

 (Thermography Day “Research & Development“ on October 16th, 2012 in Dresden)
交流红外热成像技术Knowledge Transfer on the Capabilities of Infrared Thermography
2012 年 10 月 16 日,InfraTec(英福泰克) 公司将在德累斯顿首次主办"热成像技术的研究与发展"的免费信息日活动。有关各方可以通过这个活动全面了解红外热成像技术及其应用,并获得有关InfraTec(英福泰克)的更多创新的红外热像仪精品和系统解决方案的信息。
这次活动的主要重点是由多位红外应用专家来讲述和展示有趣的应用。 现代的焦平面成像技术及最先进的评价方法,不断的带来红外热像仪在应用领域的新突破。
伴随"现场体验热成像"活动,还会介绍InfraTec(英福泰克) 公司的最新一代高清级红外热像仪-VarioCAM ® HD 和 ImageIR ® 9300,以及许多其它热像仪和配套产品。还将参观InfraTec(英福泰克) 公司的主动热成像实验室和传感器制造部。
日期: 2012 年 10 月 16 日 
地点:InfraTec(英福泰克) GmbH Infrarotsensorik und Messtechnik
Gostritzer Str. 61 - 63, 01217 Dresden
请注意: 语言为德语
Thermography Day “Research & Development“ on October 16th, 2012 in Dresden
On October 16th, 2012, InfraTec(英福泰克) hosts the first free information day on “Thermography in Research and Development“ in Dresden. Interested parties can gain compact knowledge about the capabilities of thermography in this demanding field of application and find out more about innovative product novelties and system solutions by InfraTec(英福泰克).
The main focus of this event is the expert presentations by various speakers, who will talk about selected interesting applications in research and development. The modern FPA camera technology and state-of-the-art evaluation methods are pushed to their limits in order to constantly explore new fields of application for infrared thermography.
On the occasion of the accompanying exposition “Live Thermography Experience”, we also introduce our latest HD thermography systems of the next generation, VarioCAM ® HD and ImageIR ® 9300, along with many others. The event will be completed by practical demonstrations in the active thermography laboratory and a visit at the sensor manufacturing department.
The attendance of this information event is absolutely non-binding and will put you in a position to better evaluate the potential of modern thermography for your personal tasks and applications.





 (Thermography Day “Research & Development“ on October 16th, 2012 in Dresden)
交流红外热成像技术Knowledge Transfer on the Capabilities of Infrared Thermography
2012 年 10 月 16 日,InfraTec(英福泰克) 公司将在德累斯顿首次主办"热成像技术的研究与发展"的免费信息日活动。有关各方可以通过这个活动全面了解红外热成像技术及其应用,并获得有关InfraTec(英福泰克)的更多创新的红外热像仪精品和系统解决方案的信息。
这次活动的主要重点是由多位红外应用专家来讲述和展示有趣的应用。 现代的焦平面成像技术及最先进的评价方法,不断的带来红外热像仪在应用领域的新突破。
伴随"现场体验热成像"活动,还会介绍InfraTec(英福泰克) 公司的最新一代高清级红外热像仪-VarioCAM ® HD 和 ImageIR ® 9300,以及许多其它热像仪和配套产品。还将参观InfraTec(英福泰克) 公司的主动热成像实验室和传感器制造部。
日期: 2012 年 10 月 16 日 
地点:InfraTec(英福泰克) GmbH Infrarotsensorik und Messtechnik
Gostritzer Str. 61 - 63, 01217 Dresden
请注意: 语言为德语
Thermography Day “Research & Development“ on October 16th, 2012 in Dresden
On October 16th, 2012, InfraTec(英福泰克) hosts the first free information day on “Thermography in Research and Development“ in Dresden. Interested parties can gain compact knowledge about the capabilities of thermography in this demanding field of application and find out more about innovative product novelties and system solutions by InfraTec(英福泰克).
The main focus of this event is the expert presentations by various speakers, who will talk about selected interesting applications in research and development. The modern FPA camera technology and state-of-the-art evaluation methods are pushed to their limits in order to constantly explore new fields of application for infrared thermography.
On the occasion of the accompanying exposition “Live Thermography Experience”, we also introduce our latest HD thermography systems of the next generation, VarioCAM ® HD and ImageIR ® 9300, along with many others. The event will be completed by practical demonstrations in the active thermography laboratory and a visit at the sensor manufacturing department.
The attendance of this information event is absolutely non-binding and will put you in a position to better evaluate the potential of modern thermography for your personal tasks and applications.