


ICP-MS是目前应用最广泛的原子光谱技术之一, PerkinElmer积极倡导的Single Particle单颗粒(SP)ICP-MS和Single Cell单细胞(SC)ICP-MS技术,随着前处理和实验技术、ICP-MS仪器及其数据处理软件的不断发展,正越来越多受到环境、食品、药物、医学、材料和工业等领域的关注和使用,帮助高校、科研机构和政府实验室老师研究纳米颗粒、微纳塑料、细胞、微生物等微粒子,助力老师们不断探索和创新。






SP-ICP-MS分析技术的核心是需要ICP-MS具有快速时间分辨能力。PerkinElmer NexION系列ICP-MS,最快瞬时采集速率达100 000点每秒,可直接表征小粒径、多成分或多形状的纳米材料,如10nm Au NPs数量和粒径测定、金纳米棒的长短分析[1]、Au-Ag核-壳型纳米颗粒在光照和外界环境中的转变表征[2]、无需消解直接快速测量上千根单壁碳纳米管中残留金属钇(常用催化剂)[3]、半导体有机溶剂中超痕量杂质颗粒物[4]等;在环境研究方面,SP-ICP-MS可用于定量评价NPs在河流中的溶解动力学[5]、CeONPs在土壤基质中的变化[6]、通过测定碳13同位素筛选测定微塑料[7]等;在食品、农作物毒理研究方面,SP-ICP-MS可测定海养殖的双壳类软体动物中金属基纳米颗粒[8]、探索纳米氧化铈暴露对大豆植物生长影响[9]等;在生命科学方面,SP-ICP-MS可评价海藻中TiO2 NPs的累积程度[10]、CuO NPs对土壤微生物群落的生态毒理效应[11];而在医学领域,SP-ICP-MS可量化NPs的暴露水平并做风险评估,如追踪生物体液中金属基NPs的行为[12],同时可作为标记物判断疾病,如与磁免疫测定法结合测定肺癌中肿瘤生物标志物[13]等。

以单个细胞为单位,发现细胞个体间的差异对于阐释相关金属在细胞内的迁移转化及其毒理也十分重要,基于SP-ICP-MS技术的单细胞SC-ICP-MS技术,将含特定元素的细胞视为一个整体,通过单细胞专用进样系统引入检测,实现含特定元素细胞的数量及单个细胞中元素含量测定。SC-ICP-MS能监测含特定金属元素的细胞个数,测定细胞中金属含量,有效评估细胞个体差异,能作为细胞特异性识别工具。在生命科学方面, SC-ICP-MS可监控藻类细胞对NPs和金属离子摄入行为[14]、可对金属元素标记的单细菌细胞进行识别和计数[15]等;在医药学研究领域,SC-ICP-MS既能量化细胞中金属含量,如SC-ICP-MS同时计数含Cu人血红细胞及其Cu含量[16],又能给无机元素相关药物开发与给药提供指导意见,如通过SC-ICP-MS测定抗癌药物单核Ir和双核Ir(III)化合物在单个癌细胞的摄入和排出情况,首次量化证实双核Ir(III)化合物的光催化抗癌效果更好[17]等。


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SP-ICP-MS和SC-ICP-MS技术作为ICP-MS的前沿应用之一,本文对基本原理及在多学科的典型应用做了概述,若想了解详细内容,扫描下方二维码获取《PerkinElmer 单颗粒/单细胞ICP-MS应用合集》





[1]Dimensional characterization of gold nanorods by combining millisecond and microsecond temporal resolution single particle ICP-MS measurements. G´abor Galb´acs. Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, University of Szeged, D´om square7, 6720 Szeged, Hungary. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 2017

[2]Transformations of Gold-Silver Core-shell Nanoparticles in Exposure Media Measured by SP-ICP-MS. Ruth Merrifield,Jamie Lead,Center for Environmental NanoScience and Risk (CENR),Arnold School of Public Health,University of South Carolina,Chady Stephan,PerkinElmer, Inc. PerkinElmer Application Note 2016

[3] Analysis of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes with SP-ICP-MS. Jingjing Wang,James F. Ranville,Department of Chemistry and Geochemistry,Colorado School of Mines,Golden, CO. PerkinElmer Application Note 2017

