

报价 面议








Chamber furnaces with atmosphere circulation PP
-          Chamber furnaces with forced circulation of the inner atmosphere are used for special applications e.g. like preheating and annealing in industry or the preheating of moulds. Our standard range satisfies most requirements.
-          这种箱式炉,带有加强的内部气体循环功能,适合于于特殊应用,例如工业上的预热和退火、烧结或者模具的预热。我们的产品线可以满足用户大部分的需求。
UDescription of the construction of the furnace:U   主要结构描述
-          external jacket made from crimped sheet
-          炉子上部的外壳由波纹板制成;
-          muffle made from stainless steel
-          炉膛和四周的插板都是采用不锈钢
-          electrical installation on back side of furnace
-          电气控制安装在炉子的侧面;
-          door closed by clamps
-          门由搭扣来关闭;
-          door equipped with safety terminal switch
-          门上安装安全开关;
-          furnace insulated with mineral fibre insulation
-          炉子由耐火纤维隔热
-          heating elements placed on furnace sides
-          电加热丝安装在炉子侧面;
-          ventilator with horizontal axis of shaft placed in backside of furnace
-          电加热丝安装在炉子侧面;
-          controller INDUSTRY allows saving of 30 control programs in the internal controller memory, each program can consist of up to 15 steps, operator may start the selected program on a preset date and time using the installed real time clock
-          温控仪INDUSTRY可以在内存中储存30个控制程序,每一个控制程序包括15个 温度步骤,操作者可以在预置的日期和时间启动选择的程序,因为温控仪中有实时时钟系统;
-          thermocouple type K
-          K型热电偶;
-          semi-conductor non-contact switch relay
-          半导体非接触型继电器。
UStandard equipment of the furnace covers: U   标准设备包括
-          door opened manually on hinges to the right
-          门可以在右侧采用铰链手动打开
-          INDUSTRY controller
-          INDUSTRY温控器
-          manually controlled ventilation flap
-          手动调节排气隔板
-          Stand
-          底座支架
UOptional accessories to the furnace (for additional charge) U    可选附件(需要另行计费)
-          graphic temperature recorder
-          图像温度记录仪
-          enhancement of the controller with the RS 232 or RS 485 communication line
-          电脑连接端口
-          manually operated inlet of protective atmosphere for one gas
-          整套的气体输入端口
-          automatically controlled ventilation flap
-          自动控制排气瓣;
-          door opening to the left or upwards
-          门可以向左或向上打开
-          one-hand control of door opening
-          一键式操作
-          automatic overpressure cooling
-          过压自动冷却。
UBenefits:U   优点
-          rust-free design
-          无锈独特设计
-          attractive
-          吸引人的设计
-          optimal temperature distribution
-          完美的温度分布
-          top-quality insulating materials for low power consumption, and enabling rapid achievement of required temperature
-          顶级绝缘材料(耗电量低,可在要求的温度下迅速启动)
-          thigh accuracy programmable temperature adjustment
-          高精确度的空气调整系统
-          solid state relay for  fluent and silent operation with minimum disturbance of the surrounding area
-          固态继电器(运转流畅且无声,因此对周围设施产生的震动 极小)
-          high-quality worksmanship, hardware and follow-up service
-          完善的服务系统,包括加工车间、硬件及安全保险设备
LAC °C L mm mm ks kW kg V
PP 20/65 650 20 800x650x1050 300x200x350 - 3 115 230
PP 40/65 650 35 900x1450x1050 300x300x400 1 6 160 400
PP 70/65 650 70 950x1550x1150 350x400x500 1 8 200 400
PP 140/65 650 135 1050x1650x1250 450x500x600 1 12 350 400
PP 270/65 650 270 1250x1750x1650 600x600x750 1 18 580 400
PP 540/65 650 540 1400x1950x1800 750x800x900 1 26 850 400
PP 20/85 850 20 800x650x1050 300x200x350 - 3,3 115 230
PP 40/85 850 35 900x1450x1050 300x300x400 1 7 160 400
PP 70/85 850 70 950x1550x1150 350x400x500 1 9 200 400
PP 140/85 850 135 1050x1650x1250 450x500x600 1 14 350 400
PP 270/85 850 270 1250x1750x1650 600x600x750 1 20 580 400
PP 540/85 850 540 1400x1950x1800 750x800x900 1 30 850 400


