Ekspla UltraFlux HR型高重复频率波长可调谐飞秒OPCPA系统

Ekspla UltraFlux HR型高重复频率波长可调谐飞秒OPCPA系统

参考价:¥50万 - 100万
型号: UltraFlux HR
产地: 其他国家
品牌: Ekspla
关注展位 全部仪器
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UltraFlux HR series

High Repetition Rate Tunable Wavelength Femtosecond OPCPA Systems
  • Tunable wavelength femtosecond OPCPA system

  • 750 – 960 nm, 375 – 480 nm, 250 – 320 nm and 210 – 230 nm tuning ranges

  • Up to 14 mJ pulse energy at 1 kHz repetition rate

  • Perfectly synchronized fs and ps outputs option

UltraFlux HR series High repetition rate Tunable Wavelength Femtosecond OPCPA Systems

Features & Applications


  • Based on the novel OPCPA (Optical Parametric Chirped Pulse Amplification) technology

  • Patented front-end design (patents no. EP2827461 and EP2924500)

  • 750 – 960 nm, 375 – 480 nm, 250 – 320 nm and 210 – 230 nm tuning ranges

  • Up to 14 mJ pulse energy at 1 kHz repetition rate

  • Excellent pulse energy stability: ≤ 1 % RMS

  • Excellent long-term average power stability: ≤1.5 % RMS over 8-hour period

  • Perfectly synchronized fs and ps output option

  • Hands free wavelength tuning

  • High contrast pulses without any additional improvement equipment


  • Broadband CARS and SFG

  • Femtosecond pump-probe spectroscopy

  • Nonlinear spectroscopy

  • High harmonic generation


UltraFlux HR series is a compact high repetition rate tunable wavelength femtosecond laser system which incorporates the advantages of dual output ultrafast fiber laser, solid-state and parametric chirped pulse amplification technologies.

A novel OPCPA front-end technology uses a dual output picosecond fiber laser for seeding both picosecond DPSS pump laser and femtosecond parametric amplifier with a spectrally broadened output.

This approach greatly simplifies the system – excludes femtosecond regenerative amplifier and eliminates the need of pump and seed pulse synchronization while ensuring practically zero jitter between the channels. In addition to that, contrast of the output pulses in picosecond to nanosecond time scale is enhanced.

All UltraFlux series laser systems are assembled on a rigid breadboard or optical table to ensure excellent long-term stability. Modular internal design offers high level of customization and easy scalability. All of these systems can be customized according to customer requirements by adding custom specifications or multiple channels.

Incorporation of parametric chirped pulse amplification technology together with a novel ultrafast fiber laser helped to create and bring to the market a new tool for femtosecond pump-probe, nonlinear spectroscopy, emerging high harmonic generation experiments and other femtosecond and nonlinear spectroscopy applications. With this laser ultrafast science breakthrough is closer to any photonics lab than ever before.


ModelUltraFlux FT031kUltraFlux FT31kUltraFlux FT61kUltraFlux FT141k
Output energy 2)
    Signal300 µJ3 mJ6 mJ14 mJ
    SH output 3)60 µJ0.6 mJ1.5 mJ3.5 mJ 4)
    TH output 3)15 µJ150 µJ0.4 mJ1.2 mJ 4)
    FH output 3)3 µJ30 µJ100 µJ300 µJ 4)
Pulse repetition rate1 kHz
Wavelength tuning range
    Signal 5)750 – 960 nm
    SH output 3)375 – 480 nm
    TH output 3)250 – 320 nm
    FH output 3)210 – 230 nm
Scanning steps
    Signal5 nm
    SH output 3)5 nm
    TH output 3)3 nm
    FH output 3)2 nm
Pulse duration 5) 7)40 ± 20 fs
Pulse energy stability 8)< 1.5 %≤ 1 %
Long-term power drift 9)< 1.5 %
Beam spatial profileGaussianSuper Gaussian 10)
Beam diameter 11)~ 2 mm~ 5 mm~ 7 mm~ 15 mm
Beam pointing stability 12)≤ 30 µrad
Temporal contrast 13)
    APFC (within ± 50 ps)1010 : 1
    Pre-pulse (≤ 50 ps)108 : 1
    Post-Pulse (> 50 ps)108 : 1
Optical pulse jitter 14)
    Trig out≤ 100 ps
    Pre-Trig out≤ 50 ps
    With –PLL option≤ 2 ps
Polarizationlinear, horizontal
Laser head size (W×L×H mm)750 × 1200 × 300900 × 1500 × 300900 × 1800 × 3001200 × 2000 × 300
Power supply size (W×L×H mm)553 × 600 × 850553 × 600 × 1250
Umbilical length 16)2.5 m
Electrical power200 – 240 V AC, single-phase, 47 – 63 Hz208, 380 or 400 V AC, three-phase, 50/60 Hz 18)
Power consumption 19)≤ 1 kVA≤ 2 kVA≤ 5 kVA≤ 8 kVA
Water supplynot required≤ 5 l/min, 2 Bar, max 20 °C
Operating ambient temperature22 ± 2 °C
Storage ambient temperature15 – 35 °C
Relative humidity (non-condensing)≤ 80 %
Cleanness of the roomISO Class 7
  1. Due to continuous improvement, all specifications are subject to change without notice. The parameters marked ‘typical’ are indications of typical performance and will vary with each unit we manufacture. Presented parameters can be customized to meet customer‘s requirements.

  2. Maximum pulse energy specified at 840 nm, SH output at 420 nm, TH output at 280 nm and FH output at 210 nm.

  3. Harmonic outputs are optional. Specifications valid with respective harmonic module purchased. Outputs are not simultaneous. Maximum harmonic energy depends on OPCPA signal beam profile and pulse duration.

