
LeicaAriol明场-荧光-荧光原位杂交 多功能玻片扫描仪

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The flexible Digital Pathology capture & analysis platform

The Ariol system, based on the Leica DM6000 B microscope, is the ultimate scalable platform for brightfield, fluorescence and FISH slide scanning and analysis.  World renowned Leica objectives and precision Z-stack capture capabilities, enable the successful digitization of even the most demanding samples.

Ariol combines excellent image capture with quantitative clinical breast panel analysis of Her-2/neu, ER/PR and Her-2/neu FISH. Its unrivalled FISH workflow and image quality on tissue, cells or TMAs, bringsFISH review out of the dark room and drastically reduces processing time.

The availability of Ariol® is restricted to special countries and clearly differentiated between diagnostic and research use. Please check Intended Use document for details.

Flexible Scanning

Maximise scanner utilization with brightfield,-multi-channel fluorescent and FISH capture capabilities in a single platform. Customizable scan protocols, Z-stack capture and multiple objective lenses guarantee effective digitisation of all your scanning needs.

Readily scale up to a high capacity system with the Ariol SL200 slide loader enabling unattended batch scanning.

Clinical Breast Marker Analysis

The Ariol system, based on the Leica DM6000 B microscope, provides a clinically validated platform for diagnosis and quantification of brightfield IHC (ER/PR and HER2/neu) and HER2/neu  FISH(Pathvysion) assays.  Use the Ariol system to increase diagnostic confidence in staining interpretation and support clinical decisions in the USA or regions requiring CE marking. 

Standardization and Reporting

Bring objective assessment into your workflow and remove inter- and intra-observer variability from slide reads.

Precise quantitative rather than qualitative results coupled with concise reports provides the ideal platform for communication with colleagues and patients.

Improve laboratory processes

Use the inherent benefits of digital slide technology to step outside traditional laboratory workflows, increase throughput and reduce errors.

Gold standard scoring capabilities, such as fully automated H-score, with trainable adaptable classifiers provide an internationally recognized format for your data.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. For specific product indications and more information click here.

Aperio CS2 and Aperio AT Turbo are registered products under the ScanScope® name.

Copyright Notice: ? 2001 - 2014 Aperio. All Rights Reserved. LEICA and the Leica logo are registered trademarks of Leica Microsystems IR GmbH. Aperio is a registered trademark of Leica Biosystems Imaging, Inc. in the USA and other countries.



LeicaAriol明场-荧光-荧光原位杂交 多功能玻片扫描仪信息由上海新振仪器设备有限公司为您提供,如您想了解更多关于LeicaAriol明场-荧光-荧光原位杂交 多功能玻片扫描仪报价、型号、参数等信息,欢迎来电或留言咨询。
