LaVision 用于数字图像相关DIC的相机
LaVision 用于数字图像相关DIC的相机
LaVision 用于数字图像相关DIC的相机

LaVision 用于数字图像相关DIC的相机

参考价:¥10万 - 20万
型号: Camera-DIC
产地: 德国
品牌: LaVision GmbH
关注展位 全部仪器
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Cameras for DIC

LaVision is offering a wide range of cameras for strain and deformation analysis. Depending on your needs we offer high resolution and high frame rate cameras.


The Imager M-lite is a high sensitivity, high resolution digital USB 3 camera series, equipped with the new generation CMOS sensors with excellent image quality and low readout noise. Models are available with 2, 5, 8 and 12 million pixel resolution.


LaVision‘s Imager X-lite cameras are advanced progressive scan, fully programmable CCD cameras. They deliver high quality images, combined with high spatial resolution of 16 and 29 milion pixel resolution.


The Imager MX 4M camera has a 4 million pixel 12 bit sensor with excellent sensitivity characteristics and is able to work at frame rates up to 180 Hz at maximum resolution. With this extremely compact and cost effective solution it is also possible to use a reduced AOI and get up to 700 Hz with a 1 million pixel "letterbox" region; often ideal for the typical high aspect ratio specimens.


The Photron, Imager HS 4M and Phantom cameras are fully integrated within the software and feature CMOS sensors with frame rates of several kHz at highest spatial resolution. Like all other cameras LaVision's high-speed cameras are ready for use in time resolved applications featuring very high strain rate testing such as impact or blast.

Product Information


 DIC Cameras

LaVision 用于数字图像相关DIC的相机信息由北京欧兰科技发展有限公司为您提供,如您想了解更多关于LaVision 用于数字图像相关DIC的相机报价、型号、参数等信息, 欢迎来电或留言咨询。除供应LaVision 用于数字图像相关DIC的相机外,北京欧兰科技发展有限公司还可为您提供StrainMaster 2D-/3D 数字图像相关DIC测量系统、LaVision StrainMaster DVC 体视全场应变测量系统等产品, 公司有专业的客户服务团队,是您值得信赖的合作伙伴。
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