

型号: PT200
产地: 其他国家
品牌: Ekspla
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Features & options

  • 690-3400 nm tuning range

  • Optional tuning range extension to UV

  • Nearly Fourier transform-limited linewidth

  • Nearly diffraction limited divergence

  • Up to 5 kW pulse peak power

  • Collinear output of two tunable wavelengths for CARS applications (optional)

  • Output wavelength monitoring (optional)

  • PC control via USB (RS232 is optional) and LabVIEW™ drivers


  • CARS microscopy and spectroscopy

  • Two-photon fluorescence microscopy

  • Second harmonic generation microscopy

  • Laser induced fluorescence microscopy

  • Infrared spectroscopy

PT200 series laser systems integrate a picosecond optical parametric oscillator and DPSS pump laser into a single compact housing. Mounting the components into one frame provides a cost-effective and robust solution with improved long-term stability and reduced maintenance costs.
The megahertz pulse repetition rate enables the photon-counting detection method in numerous non‑linear spectroscopy and microscopy applications.
PT257 and PT259 are targeted for CARS and two photon fluorescence applications. The tuning range of PT257 and PT259 supports Raman shift measurements in the 1000–4000 cm⁻¹ range. An optional second harmonic generator extends the PT259 tuning range to UV, enabling time‑resolved laser-induced fluorescence measurements.
The PT277 model produces approximately 0.5 W power in mid‑IR range from 2.5 to 3.4 μm with nearly Fourier transform limited linewidth. Applications include infrared spectroscopy and vibrational spectroscopy on surfaces.
All models produce nearly diffraction limited divergence beams, with M² measured as low as 1.3 over the tuning range.
The microprocessor-controlled wavelength tuning is fully automatic. The wavelength controlling elements are mounted on precise micro‑stepping motors. The temperature of the non‑linear crystal is controlled by a precise thermocontroller with a bidirectional Peltier element, resulting in the fast tuning of temperature, whether by cooling or by heating the crystal. The lasers may be controlled from a remote keypad or via USB (RS232 is optional) interface from a personal computer using LabView™ drivers.

PT200 series available models


PT2591 MHz pulse repetition rate, > 25 mW power at 800 nm, 5 ps pulse duration.
PT25788 MHz pulse repetition rate, > 400 mW power at 800 nm, 5 ps pulse duration
PT27788 MHz pulse repetition rate, nearly Fourier transform limited (<0.3 cm&#8315;&sup1;) linewidth, 70 ps pulse duration


PT200系列皮秒可调谐激光器信息由北京欧兰科技发展有限公司为您提供,如您想了解更多关于PT200系列皮秒可调谐激光器报价、型号、参数等信息, 欢迎来电或留言咨询。除供应PT200系列皮秒可调谐激光器外,北京欧兰科技发展有限公司还可为您提供Ekspla UltraFlux 一体化可调谐飞秒激光器、PL3140 皮秒Nd:YLF激光器等产品, 公司有专业的客户服务团队,是您值得信赖的合作伙伴。
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