Characterising Complex Rock Samples using Symmetry

2020/06/15   下载量: 2


应用领域 地矿
检测样本 非金属矿产

Introduction Geological samples can be extremely challenging to analyse using EBSD, not only are they non-conductive, but many rocks contain a large number of phases, typically with low symmetry and often producing relatively weak diffraction patterns. The challenge is twofold: firstly the EBSD detector needs to be sensitive enough to acquire good, high resolution EBSPs in a short time period, and secondly the software needs to be able to distinguish reliably between all the minerals present in the sample. In this application we demonstrate the power of the Symmetry® CMOS-based detector coupled with the AZtec® software for the successful analysis of a multiphase, deformed eclogite sample. The extreme sensitivity of Symmetry enables high quality diffraction patterns to be collected in just a few milliseconds, and the advanced indexing algorithms within AZtec, as well as the full integration of EDS data, ensure reliable and accurate measurement of all phases.



Geological samples can be extremely challenging to analyse using EBSD, not only are they non-conductive, but many

rocks contain a large number of phases, typically with low symmetry and often producing relatively weak diffraction

patterns. The challenge is twofold: firstly the EBSD detector needs to be sensitive enough to acquire good, high

resolution EBSPs in a short time period, and secondly the software needs to be able to distinguish reliably between all the

minerals present in the sample.

In this application we demonstrate the power of the Symmetry® CMOS-based detector coupled with the AZtec® software

for the successful analysis of a multiphase, deformed eclogite sample. The extreme sensitivity of Symmetry enables high

quality diffraction patterns to be collected in just a few milliseconds, and the advanced indexing algorithms within AZtec,

as well as the full integration of EDS data, ensure reliable and accurate measurement of all phases.

上一篇 一文了解 EDS 能谱技术发展历程
下一篇 AN1017_Preparaing lamellae with Backside Thinning with the OmniProbe 400...




当前位置: 仪器信息网 牛津仪器 方案 Characterising Complex Rock Samples using Symmetry


