

报价 面议




Viscometer 5





                    The ConTec-Viscometer 5 is a coaxial cylinder viscometer for course particle suspension that is suitable to measure the rheological properties of cement paste, mortar and concrete with about 120mm slump or higher. When stiffer concrete is tested the coaxial cylinder unit is replaced by a blade or Tattersall impeller system.该contec-viscometer 5是一个同轴圆筒式粘度计是适合测量颗粒悬浮液砂浆混凝土塌落约120毫米或更高的混凝土浆体流变性能
The ConTec-viscometer is constructed of heavy gauge steel plates on a steel frame to withstand the environment in cement and concrete production plants or construction sites.
The specified performance range of the ConTec Viscometer 5 is for torque 0.27 Nm - 27 Nm and for rotation velocity 0.1 revolutions per second (rps) - 0.6 rps under normal testing conditions. The absolute range for both the velocity and the torque can be optionally adjusted. The standard version has the rotation velocity range is 0.05 rps - 0.65 rps. An enhanced version has an extended performance range for rotation velocity of 0,0022 rps - 0.85 rps. The very low rotation velocity of the viscometer makes it possible to measure the stress-deformation curve of the sample mix, an important factor regarding consolidation of concrete. The high torque range of the viscometer is necessary when testing high performance concrete.
ConTec Viscometer 5为指定的性能范围,扭矩 0.27 – 27Nm和旋转速度每秒0.1转(rps)--0.6rps在正常测试条件的粘度计。绝对的范围和速度均在标准版的旋转速度范围是0.05 -0.65rps。一个增强版有一个扩展的性能范围的旋转速度为0.0022 - 0.85rps。非常低的旋转速度的粘度计可以测得应力变形曲线的样品混合体,一个重要的有关混凝土凝固因素。高扭矩范围粘度计测试高性能混凝土必要的。
The rheological properties are described by the fundamental parameters
in the Bingham model, the yield value, and the plastic viscosity. They are calculated by the Reiner-Rivlin equation or for concrete. One can also choose to use the values G and H instead of the Bingham parameters, and they are often preferred, as they are simpler and easier to implement. The calculation process also qualifies the proneness of the concrete-mix to segregate by the segregation factor (S), which can be considered as the change in viscosity during testing.
流变性能的描述的基本参数在宾汉模型屈服值和塑性粘度。他们的计算方式是reiner-rivlin方程或混凝土。你也可以选择使用的G 值    和H代替的宾厄姆参数,他们往往是首选,因为他们是简单和容易实现。计算过程也使倾向的凝固--混合隔离的隔离因(S),它可以被视为在测试过程中粘度的变化。
The total testing time normally takes about 3-4 minutes, i.e. from filling the outer cylinder to emptying it again. During this period the concrete is exposed to direct movement for only 75 seconds in a standard test procedure.
总的测试时间通常需要3 - 4分钟,即从外筒灌装到倒空。在这个其间,混凝土是直接暴露的运动只有75秒的标准试验程序。






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