Shake-the Box 高空间分辨体视粒子跟踪测速
Shake-the Box 高空间分辨体视粒子跟踪测速

Shake-the Box 高空间分辨体视粒子跟踪测速

参考价:¥120万 - 150万
型号: FlowMaster 4D-PTV
产地: 德国
品牌: LaVision GmbH
关注展位 全部仪器
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FlowMaster 4D-PTV / Shake-the-Box

Shake-the-Box is the most advanced 3D Lagrangian Particle Tracking Velocimetry (PTV) method for densely seeded flows at highest spatial resolution. Compared to the voxel-based Tomo-PIV approach Shake-the-Box is a purely particle-based technique using an Iterative Particle Reconstruction (IPR) technique in combination with an advanced 4D-PTV algorithm using the time-information for track reconstruction. Shake-the-Box achieves a higher reconstruction accuracy at much faster processing speed compared with its TR-Tomo-PIV counterpart.
Beside different DaVis software packages FlowMaster systems for TR-Tomo-PIV and Shake-the-Box are using the same hardware.

FlowMaster Shake-the-Box
System Features
  • time-resolved PTV for 4D flow analysis at high seeding densities

  • award-winning particle reconstruction and tracking algorithm:
    4th International PIV Challenge

  • unsurpassed precision for velocity and acceleration of particle tracks

  • very fast processing speed

  • hardware compatible with FlowMaster TR-Tomo-PIV setups


MiniShaker: compact 3D camera for volumetric flow measurements

The MiniShaker is an aligned multi-sensor system in a compact housing for quick and easy volumetric flow measurements. Integrated into LaVision’s DaVis software, Shake-the-Box (4D-PTV) as well as Tomographic PIV flow fields are readily obtained. The power supply and data transfer of the system both use USB-3 interfaces largely simplifying installation and operation.

The MiniShaker is available in three models and with adaptable lenses for diverse measurement tasks. In combination with LaVision’s cost-effective LED-Flashlight it is ideal for measurements of water applications. Mounted to a robotic arm and combined with Helium-filled Soap Bubble seeding, the flexible system is most appropriate for large-scale flow analysis of low- to mid-speed wind tunnel and convective air flow applications.

Flow field of a large thermal air plume calculated with Shake-the-Box applying Helium-filled soap bubble seeding,
courtesy DLR Goettingen

Large Scale PIV/PTV in air

Air seeding with μm-particles is not suitable for large scale PIV/PTV experiments due to their limited scattering power. Neutrally buoyant Helium-filled Soap Bubbles (HFSB) with a diameter of 0.3 mm and a response time less than 15 μs scatter 10000x more light than μm-particles and, therefore, are suitable for large scale PIV/PTV experiments in the lower subsonic regime.
LaVision’s HFSB Seeding Generator can deliver 0.3 mm mono-sized bubbles at a production rate of 40000 bubbles per second and per nozzle and can operate simultaneously up to 60 nozzles in parallel. The typical life time of the Helium-filled soap bubbles is a few minutes. Furthermore, the increased scattering intensity allows to switch from laser to LED illumination, greatly reducing the cost of the light source.

Time-Resolved 3D Flow Field Imaging in a Wind Tunnel for Full Scale Automotive Testing

Time-resolved 3D flow fields have been successfully measured behind a serial car in a large wind tunnel at Volkswagen. The field-of-view was 2 m x 1.6 m with a light sheet thickness of 0.2 m. The air flow was seeded with 0.3 mm in diameter Helium-filled soap bubbles applying seeding rates of more than 2 million bubbles per second operating 60 seeding nozzles.

Four high-speed cameras recorded the 3D wake flow at wind speeds of 60 km/h and 120 km/h, respectively. A high-speed laser was used for illumination. LaVision’s Shake-the-Box time-resolved 3D-PTV technique was applied to calculate the time-resolved 3D flow fields.

Product Information

3D Particle Tracking

no-img Time-Resolved 3D-PTV: ?Shake-the-Box“

no-img MiniShaker 3D cameras

no-img Helium-filled Soap Bubble Seeder

Shake-the Box 高空间分辨体视粒子跟踪测速信息由北京欧兰科技发展有限公司为您提供,如您想了解更多关于Shake-the Box 高空间分辨体视粒子跟踪测速报价、型号、参数等信息, 欢迎来电或留言咨询。除供应Shake-the Box 高空间分辨体视粒子跟踪测速外,北京欧兰科技发展有限公司还可为您提供体视层析粒子成像测速系统(Tomo-PIV)、电动层析显微粒子成像测速PIV-Mitas等产品, 公司有专业的客户服务团队,是您值得信赖的合作伙伴。
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