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  • 【资料】动物组织中特布他林、克伦特罗、沙丁胺醇和莱克多巴胺残留量的测定 气相色谱-质谱法

    1 范围本标准规定了[url=https://insevent.instrument.com.cn/t/Mp]气相色谱[/url]-质谱(GC-MS)法测定动物组织中特布他林、克伦特罗、沙丁胺醇、莱克多巴胺等4种β2-兴奋剂残留量的方法。本标准适用于畜禽肌肉、肝脏、肺、肾等组织中特布他林、克伦特罗、沙丁胺醇、莱克多巴胺等4种β2-兴奋剂残留量的测定。本方法检测限为:特布他林1.0μg/kg、克伦特罗2.0μg/kg、沙丁胺醇1.0μg/kg、莱克多巴胺2.0μg/kg。2 规范性引用文件下列文件中的条款通过本标准的引用而成为本标准的条款。凡是注日期的引用文件,其随后所有的修改单(不包括勘误的内容)或修订版均不适用于本标准,然而,鼓励根据本标准达成协议的各方研究是否可使用这些文件的最新版本。凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本适用于本标准。GB/T 6682 分析实验室用水规格和试验方法3 方法原理试样加入内标物后,用甲醇提取和离子交换固相萃取柱净化,氮气吹干,与N,O-双三甲基硅烷三氟乙酰胺(BSTFA)进行衍生化反应,于[url=https://insevent.instrument.com.cn/t/Mp]气相色谱[/url]-质谱仪上进行测定。内标法定量。 4 试剂和溶液所有试剂,如未注明规格,均指分析纯;所有实验室用水为去离子水,应符合GB/T 6682二级水的规定。4.1 甲醇4.2 乙酸乙酯:色谱纯4.3 氨水4.4 盐酸4.5 0.2mol/L盐酸溶液:取盐酸(4.4)9mL,加水至500mL,摇匀,即得。4.6 30mmol/L盐酸溶液:取0.2mol/L盐酸溶液(4.5)15mL,加水至100mL,摇匀,即得。4.7 无水硫酸钠:450℃干燥12h,备用。4.8 正己烷4.9 甲苯:色谱纯4.10 衍生剂:N,O-双三甲基硅烷三氟乙酰胺(BSTFA)4.11 4%氨水/乙酸乙酯溶液:取氨水(4.3)4mL加乙酸乙酯(4.2)至100mL,超声15min,充分混匀,即配即用。4.12 SLS阳离子交换固相萃取柱○1:每根柱填料量为400mg,柱体积5mL。4.13 标准品:特布他林、克伦特罗、沙丁胺醇、莱克多巴胺,纯度≥98%。4.14 同位素内标物:D9-克伦特罗100μg/mL,D3-沙丁胺醇100μg/mL。4.15 β2-兴奋剂标准储备液:取特布他林、克伦特罗、沙丁胺醇、莱克多巴胺标准品(4.13)10mg,○1 SLS阳离子交换固相萃取柱是由杭州富裕科技服务有限公司提供的产品的商品名称,给出这一信息是为了给本标准的使用者提供方便,而不是标准主管部门对这一产品的认可。精密称定,分别置100mL容量瓶中,用甲醇溶解并定容至刻度,其浓度均为0.1mg/mL,置-20℃以下冰箱中保存,有效期为6个月。4.16 β2-兴奋剂混合标准工作液:分别准确吸取适量的β2-兴奋剂标准储备液(4.15)于同一容量瓶中,用甲醇稀释成含特布他林、克伦特罗、沙丁胺醇、莱克多巴胺均为1.0μg/mL的混合标准工作液,置4℃~8℃冰箱中保存,有效期为1个月。4.17 β2-兴奋剂内标工作液:分别准确吸取适量的β2-兴奋剂同位素内标物(4.14)于同一容量瓶中,用甲醇稀释成含D9-克伦特罗、D3-沙丁胺醇均为1.0μg/mL混合内标工作液,置4℃~8℃冰箱中保存,有效期为1个月。5 仪器设备实验室常用仪器设备和5.1 [url=https://insevent.instrument.com.cn/t/Mp]气相色谱[/url]-质谱仪:配有电子轰击(EI)源5.2 离心机:最大转速9000r/min或以上5.3 组织绞碎机5.4 组织匀浆机:最大转速10000r/min或以上5.5 分液漏斗:125 mL5.6 具塞玻璃试管:5mL,10mL5.7 涡旋混合器5.8 分析天平:感量0.00001g,0.01g5.9 超声波清洗器5.10 离心管:50mL,10mL5.11 氮吹仪5.12 [url=https://insevent.instrument.com.cn/t/9p][color=#3333ff][url=https://insevent.instrument.com.cn/t/9p][color=#3333ff]移液器[/color][/url][/color][/url]:量程20μL~200μL,100μL~1000μL

  • ICP-AES系列学习7:Linearity and Detection Limits

    7. Linearity and Detection LimitsThe next few parts of this guide will provide practical information for the operator in the realization and demonstration of the key performance characteristics designed into their ICP by the manufacturer.I have personally had the opportunity to see the advancement of ICP instrumentation over the past 30 years. Current instrumentation and software provided by manufacturers has gone well beyond anything I could have imagined 30 years ago (and it costs less). In 2004 it takes $3.21 to purchase what cost $1.00 in 1975, yet during this time period the price of ICP instrumentation has gone down while the performance characteristics have improved by orders of magnitude. A 憄ersonal experience?example is the detection limit for K by ICP-OES that has gone from 0.4 ppm to 1 ppb where the 0.4 ppm detection limit was measured on an instrument that in 1975 cost 1.5 times the 2000 price of the instrument that measured the 1 ppb detection limit (taking inflation into account, the 2000 price would be one fifth the 1975 price).Although an ICP instrument can be wheeled into a laboratory and begin collecting data the same day, the operator is encouraged to realize and demonstrate the key performance characteristics of linearity, detectability, and