

  2013年2月19日,布鲁克公司宣布选举Marc Kastner博士取代Charles F. Wagner, Jr.先生进入公司董事会,Charles F. Wagner, Jr.先生2012年夏天从董事会辞职,将成为布鲁克新任首席财务官。


Marc Kastner博士

  布鲁克总裁兼首席执行官Frank Laukien说:“我很高兴Marc Kastner博士同意加入我们的董事会。他将使布鲁克对不断变化的前沿科学研究等的了解有一个难以置信的广度和深度。此外,Marc对科学政策和科学优先资助研究项目的最新发展趋势非常了解。最后,Marc拥有在一个真正杰出的和全球性的学术机构里丰富的领导和管理经验。我们相信Marc将进一步增强我们的董事会,并将为布鲁克带来许多有价值的贡献。”


  Marc Kastner简介:

  Dr. Kastner is Donner Professor of Physics and Dean of the School of Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He received his Bachelor’s in Chemistry and his PhD in Physics, both from the University of Chicago, and in 1973 he joined the MIT Department of Physics. In 1993, Marc was appointed director of the Center for Materials Science and Engineering at MIT, which became the largest NSF U.S. Materials Research Science and Engineering Center. In 1998, he became Head of the MIT Department of Physics, and he became Dean of the MIT School of Science in 2007.

  Marc Kastner has served as Chair of the Solid State Sciences Committee and as Chair of the Board on Physics and Astronomy of the National Research Council. He has also served on committees of the Department of Energy’s Basic Research Advisory Committee and on the Science Advisory Board of the National Cancer Institute. Kastner is a member of the National Academy of Sciences; a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences; a fellow of the American Physical Society; a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and has been honored with several scientific awards and prizes.









  2013年2月19日,布鲁克公司宣布选举Marc Kastner博士取代Charles F. Wagner, Jr.先生进入公司董事会,Charles F. Wagner, Jr.先生2012年夏天从董事会辞职,将成为布鲁克新任首席财务官。


Marc Kastner博士

  布鲁克总裁兼首席执行官Frank Laukien说:“我很高兴Marc Kastner博士同意加入我们的董事会。他将使布鲁克对不断变化的前沿科学研究等的了解有一个难以置信的广度和深度。此外,Marc对科学政策和科学优先资助研究项目的最新发展趋势非常了解。最后,Marc拥有在一个真正杰出的和全球性的学术机构里丰富的领导和管理经验。我们相信Marc将进一步增强我们的董事会,并将为布鲁克带来许多有价值的贡献。”


  Marc Kastner简介:

  Dr. Kastner is Donner Professor of Physics and Dean of the School of Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He received his Bachelor’s in Chemistry and his PhD in Physics, both from the University of Chicago, and in 1973 he joined the MIT Department of Physics. In 1993, Marc was appointed director of the Center for Materials Science and Engineering at MIT, which became the largest NSF U.S. Materials Research Science and Engineering Center. In 1998, he became Head of the MIT Department of Physics, and he became Dean of the MIT School of Science in 2007.

  Marc Kastner has served as Chair of the Solid State Sciences Committee and as Chair of the Board on Physics and Astronomy of the National Research Council. He has also served on committees of the Department of Energy’s Basic Research Advisory Committee and on the Science Advisory Board of the National Cancer Institute. Kastner is a member of the National Academy of Sciences; a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences; a fellow of the American Physical Society; a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and has been honored with several scientific awards and prizes.