[4] Analysis of Iron Nanoparticles in Organic Solvents Used in the Semiconductor Industry Using Single Particle ICP-MS in Reaction Mode. Chady Stephan,PerkinElmer, Inc. Shelton, CT. PerkinElmer Application Note 2022

[5] Quantitative Evaluation of Nanoparticle Dissolution Kinetics using Single Particle ICP-MS: A Case Study with Silver Nanoparticles.Denise Mitrano James F. Ranville Department of Chemistry and Geochemist ry Colorado School of Mines Golden, CO USA Chady Stephan PerkinElmer, Inc. Shelton, CT. PerkinElmer Application Note 2014

[6] A Sensitive Single Particle- ICP-MS Method for CeO2 Nanoparticles Analysis in Soil during Aging Process. Honglan Shi.Missouri University of Science and Technology, Chemical Department, Energy and Environment Research Center, J. Agric. Food Chem 2021

[7] Unlocking Carbon-13 with Single Particle ICP-MS: Feasibility Study for Microplastic Detection.Francisco Laborda Celia Trujillo University of Zaragoza Zaragoza, Spain Ryszard Lobinski Université de Pau et des Pays de L’Adour Pau, France. PerkinElmer Application Note 2022

[8] Ultrasound assisted enzymatic hydrolysis for isolating titanium dioxide nanoparticles from bivalve mollusk before SP-ICP-MS. A.Moreda-Pineiro. Chemistry School of Santiago de Compostela University in Spain. Analytica Chimica Acta 2018

[9] Effect of nano cerium oxide on soybean(Glycine max L. MERRILL)crop exposed to environmentally relevant concentrations. Hudson W. P. de Carvalho, School of Engineering, University of Guelph. Thornbrough Building, 50 Stone Rd E, Guelph,Ontario, N1G 2W1, Canada. ChemoSphere 2020

[10] Titanium dioxide nanoparticles assessment in seaweeds by single particle inductively coupled plasma-Mass Spectrometry.Antonio Moreda-Pi˜neiro.Chemistry Department, Santiago de Compostela University, Spain. Talanta 2021

[11] Ecotoxicological effects of copper oxide nanoparticles (nCuO) on the soil microbial community in a bisoids-amended soil. Ajith Dias Samarajeewa,Soil Microbial Assessment and Genomics Laboratory, Biological Assessment and Standardization Section, Environment and Climate Change Canada. Science of the Total Environment 2020

[12] Assessing the Fate of Nanoparticles in Biological Fluids using SP-ICP-MS.Ciprian-Mihai Cirtiu Normand Fleury National Public Health Institute of Quebec (INSPQ), Canada Chady Stephan PerkinElmer, Inc. Shelton, CT. PerkinElmer Application Note 2017

[13] Detection of three tumor biomarkers in human lung cancer serum using single particle inductively coupled plasma mass SPectrometry combined with magnetic immunoassay. Biyang Deng. State Key Laboratory for the Chemistry and Molecular Engineering of Medicinal Resources, School of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin 541004, China. Spectrochimica Acta Part B 2020

[14] Monitoring the Uptake of Nanoparticles and Ionic/ Dissolved Gold by Fresh Water Algae using Single Cell ICP-MS. Ruth Merri ed1 Jamie Lead1 Chady Stephan2 1 Center for Environmental NanoScience and Risk (CENR), Arnold School of Public Health University of South Carolina, SC 2PerkinElmer Inc. Shelton, CT. PerkinElmer Application Note 2018

[15] Counting and recognizing single bacterial cells by a lanthanide encoding inductively coupled plasma mass SPectrometric approach. 王秋泉,厦门大学 化学系. Anal. Chem 2019

[16] A highly efficient introduction system for single cell- ICP-MS and its application to detection of copper in single human red blood cells. Biyang Deng,广西师范大学 化学与药物科学学院. Talanta 2019

[17] Single-Cell Quantification of a Highly Biocompatible Dinuclear Iridium(III)Complex for Photocatalytic Cancer Therapy.黄怀义,中山大学药学院(深圳). Angewandte Chemie 2022