spectral integrity and then go on to make decisions based upon the boundaries of these performance characteristics and the limitations of the analytical problem. Defining and being able to realize your instrument抯 performance characteristic is an investment that will save time over the years to come and allow you to make the right choices.Defining ICP Performance Characteristics The following steps are intended as a practical guide for the determination of an ICP抯 performance characteristics:Read the operating manual and familiarize yourself with the software, key instrumental parameters and preferred settings before the instrument is installed. Most instruments are supplied with optimization and wavelength or mass calibration standards that will be used during set-up by the service technician and are intended for use on a regular basis by the operator. Discuss the optimization process with the manufacturer as well as the preferred settings for the key instrumental parameters.The remaining steps assume that the operator fully understands and is able to perform the optimization process that has been defined by the manufacturer as well as the spectral limitations of the instrument.Select the lines to be studied for each element (憀ines?is used in this document to mean either wavelength or mass). Line selection is based upon spectral interference issues, detection limit requirements and working range requirements. Select as many lines as possible within practicality for each element. The greater the number of lines, the greater the flexibility.Prepare single element standards over the anticipated working range for each element. The range of standards depends upon the analytical requirements. The following ranges are suggestions only:• Radial view ICP-OES: 0.0, 1, 10, 100, and 1000 礸/mL• Axial view ICP-OES: 0.0, 0.1, 1, 10, and 100 礸/mL• Quadrupole (R~ 300) mass filtered [url=https://insevent.instrument.com.cn/t/yp][color=#3333ff]ICP-MS[/color][/url]: 0, 1, 10, 100, and 1000 ng/mLThis step is important because these data can be used to determine instrument detection limits (IDL), linear working ranges, and spectral characteristics such as background equivalent concentrations (BEC) and spectral interferences. With most modern (if not all) instruments, the spectra obtained for each element at each concentration can be saved for review later. In addition, the software will calculate the IDL and BEC plus the linear regression of each line will establish the linear working range. All of this is typically done for the operator by the software that comes with the instrument. If at all possible, attempt to:Use single element standards that have the trace metals impurities reported on the certificate of analysis. Most chemical standards manufacturers provide this information with their single element standards. These data are important in identifying direct spectral overlap interferences and in not identifying an impurity as an interference of this type.Store all spectra on computer and collect the spectra for all lines of interest on each and every solution. This means that if you are interested in possibly using up to 6 lines for roughly 72 elements, then each solution spectrum totaling 72 x 6 = ~ 432 lines per solution and ~ 432 x 5 = 2160 spectra for each