
2019/12/06   下载量: 0


应用领域 医疗/卫生
检测样本 全血/血清/血浆
检测项目 物理指标>粘度
参考标准 暂无



Red blood cells (RBCs) are the most abundant cells in human blood. Remarkably RBCs
deform and bridge together to form aggregates under very low shear rates. The theory and
mechanics behind aggregation are, however, not yet completely understood. The main
objective of this work is to quantify and characterize RBC aggregates in order to enhance
the current understanding of the non-Newtonian behaviour of blood in microcirculation.
Suspensions of human blood were flowed and observed in vitro in poly-di-methyl-siloxane
(PDMS) microchannels to characterize RBC aggregates. These microchannels were fabricated using standard photolithography methods. Experiments were performed using a
micro particle image velocimetry (μPIV) system for shear rate measurements, coupled with
a high-speed camera for flow visualization. RBC aggregate sizes were quantified in controlled
and measurable shear rate environments for 5, 10 and 15% hematocrit. Aggregate
sizes were determined using image processing techniques, while apparent viscosity was
measured using optical viscometry. For the samples suspended at 5% H, aggregate size
was not strongly correlated with shear rate. For the 10% H suspensions, in contrast, lowering
the shear rate below 10 s-1 resulted in a significant increase of RBC aggregate sizes.
The viscosity was found to increase with decreasing shear rate and increasing hematocrit,
exemplifying the established non-Newtonian shear-thinning behaviour of blood. Increase in
aggregation size did not translate into a linear increase of the blood viscosity. Temperature
was shown to affect blood viscosity as expected, however, no correlation for aggregate size
with temperature was observed. Non-Newtonian parameters associated with power law and
Carreau models were determined by fitting the experimental data and can be used towards
the simple modeling of blood's non-Newtonian behaviour in microcirculation. This work
establishes a relationship between RBC aggregate sizes and corresponding shear rates
and one between RBC aggregate sizes and apparent blood viscosity at body and room temperatures,in a microfluidic environment for low hematocrit. Effects of hematocrit, shear rate,viscosity and temperature on RBC aggregate sizes have been quantified.

上一篇 在一个双稳湍流涡旋火焰中,对间歇性动态的时间-频率定位
下一篇 交叉流燃油喷射对反应射流的影响




当前位置: 仪器信息网 欧兰科技 方案 双流体低剪切速率微流控系统中红细胞聚集对非牛顿血液粘度的影响


