
主题一:从2D到3D,高内涵药物筛选技术简谈摘要:随着仪器制造技术,生物检测手段和计算机数据分析软件的不断革新。旨在以检测和分析多靶点多指标,更好的对化合物活性进行综合评价的高内涵药物筛选技术应运而生。在保持细胞结构和功能完整性的前提下,同时检测被筛选物对细胞形态、生长、分化、迁移、凋亡、代谢途径及信号转导等各项指标。而由此,2D细胞培养技术被大量应用在药物筛选、开发和疾病治疗的研究中。但是这种模型无法准确描述和模拟细胞在体内复杂的微环境和各种复杂生物学过程。因此,细胞球、类器官芯片等3D细胞培养技术不断更新,以研究细胞迁移、黏附和对药物反应的准确描述。主讲人:朱文通主题二:Modeling gut and vasculature in the OrganoPlate ® - a high throughput microfluidic tissue culture platform.摘要:The transition from 2D to 3D cell culture is a first step towards more physiologically relevant in vitro models for human (disease) modeling. To adequately capture the complex tissue architectures observed in vivo, 3D microfluidic techniques incorporate and achieve long-term gradient stability, continuous perfusion and patterning of cell layers as stratified co-cultures.Mimetas develops Organ-on-a-Chip-based models for disease modeling and evaluation of new medicines. Our unique microfluidic technology – the OrganoPlate? – enables testing of compounds on miniaturized 3D organ models in high-throughput. These models are expected to show better physiological relevance versus conventional 2D cell culture models, without compromising throughput or ease of use. Combining these models with advanced and powerful imaging techniques really opens up a whole new panel of assays that researchers can use to get concrete answers to their questions very, very quickly and in a robust and scalable manner. This presentation provides an overview of the technology and its applications for gut and vasculature modeling.主讲人:Chiwan Chiang, MSc.

3945 2019-12-24



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