element need to be stored for future reference. Most [url=https://insevent.instrument.com.cn/t/yp][color=#3333ff]ICP-MS[/color][/url] applications would require far fewer data to be collected due to the reduced number of lines available and/or feasible.Wash blank acid solution through the instrument for several minutes 慴etween elements?and always analyze a blank at the beginning of each element concentration series. Look for the presence of the prior element analyzed to confirm that it has been completely washed out of the introduction system.Having the data available on a desktop computer is convenient and allows the analyst to construct potential spectra by calling up the element and the anticipated concentration for each element in the analytical sample. Having several lines available makes the job of line selection easy as well as the estimation of the line抯 sensitivity and linearity. Constructing these composite spectra from pure single element solutions eliminates confusion as to the identity of the line. The following example is intended to illustrate the process:Examples of Spectra:NOTE: All spectra were obtained using a concentric glass nebulizer with no problems around salting out or plugging.The following example is for an application where a submitter has been obtaining minor levels (0.1 to 1.0 %) of Cr in an alloy containing roughly equal amounts of Fe and Ni. The laboratory where this alloy is analyzed uses a procedure where 0.2 grams of the sample is dissolved in 5 mL of a 1:1 HNO3 / HCl mixture and diluted to 1000 mL with DI water. The analyst is informed that a limit of detection (LOD = 3SD0) of 1 ppm Cr based upon the original sample and the ability to quantify the Cr to within &plmn 10 % relative at the 10 ppm level is an absolute minimum requirement.The submitter then asks the analyst the usual question, 揑 need the results tomorrow ?can you do it??The analyst does a quick calculation and determines that using the most sensitive Cr line and the current procedure, the lowest possible detection limit is 4 ppm and a more realistic estimation would be ~ 4 times the IDL or ~ 16 ppm. The analyst then pulls up the following spectra, instrument detection limits, and linear regression data which were obtained on their radial view instrument about four years ago when installed using pure single element solutions as described above.

  • 王中林关于纳米线的好文章

    大师王中林发表在Advanced Functional Materials上关于氧化物压电纳米结构的文章,电镜照片堪称艺术品。读后,相信对晶体学,电子显微学基本概念有所帮助。


  • 应用成像质谱显微镜对佩奥特掌(Peyote)植株本体与花中的麦司卡林进行空间分布研究
    本文应用岛津成像质谱显微镜iMScope QT对佩奥特掌(Peyote)植株本体与花中的麦司卡林的空间分布进行了分析,发现麦司卡林在导管相对集中的区域含量更高,为司法检测中微损取材提供参考,同时也为麦司卡林合成与运输机制的研究提供了线索。
  • 离子色谱法测定帕米膦酸二钠注射液的含量
    帕米膦酸二钠注射液(Pamidronate Disodium Injection)为帕米膦酸二钠加适量甘露醇制成的灭菌水溶液。帕米膦酸二钠是一种双膦酸类骨吸收抑制剂,临床上广泛应用于治疗骨质疏松症、肿瘤并发的高钙血症和变形性骨炎[1]。目前高效液相色谱法测定帕米膦酸二钠及其制剂的方法主要有荧光检测高效液相色谱法[2, 3]、蒸发光散射高效液相色谱法[4]和示差折光检测高效液相色谱法[5]。由于荧光检测需要柱前衍生,步骤繁琐;蒸发光检测需要用到离子对试剂,对实验条件要求较高,重现性较差;示差折光检测的灵敏度较低等原因,故本文采用离子色谱法建立了帕米膦酸二钠注射液的含量检测方法。
  • 离子色谱法测定帕米膦酸二钠注射液的含量
    帕米膦酸二钠注射液(Pamidronate Disodium Injection)为帕米膦酸二钠加适量甘露醇制成的灭菌水溶液。帕米膦酸二钠是一种双膦酸类骨吸收抑制剂,临床上广泛应用于治疗骨质疏松症、肿瘤并发的高钙血症和变形性骨炎。目前高效液相色谱法测定帕米膦酸二钠及其制剂的方法主要有荧光检测高效液相色谱法、蒸发光散射高效液相色谱法[4]和示差折光检测高效液相色谱法。由于荧光检测需要柱前衍生,步骤繁琐;蒸发光检测需要用到离子对试剂,对实验条件要求较高,重现性较差;示差折光检测的灵敏度较低等原因,故本文采用离子色谱法建立了帕米膦酸二钠注射液的含量检测方法。


  • 东西分析携手德米特构建临床质谱发展生态链!