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ICP-MS是目前应用最广泛的原子光谱技术之一, PerkinElmer积极倡导的Single Particle单颗粒(SP)ICP-MS和Single Cell单细胞(SC)ICP-MS技术,随着前处理和实验技术、ICP-MS仪器及其数据处理软件的不断发展,正越来越多受到环境、食品、药物、医学、材料和工业等领域的关注和使用,帮助高校、科研机构和政府实验室老师研究纳米颗粒、微纳塑料、细胞、微生物等微粒子,助力老师们不断探索和创新。






SP-ICP-MS分析技术的核心是需要ICP-MS具有快速时间分辨能力。PerkinElmer NexION系列ICP-MS,最快瞬时采集速率达100 000点每秒,可直接表征小粒径、多成分或多形状的纳米材料,如10nm Au NPs数量和粒径测定、金纳米棒的长短分析[1]、Au-Ag核-壳型纳米颗粒在光照和外界环境中的转变表征[2]、无需消解直接快速测量上千根单壁碳纳米管中残留金属钇(常用催化剂)[3]、半导体有机溶剂中超痕量杂质颗粒物[4]等;在环境研究方面,SP-ICP-MS可用于定量评价NPs在河流中的溶解动力学[5]、CeONPs在土壤基质中的变化[6]、通过测定碳13同位素筛选测定微塑料[7]等;在食品、农作物毒理研究方面,SP-ICP-MS可测定海养殖的双壳类软体动物中金属基纳米颗粒[8]、探索纳米氧化铈暴露对大豆植物生长影响[9]等;在生命科学方面,SP-ICP-MS可评价海藻中TiO2 NPs的累积程度[10]、CuO NPs对土壤微生物群落的生态毒理效应[11];而在医学领域,SP-ICP-MS可量化NPs的暴露水平并做风险评估,如追踪生物体液中金属基NPs的行为[12],同时可作为标记物判断疾病,如与磁免疫测定法结合测定肺癌中肿瘤生物标志物[13]等。

以单个细胞为单位,发现细胞个体间的差异对于阐释相关金属在细胞内的迁移转化及其毒理也十分重要,基于SP-ICP-MS技术的单细胞SC-ICP-MS技术,将含特定元素的细胞视为一个整体,通过单细胞专用进样系统引入检测,实现含特定元素细胞的数量及单个细胞中元素含量测定。SC-ICP-MS能监测含特定金属元素的细胞个数,测定细胞中金属含量,有效评估细胞个体差异,能作为细胞特异性识别工具。在生命科学方面, SC-ICP-MS可监控藻类细胞对NPs和金属离子摄入行为[14]、可对金属元素标记的单细菌细胞进行识别和计数[15]等;在医药学研究领域,SC-ICP-MS既能量化细胞中金属含量,如SC-ICP-MS同时计数含Cu人血红细胞及其Cu含量[16],又能给无机元素相关药物开发与给药提供指导意见,如通过SC-ICP-MS测定抗癌药物单核Ir和双核Ir(III)化合物在单个癌细胞的摄入和排出情况,首次量化证实双核Ir(III)化合物的光催化抗癌效果更好[17]等。


△Asperon™ 单细胞进样





SP-ICP-MS和SC-ICP-MS技术作为ICP-MS的前沿应用之一,本文对基本原理及在多学科的典型应用做了概述,若想了解详细内容,扫描下方二维码获取《PerkinElmer 单颗粒/单细胞ICP-MS应用合集》





[1]Dimensional characterization of gold nanorods by combining millisecond and microsecond temporal resolution single particle ICP-MS measurements. G´abor Galb´acs. Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, University of Szeged, D´om square7, 6720 Szeged, Hungary. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 2017

[2]Transformations of Gold-Silver Core-shell Nanoparticles in Exposure Media Measured by SP-ICP-MS. Ruth Merrifield,Jamie Lead,Center for Environmental NanoScience and Risk (CENR),Arnold School of Public Health,University of South Carolina,Chady Stephan,PerkinElmer, Inc. PerkinElmer Application Note 2016

[3] Analysis of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes with SP-ICP-MS. Jingjing Wang,James F. Ranville,Department of Chemistry and Geochemistry,Colorado School of Mines,Golden, CO. PerkinElmer Application Note 2017

