cooper1;

  1 伯明翰大学,伯明翰,英国

  Posters 应用海报 (美国中部时间)

  TP 230, Tuesday

  Following chemotherapeutic drug distribution in three-dimensional cancer cell spheroids using MSI-TOFSIMS and LESA-TIMS-MS

  利用质谱成像 MSI-TOFSIMS 和 LESA-TIMS-MS 追踪化疗药物在癌细胞球体中的三维分布

  LDTD 高速阵列激光热解析化学电离-原位质谱

  Posters 应用海报 (美国中部时间)

  MP 573, Monday

  Urine LDTD-MS/MS Drugs of Abuse Screening in Urine at 9 Seconds per Sample Using Dry-and-Dissolve preparation

  利用 LDTD-MS/MS 快速9秒原位定量质谱法筛查尿液中滥用药

  TP 128, Tuesday

  Use of Superoxide Adduct in LDTD with Differential Mobility to Improve Selectivity for 25-OH-Vitamin D2/D3 Analysis in 9 Seconds

  在 LDTD 中使用超氧化加合物进行微分迁移以提升9秒原位定量质谱法对25-OH-维生素D2 / D3分析的选择性

  TP 274, Tuesday

  Mechanism of Superoxide Adduct Formation in LDTD Ion Source Used in Quantitation

  LDTD 原位定量质谱法内超氧加合物形成的机理

  WP 190, Wednesday

  Analysis of Synthetic Cannabinoids in Plant Materials Using a LDTD-MS/MS System

  利用 LDTD-MS/MS 原位串级质谱法分析植物材料中的合成大麻素

  WP 553, Wednesday

  Development of a high throughput Affinity Mass Spectrometry platform using Laser Diode Thermal Desorption ionization coupled to Mass Spectrometry (LDTD-MS)


  ThP 026, Thursday

  Quantification of creatinine in urine samples by High-Throughput Screening (HTS) using LDTD-MS/MS

  利用 LDTD-MS/MS 高通量筛查(HTS)及定量尿液中肌酐

  ThP 106, Thursday

  Veterinary Drugs Screening in Food Tissues Using LDTD-MS/MS Technology

  LDTD-MS/MS 原位串级质谱技术筛检食品组织中的兽药










  被誉为“上佳组织、最值得与会、最最好玩的学术会议”的 ASMS 美国质谱年会,将于2020年6月1-12日开启别样形式,线上举办,使用网页和手机应用程序等工具,研讨会内容实时直播。华质泰科打开分享通道,带您预览“原位质谱”相关的诸多应用,欢迎届时查看。更多精彩,等您发现!

  SICRIT 流过式介质通路放电-原位质谱

  Orals 口头报告

  WOH am: Energy, Petroleum, and Biofuels: Instrumentation and Applications


  09:30 am, Wednesday, June 10


  GC-SICRIT-HRMS for detailed analysis of saturated and unsaturated components in complex hydrocarbon mixtures

  GC-SICRIT-HRMS 细究复杂混合烃中饱和与不饱和组分

  Markus Weber1; Jan-Christoph Wolf2; Christoph Haisch1

  1 TU Munich, Munich, Germany

  2 Plasmion GmbH, Augsburg, Germany

  Posters 应用海报 (美国中部时间)

  TP 273, Tuesday

Investigation of a fast and versatile analysis platform for screening and quantitation of explosives


  DART 实时直接分析-原位质谱

  Orals 口头报告

  TOE pm:Cannabis Testing 大麻分析

  03:10 pm, Tuesday, June 9


  Vaping-Related Outbreak: Unique Information from Direct Analysis in Real-Time Mass Spectrometry

  电子烟引致的爆发?DART-MS 提供独特信息

  Travis M. Falconer1; Adam C. Lanzarotta1; Robert A. Wilson1; Rick A. Flurer1;