    2023年新年伊始,北京东西分析仪器有限公司医疗事业部部长、东西分析仪器(天津)有限公司总经理李晓雯女士与医疗销售总监房爱山先生,莅临湖南德米特仪器有限公司(DEMETER)交流合作,双方就科学仪器深入临床化达成高度一致,致力打造强强联手新局面,推动中国仪器向高端、高质量、临床化深度发展,构建中国“科学仪器—临床转化—临床应用”的生态链。中国高端科学仪器的临床转化分析  众所周知,科学仪器类的色谱、质谱、光谱等技术向临床端快速渗透,力图成为高端医疗器械设备。近5年,资本不断涌入该赛道,但大部分企业创新、产品与服务能力严重不足,尤其是临床质谱领域,重营销、玩概念、快餐化现象层出不穷,真正拥有核心技术、能突破科学仪器临床应用瓶颈的企业凤毛麟角,绝大部分临床质谱企业同质化严重 另外,临床用全自动二维色谱领域,使用技术欺骗,商业输送操作的企业不在少数。据不完全统计,购买或投放手段落地到检验科室端的液相色谱质谱系统,在用率不足20%,IVD产出率不足5%,存在大量技术、产品与服务合规合法性欠缺问题,已经严重伤害市场本身。可见,科学仪器与临床化技术企业的高质量生态链结合势在必行,扩大技术与品牌叠加效应,引领行业健康良性发展。  率先突破色谱质谱的临床应用瓶颈  DEMETER(德米特)专注于质谱色谱临床化研究及应用体系研究,原研的FLC/MLC临床化全自动二维液相色谱,在测定能力、自动化方面拥有独特优势,同时,德米特掌握质谱学科底层技术及核心部件制造能力,独有的专利技术解决了质谱稳定化问题、去专业化问题、难现场化问题以及应用标准化问题,从根本上推动色谱质谱仪器从科学向临床医疗器械的变革。  头部科学仪器企业 积极探索新临床落地模式  北京东西分析仪器有限公司位于中关村国家自主创新示范区,为改革开放后最早成立的民营分析仪器科技企业之一。历经三十五载,已成为国内分析行业著名的高新技术企业,产品涵盖光谱、色谱、质谱三大领域,共获得40多项国家专利。多次参与国际及市级重大科研项目、多项国标及行标的起草。2007年中国首台自主产权商业化气质联用仪的腾空出世,成为中国分析仪器发展的一个里程碑,吹响了国内分析仪器走向高端科学仪器的号角。目前“东西分析”质谱产品线包括气质联用仪、全二维气相色谱-飞行时间质谱联用仪、飞行时间质谱仪、质子转移质谱仪(国家十三五项目)、电感耦合等离子体飞行时间质谱仪等。  东西分析仪器(天津)有限公司为北京东西分析仪器有限公司的全资子公司,产品专注于高端精准医疗和生命科学领域。“东西分析”目前基于飞行时间质谱系统等质谱平台已开发出多项具有自主知识产权的临床医疗和健康领域应用成果并产业化:微生物鉴定、核酸基因分型(食源性致病菌、呼吸道疾病及癌症筛查等)和疾病蛋白标志物的检测等。“东西分析”拥有强大的质谱技术研发团队、高质量的医疗器械质量管理体系、强大的产业化能力、高效完善的销售和售后服务团队。  强强联合 推动科学仪器临床化  双方经过深入的交流,东西分析具有核酸质谱、气相质谱、光谱等高端设备,德米特具有临床色谱质谱核心技术,并具有大规模临床市场运行体系,具有很好的结合点,双方一致表示:“中国的科学仪器和临床应用企业具有很强的战略合作契机,市场前景广阔 将中国的前端制造和临床的前端应用完美结合在一起,在药物浓度监测、精准医疗、伴随诊断、术中治疗、疾病筛查等方向都能产生更好的效果……”
  • 德米特—岛津共促色谱质谱临床化,助力新质生产力“拔节生长”
  • 奥林巴斯与Innov-X Systems不得不说的秘密!
