
2017/04/03   下载量: 3


应用领域 环保
检测样本 空气
检测项目 有机污染物>醛酮类化合物
参考标准 EPA方法8315

基线分离确保空气样品中15种常见的醛和酮的准确测定。 •Raptor C18给你一分钟内最小样品量理想的分析结果。 •Restek®认证的参考材料是专门制定环境空气和汽车排放测试的标准耗材。空气样品中醛酮的准确分析是监测空气污染和保护空气污染的重要环节关系世界各地的人类健康。


Baseline separation ensures accurate determination of 15 commonly analyzed aldehydes and ketones in air samples.
Raptor™ LC columns give you results in minutes—not hours—for increased sample throughput.
Restek® certified reference materials are specially formulated for ambient air and automotive emissions testing.
Accurate analysis of aldehydes and ketones in air samples is an important part of monitoring programs that are used to control air pollution and to protect
human health around the world. These airborne carbonyls from industrial and vehicle emissions are precursors to ozone in smog and are associated with
respiratory and pulmonary problems. In addition, specific carbonyls—formaldehyde and acetaldehyde—have been identified as known or suspected
carcinogens. Prior to analysis, aldehydes and ketones are converted to hydrazone derivatives when they are captured on a sampling tube composed of
silica gel coated with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine (DNPH). Then, the aldehyde/ketone DNPH derivatives are eluted from the sampling tube with solvent and
analyzed by HPLC-UV. Typically, carbonyl LC methods require long analysis times (often over an hour), but many still fail to provide adequate resolution for
some aldehyde/ketone DNPH derivatives.
To help labs improve analytical speed and accuracy in the analysis of aldehydes and ketones in air samples, Restek has developed LC columns, instrument
conditions, and certified reference materials that reliably provide baseline separation of commonly analyzed aldehyde/ketone DNPH derivatives in just minutes. For example, airborne carbonyls LC method U.S. EPA Method TO-11A uses a conventional C18 column and requires an analysis time of over one hour,
yet acrolein and acetone partially coelute and the o-, m-, and p- tolualdehyde isomers cannot be fully separated. In contrast, using a Raptor™ C18 column
under the conditions shown below, all 15 carbonyls—including the tolualdehyde isomer cluster—are separated to baseline in a fast 14-minute analysis.
Similarly, airborne carbonyl LC method CARB 1004 produces extremely long analysis times; in fact, this method requires two separate chromatographic
analyses in order to quantify all compounds. The first is a 37-minute analysis using two columns connected in series. Even with two columns and a long
analysis time, methyl ethyl ketone and butyraldehyde coelute in this analysis. To report these two compounds, another 30-minute chromatographic analysis with a different column is needed. However, this second analysis cannot be used to report all compounds due to the coelution of formaldehyde with a
non-carbonyl compound. This same list of CARB 1004 aldehyde/ketone DNPH derivatives can be fully resolved by the second Restek® method shown below
using a Raptor™ ARC-18 column in a fast 8.5-minute analysis—an 8-fold reduction in analysis time with a single column.
Both of these methods from Restek are compatible with conventional 400 bar HPLC systems and benefit from the larger, low-clog frit used in Raptor™
column hardware. Using either Raptor™ LC column—along with Restek’s airborne carbonyl reference standards—assures fast, accurate analysis of
aldehydes and ketones in air and offers an opportunity for improved sample throughput compared to typical columns and methods.

上一篇 食用油中过氧化值快速检测
下一篇 全氟烷基酸 快速 液相色谱法/串联质谱法分析增加样品通量




当前位置: 仪器信息网 百道亨 方案 空气样品中醛酮的改进分析方法-更快更准确


