
德国 Raith 电子束光刻机 Pioneer Two

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Pioneer Two





Raith 电子束光刻机

2.系统中集成了高精度的激光干涉工作台,运动行程为50 x 50 x 25mm,XY方向定位精度2nm,可以实现精确的拼接套刻,拼接套刻精度≤50nm。
3.系统兼具了高精度成像度量的功能,其成像效果和市面上中高端的热场电镜类似,放大倍数为20x ~1,000,000x。 
4.另外,除了标准配置, 客户还可以增加一些选配件,如选配背散射探测器、能谱仪等,进行材料分析;选配工作台旋转倾斜模块,实现不同角度的材料成像等。如果选择相应的选配件,请增加相应的价格。

3D SEM image mosaics stitched over large areas and in 3D with CAD shape extraction

The CHIPSCANNER combines high-resolution electron optics, multiple high-efficiency electron detectors, and ultra-precise Laser Interferometer Stage technology with unique software to deliver homogenous large-area image mosaics for each layer with minimum stitching errors and stable brightness/contrast values and CAD shape extraction. With features such as

• Active focus control using laser height sensing

• Highest position and beam accuracy and stability, and

• A wide range of selectable electron detectors,

the CHIPSCANNER produces the most accurate large-area, high-resolution image mosaics directly acquired by an SEM instrument. Since the absolute position of each pixel, even over cm², is ultimately known to the accuracy provided by the laser interferometer stage and ultra-precise image calibrations, these images can be precisely stacked (3D-stitched).

Various high-speed detectors, flexible working distance, parallel detector stream handling and a high-speed scan generator allow precise and flexible image acquisition that is also high throughput.

Large-area, ultra-high-resolution 3D SEM imaging applications in chip reverse engineering, materials science, and life sciences (e.g. connectomics) require surfaces of up to cm² areas to be scanned with nm resolution and excellent layer to layer accuracy (‘3D stitching’) for layout and schematic extraction or 3D modeling. While traditional SEM instruments are inherently limited by small, uncalibrated fields of view (FOVs) and imprecise sample positioning, the CHIPSCANNER addresses these challenges by combining the resolution and flexibility of an SEM instrument with the accuracy, stability, and automation of an electron beam lithography (EBL) instrument – a core area of expertise at Raith. High-resolution, large-area image mosaics are created by capturing sequential SEM images and stitching them together for further analysis, while the laser interferometer stage and field-of-view calibration reduce overlap to an absolute minimum and thus reduce required computing. A true large-area 3D SEM!



德国 Raith 电子束光刻机 Pioneer Two信息由上海麦科威半导体技术有限公司为您提供,如您想了解更多关于德国 Raith 电子束光刻机 Pioneer Two报价、型号、参数等信息,上海麦科威客服电话:400-860-5168转6289,欢迎来电或留言咨询。
