

型号: PIDStudio
产地: 德国
品牌: Freiberg Instruments
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●   并联电阻

●   电导率

●   功率损耗

●   泄漏电流

●   温度

●   湿度

●   高电压



●   用户结构

●   输出功能

●   谱图

●   通过和失败标准

●   分析功能包

●   可控制任意数量的设备


参考文献: cells  (1)K. Sporleder, V. Naumann, J. Bauer, S. Richter, A. Hähnel, S. Großer, M. Turek, C. Hagendorf, Local corrosion of silicon as root cause for potential induced  degradation at the rear side of bifacial PERC solar cells. physica status solidi (RRL)–Rapid Research Letters. 2019, doi 10.1002/pssr.201900163

(2)V. Naumann, K. Ilse, M. Pander, J. Tröndle, K. Sporleder, C. Hagendorf, Influence of soiling and moisture ingress on long term PID susceptibility of photovoltaic

modules, AIP Conference Proceedings 2147, 090005 (2019).

(3)K. Sporleder, V. Naumann, J. Bauer, S. Richter, A. Hähnel, S. Großer, M. Turek, C. Hagendorf, Root cause analysis on corrosive potential-induced degradation effects  at the rear side of bifacial silicon PERC solar cells, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 201, 110062 (2019).

(4)K. Sporleder, V. Naumann, J. Bauer, S. Richter, A. Hähnel, S. Großer, M. Turek, C. Hagendorf, Microstructural Analysis of Local Silicon Corrosion of Bifacial Solar Cells

as Root Cause of Potential‐Induced Degradation at the Rear Side, Phys. Status Solidi A (2019), doi:10.1002/pssa.201900334.

(5)K. Sporleder, J. Bauer, S. Großer, S. Richter, A. Hähnel, M. Turek, V. Naumann, K. Ilse, C. Hagendorf, Potential-Induced Degradation of Bifacial PERC Solar Cells Under  Illumination, IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 9 (6) 1522-1525, 2019.

(6)K. Sporleder, M. Turek, N. Schüler, V. Naumann, D. Hevisov, C. Pöblau, S. Großer, H. Schulte-Huxel, J. Bauer, C. Hagendorf, Quick test for reversible and irreversible  PID of bifacial PERC solar cells, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 219, 110755, 2021.

(7)K. Sporleder, V. Naumann, J. Bauer, D. Hevisov, M. Turek, and C. Hagendorf, Time-resolved Investigation of Transient Field Effect Passivation States during Potential  Induced Degradation and Recovery of Bifacial Silicon Solar Cells , Solar RRL, 2021, accepted.

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