  1 美国 FDA, Cincinnati, OH

  WOC pm:Forensics: Innovations and Applications 鉴证:创新与应用

  02:30 pm,Wednesday, June 10


  Birds of a Feather: Species Identification of Endangered Macaws Using Direct Analysis in Real Time-Mass Spectrometry and Machine Learning

  物以类聚:利用 DART-MS 和大数据机器学习对濒危物种金刚鹦鹉的物种鉴别

  Meghan G. Appley1; Samira Beyramysoltan1; Rabi A. Musah1;

  1University at Albany, Albany, NY

  Posters 应用海报 (美国中部时间)

  MP 012, Monday

  High-throughput Determination of Pesticides using DART-QTOF MS

  DART-QTOF-MS 高通量筛查农药残留

  MP 023, Monday

  Rapid evaporative ionisation mass spectrometry and direct analysis in real time-mass spectrometry as techniques to rapidly determine poultry meat characteristics

  结合快速蒸发电离和 DART-MS 两种原位质谱技术快速测定禽肉特征

  MP 025, Monday

  Rapid Quantitative Screening of Cyanobacteria for Anatoxins Using Direct Analysis in Real Time-High Resolution Mass Spectrometry

  DART-HRMS 原位高分辨质谱法快速和定量筛查蓝藻中毒素

  MP 026, Monday

  Analysis of Oceanic Systems by TM-DART-QTOF-MS-Based Seaomics

  以透过式 DART-QTOF-MS 原位质谱海洋组学法研究分析海洋体系

  MP 031, Monday

  Non-proximate Ambient Sampling for Solvent-free Analysis of Intact Objects


  MP 034, Monday

  Quantitation with Direct Analysis in Real Time Mass Spectrometry by utilizing less sample

  少即是多:DART-MS 小体积采样定量分析

  MP 041, Monday

  Hybrid thermal desorption-ambient mass spectrometry developments for the trace detection of explosives, illicit narcotics, and related species


  TP 005, Tuesday

  Thermal Desorption Enabled Electrospray and DART Ionization of Solids and Inorganic Salts

  热解析辅助的电喷雾和 DART 离子化技术结合分析固体和无机盐

  TP 006, Tuesday

  Skip Sample Preparation and Facilitate Analysis of Food by Screening via the 24-Pin Sampler with DARTMS

  无需样品制备直接以 DART-MS 的24-位进样针模块快速便捷筛查食品

  TP 010, Tuesday

  Post-acquisition Data Analysis Program for Automating Data Processing in High-throughput Experimentation with DART-MS

  高通量 DART-HT-MS 实验结果的全自动数据分析程序


  TP 016, Tuesday

  Rapid Analysis of Products from High Throughput Experimentation Utilizing a Novel Pulsed Gas Control System for an Ambient Ionization Source


  TP 017, Tuesday

  Rapid screening procedures for a wide variety of forensic samples using an ambient ionization technique coupled to different mass spectrometers


  TP 018, Tuesday

  Rapid Detection of 25 Types of Drugs by DART Coupled with Ultivo Triple Quadrupole MS

  DART-Ultivo 原位三重四极质谱快速靶向筛查25种毒品

  TP 019, Tuesday

  Identification of Random or Block Copolymers by Pyrolysis DART-MS: A Comparison Study with Pyrolysis GC-MS

  DART-MS 与 GC-MS 对无规共聚物和嵌段共聚物的分析方法比较

  TP 020, Tuesday

  Pulse DART: Improving Throughput and Reducing Helium Consumption, Ambient Background and Matrix Interference

  脉冲 DART:用以提升分析通量和减耗氦气以及消除空气背景和基质干扰

  WP 139, Wednesday

  Build, Weigh, and Eat Molecules - Scalable Activities Coupled with Breath Analysis Using Direct Analysis in Real Time Mass Spectrometry