  4. Maximum pump energy for harmonics limited to 10 mJ @ 840 nm.

  5. Optional extended tuning range of 700 – 1010 nm available upon request.

  6. Standard pulse duration changes though the wavelength range – shortest pulse duration is achieved ~840 nm spectral range.

  7. Separate ‘F10’ option can be ordered to reduce pulse duration to ≤ 10 fs. Wavelength tunability not available with ‘F10’ option.

  8. Under stable environmental conditions, normalized to average pulse energy (RMS, averaged from 60 s).

  9. Measured over 8 hours period after 30 min warm-up when ambient temperature variation is less than ±2 °C.

  10. Super-Gaussian spatial mode of 6-11th order in near field.

  11. Beam diameter is measured at signal output at 1/e2 level for Gaussian beams and FWHM level for Super-Gaussian beams.

  12. Beam pointing stability is evaluated as movement of the beam centroid in the focal plane of a focusing element (RMS, averaged from 30 s).

  13. Pulse contrast is only limited by amplified parametric fluorescence (APFC) in the temporal range of ~90 ps which covers OPCPA pump pulse duration and is better than 107:1. APFC contrast depends on OPCPA saturation level. Our OPCPA systems are ASE-free and pulse contrast value in nanosecond range is limited only by measurement device capabilities (third-order autocorrelator). There are no pre-pulses generated in the system and post-pulses are eliminated by using wedged transmission optics.

  14. Optical pulse jitter in respect to electrical outputs:
    – Trig out > 3.5 V @ 50 Ω
    – Pre-Trig out > 1 V @ 50 Ω
    – PLL option > 1 V @ 50 Ω

  15. System sizes are preliminary and depend on customer lab layout and additional options purchased.

  16. Longer umbilical with up to 10 m for flash lamp pumped and up to 5 m for diode pumped systems available upon request.

  17. The laser and auxiliary units must be settled in such a place void of dust and aerosols. It is advisable to operate the laser in air conditioned room, provided that the laser is placed at a distance from air conditioning outlets. The laser should be positioned on a solid worktable. Access from one side should be ensured.

  18. Voltage fluctuations allowed are +10 % / -15 % from nominal value.

  19. Required current rating can be calculated by dividing power rating by mains voltage. Power rating is given in apparent power (kVA) for systems with flash lamp power supplies and in real power (kW) for systems without flash lamp power supplies where reactive power is neglectable.

Note: Laser must be connected to the mains electricity all the time. If there will be no mains electricity for longer that 1 hour then laser (system) needs warm up for a few hours before switching on.


-F10Short Pulse option reduces output pulse duration to ≤10 fsWavelength tunability not available with ‘F10’ option
-CEPCEP stabilization to ≤400 mradPassive and active CEP stabilization
-DM‘Deformable Mirror’ option for Strehl ration improvement to >0.9
-SH/TH/FHSecond, third and fourth harmonic outputsConversion efficiency from signal respectively ~20 %, ~5 % and ~1 %. Harmonic outputs not simultaneous with signal output
-ps outAdditional ps output that is optically synchronized to main system outputCan be simultaneous and non-simultaneous to the main system output
-AWAir-Water coolingNo external water required. Heat dissipation equals total power consumption


Typical tuning curve of UltraFlux FT31k laser systemTypical tuning curve of UltraFlux FT31k laser system
Typical energies of UltraFlux FT31k second, third and fourth harmonic outputsTypical energies of UltraFlux FT31k second, third and fourth harmonic outputs
Typical output spectra of UltraFlux FT031k system at multiple wavelengthsTypical output spectra of UltraFlux FT031k system at multiple wavelengths
Long-term power stability measurement at 800 nm wavelengthLong-term power stability measurement at 800 nm wavelength
Typical temporal contrast of UltraFlux systemsTypical temporal contrast of UltraFlux systems
Typical UltraFlux FT031k near field beam profileTypical UltraFlux FT031k near field beam profile
Typical UltraFlux FT31k near field beam profileTypical UltraFlux FT31k near field beam profile
Typical UltraFlux FT61k and FT141k near field beam profileTypical UltraFlux FT61k and FT141k near field beam profile

Drawings & Images

Typical external view of UltraFlux FT031k systemTypical external view of UltraFlux FT031k system (actual design might vary)
Typical UltraFlux FT031k laser system external dimensionsTypical UltraFlux FT031k laser system external dimensions
Typical power supply rack dimensions (MR rack used depends on the laser model)Typical power supply rack dimensions (MR rack used depends on the laser model)

Power Supply

CabinetUsable heightHeight H, mmWidth W, mmDepth D, mm
MR-99 U455.5 (519 1) )553600
MR-1212 U589 (653 1) )553600
MR-1616 U768 (832 1) )553600
MR-2020 U889 (952 1) )553600
MR-2525 U1167 (1231 1) )553600
  1. Full height with wheels.


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Ordering information

UltraFlux HR ordering informationUltraFlux HR ordering information

Ekspla UltraFlux HR型高重复频率波长可调谐飞秒OPCPA系统信息由北京欧兰科技发展有限公司为您提供,如您想了解更多关于Ekspla UltraFlux HR型高重复频率波长可调谐飞秒OPCPA系统报价、型号、参数等信息, 欢迎来电或留言咨询。除供应Ekspla UltraFlux HR型高重复频率波长可调谐飞秒OPCPA系统外,北京欧兰科技发展有限公司还可为您提供宽带和频光谱(SFG)测量系统、皮秒扫描型和频光谱(SFG)测量系统等产品, 公司有专业的客户服务团队,是您值得信赖的合作伙伴。
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