[4] Analysis of Iron Nanoparticles in Organic Solvents Used in the Semiconductor Industry Using Single Particle ICP-MS in Reaction Mode. Chady Stephan,PerkinElmer, Inc. Shelton, CT. PerkinElmer Application Note 2022

[5] Quantitative Evaluation of Nanoparticle Dissolution Kinetics using Single Particle ICP-MS: A Case Study with Silver Nanoparticles.Denise Mitrano James F. Ranville Department of Chemistry and Geochemist ry Colorado School of Mines Golden, CO USA Chady Stephan PerkinElmer, Inc. Shelton, CT. PerkinElmer Application Note 2014

[6] A Sensitive Single Particle- ICP-MS Method for CeO2 Nanoparticles Analysis in Soil during Aging Process. Honglan Shi.Missouri University of Science and Technology, Chemical Department, Energy and Environment Research Center, J. Agric. Food Chem 2021

[7] Unlocking Carbon-13 with Single Particle ICP-MS: Feasibility Study for Microplastic Detection.Francisco Laborda Celia Trujillo University of Zaragoza Zaragoza, Spain Ryszard Lobinski Université de Pau et des Pays de L’Adour Pau, France. PerkinElmer Application Note 2022

[8] Ultrasound assisted enzymatic hydrolysis for isolating titanium dioxide nanoparticles from bivalve mollusk before SP-ICP-MS. A.Moreda-Pineiro. Chemistry School of Santiago de Compostela University in Spain. Analytica Chimica Acta 2018

[9] Effect of nano cerium oxide on soybean(Glycine max L. MERRILL)crop exposed to environmentally relevant concentrations. Hudson W. P. de Carvalho, School of Engineering, University of Guelph. Thornbrough Building, 50 Stone Rd E, Guelph,Ontario, N1G 2W1, Canada. ChemoSphere 2020

[10] Titanium dioxide nanoparticles assessment in seaweeds by single particle inductively coupled plasma-Mass Spectrometry.Antonio Moreda-Pi˜neiro.Chemistry Department, Santiago de Compostela University, Spain. Talanta 2021

[11] Ecotoxicological effects of copper oxide nanoparticles (nCuO) on the soil microbial community in a bisoids-amended soil. Ajith Dias Samarajeewa,Soil Microbial Assessment and Genomics Laboratory, Biological Assessment and Standardization Section, Environment and Climate Change Canada. Science of the Total Environment 2020

[12] Assessing the Fate of Nanoparticles in Biological Fluids using SP-ICP-MS.Ciprian-Mihai Cirtiu Normand Fleury National Public Health Institute of Quebec (INSPQ), Canada Chady Stephan PerkinElmer, Inc. Shelton, CT. PerkinElmer Application Note 2017

[13] Detection of three tumor biomarkers in human lung cancer serum using single particle inductively coupled plasma mass SPectrometry combined with magnetic immunoassay. Biyang Deng. State Key Laboratory for the Chemistry and Molecular Engineering of Medicinal Resources, School of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin 541004, China. Spectrochimica Acta Part B 2020

[14] Monitoring the Uptake of Nanoparticles and Ionic/ Dissolved Gold by Fresh Water Algae using Single Cell ICP-MS. Ruth Merri ed1 Jamie Lead1 Chady Stephan2 1 Center for Environmental NanoScience and Risk (CENR), Arnold School of Public Health University of South Carolina, SC 2PerkinElmer Inc. Shelton, CT. PerkinElmer Application Note 2018

[15] Counting and recognizing single bacterial cells by a lanthanide encoding inductively coupled plasma mass SPectrometric approach. 王秋泉,厦门大学 化学系. Anal. Chem 2019

[16] A highly efficient introduction system for single cell- ICP-MS and its application to detection of copper in single human red blood cells. Biyang Deng,广西师范大学 化学与药物科学学院. Talanta 2019

[17] Single-Cell Quantification of a Highly Biocompatible Dinuclear Iridium(III)Complex for Photocatalytic Cancer Therapy.黄怀义,中山大学药学院(深圳). Angewandte Chemie 2022

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