  DART-MS 原位质谱呼气分析技术辅佐饮食营养健康研究

  WP 179, Wednesday

  Development of an Updated Forensic DART-MS Mass Spectral Database

  升级版 DART-MS 法医学原位质谱数据库的开发

  ThP 397, Thursday

  Application of DART-9.4T FT ICR MS to discovery of geo-location origin markers in small brown planthopper (Laodelphax striatellus)

  DART-9.4T 傅里叶变换离子回旋共振原位质谱技术在小褐飞虱(灰飞虱)地源性标志物发现中的应用

  ThP 119, Thursday

  An Ambient Mass Spectral Technique for the Rapid Detection of Cannabinoids in Plant Material and Complex Edible Matrices


  AP/MALDI 常压基质辅助激光解吸-原位质谱

  Posters 应用海报 (美国中部时间)

  MP 003, Monday

  High-throughput and sensitive analysis of diverse molecules using AP MALDI interfaced with a QqTOF system

  利用 AP/MALDI-QTOF 实现多组分的高敏高通量分析

  MP 388, Monday

  Characterization of detection limits using sub-AP and AP MALDI sources utilizing high- and low-resolution mass spectrometers

  亚大气压 Sub-AP/MALDI 及常压 AP/MALDI 与高低分辨质谱耦合及其检出限表征

  LESA 液滴萃取表面分析暨多通道纳喷-原位质谱

  Orals 口头报告

  WOF am: Top Down Protein Analysis 自上而下蛋白分析

  09:30 am, Wednesday, June 10


  Application of cylindrical FAIMS for top-down identification of proteins directly from bacterial colonies by LESA MS

  柱状 FAIMS 结合 LESA-MS 原位质谱技术自上而下直接从细菌菌落中鉴定蛋白质

  Jana Havlikova1; Robin C. May1; Iain B. Styles1; Helen J. Cooper1;

  1 伯明翰大学,伯明翰,英国

  Posters 应用海报 (美国中部时间)

  TP 230, Tuesday

  Following chemotherapeutic drug distribution in three-dimensional cancer cell spheroids using MSI-TOFSIMS and LESA-TIMS-MS

  利用质谱成像 MSI-TOFSIMS 和 LESA-TIMS-MS 追踪化疗药物在癌细胞球体中的三维分布

  LDTD 高速阵列激光热解析化学电离-原位质谱

  Posters 应用海报 (美国中部时间)

  MP 573, Monday

  Urine LDTD-MS/MS Drugs of Abuse Screening in Urine at 9 Seconds per Sample Using Dry-and-Dissolve preparation

  利用 LDTD-MS/MS 快速9秒原位定量质谱法筛查尿液中滥用药

  TP 128, Tuesday

  Use of Superoxide Adduct in LDTD with Differential Mobility to Improve Selectivity for 25-OH-Vitamin D2/D3 Analysis in 9 Seconds

  在 LDTD 中使用超氧化加合物进行微分迁移以提升9秒原位定量质谱法对25-OH-维生素D2 / D3分析的选择性

  TP 274, Tuesday

  Mechanism of Superoxide Adduct Formation in LDTD Ion Source Used in Quantitation

  LDTD 原位定量质谱法内超氧加合物形成的机理

  WP 190, Wednesday

  Analysis of Synthetic Cannabinoids in Plant Materials Using a LDTD-MS/MS System

  利用 LDTD-MS/MS 原位串级质谱法分析植物材料中的合成大麻素

  WP 553, Wednesday

  Development of a high throughput Affinity Mass Spectrometry platform using Laser Diode Thermal Desorption ionization coupled to Mass Spectrometry (LDTD-MS)


  ThP 026, Thursday

  Quantification of creatinine in urine samples by High-Throughput Screening (HTS) using LDTD-MS/MS

  利用 LDTD-MS/MS 高通量筛查(HTS)及定量尿液中肌酐

  ThP 106, Thursday

  Veterinary Drugs Screening in Food Tissues Using LDTD-MS/MS Technology

  LDTD-MS/MS 原位串级质谱技术筛检食品组织中的兽药