    奥林巴斯与Innov-X不得不说的秘密!2010年9月20日,(ABN Newswire) - 奥林巴斯已经收购了总部位于美国马萨诸塞州Woburn的Innov-X System(译为:伊诺斯系统有限公司)。Innov-X System光谱仪器也正式更名为奥林巴斯光谱仪器。 光谱仪被广泛应用在了染织工业、环境科学、生物学、材料科学、高分子化学、催化、煤结构研究、石油工业、生物医学、生物化学、药学、半导体材料、日用化工等研究领域。 Innov-X System(伊诺斯系统有限公司)曾经是XRF技术领域中的知名企业,在产品质量和分析结果的精确性方面久负盛名。在被奥林巴斯收购后,奥林巴斯将继续在产品、应用、培训和技术方面为用户提供优质服务。购买光谱仪,请认准奥林巴斯品牌!


  • 产品概述Pre 4000 大气预浓缩仪采用三级冷阱设计,结合创新的斯特林制冷技术,无需消耗液氮或液态CO2,操作简便稳定可靠,可完美替代液氮制冷,为检测痕量多组分VOCs 提供了新的解决方案。性能优势斯特林制冷技术无需消耗液氮,无杜瓦罐泄压噪音,无氮气窒息安全隐患。冷机极限低温可达-200℃,达到液氮制冷的效果。优异的CO2&H2O管理技术一级冷阱低温除水,而不损失VOCs,二级冷阱填料特殊,捕集VOCs的同时,有效去除CO2、O2、N2。精准的采样技术选用高精度质量流量计与隔膜泵组合,具有采样体积大,不受环境温度影响,进样更精准的优点。多措并举的三级技术三级冷阱为毛细空管设计,采用低温实现高效聚焦,解吸时不分流脉冲进样,实现低谱带展宽,高灵敏度。自动化系统检漏大气预浓缩仪可通过加压或者真空的方式对系统进行检漏,保证系统的气密性。整个过程自动化完成,系统提示检漏结果。灵活的内标进样内标进样可采低浓度内标气,也可用定量环采集高浓度内标气,免去内标气稀释的繁琐操作,进样精度≤2%。应用领域环境监测,应急监测,职业卫生,食品加工,公共卫生,科学研究
  • “55mm 系列”— Linear55-x-Slim (闭环控制)低温 压电运动- 线性位移系列纳米级压电位移台Linear55-x-Slim主要特征&bull 紧凑设计, 尺⼨ : 55*55*10.5 mm&bull 超⾼ 真空 & 超低温兼容: 2 E- 11 mbar & 30 mK&bull ⽆ 磁材料(纯 Ti & BeCu),最⾼ 兼容 18 Tesla 磁场&bull 超⾼ 负载 & 超⾼ 推⼒ : 2500 g & 3 N&bull ⼤ ⾏ 程 : 30 mm&bull 闭环控制,内置位置传感器, 最⼩ 位置分辨率 0.1 um纳米级压电位移台Linear55-x-Slim⼆ 维尺⼨ Linear55-x-Slim, SpeciÞ cation*所有数据均通过50欧姆线缆测量. 虽然对导线的电导率没有要求,但我们建议电阻低于50欧姆。 可选版本 ⇨ .HV (默认).ULT.UHV.ULT.UHV.HV ⾼ 真空版本,默认产品 .ULT 超低温版本, 兼容氦-3制冷系统 & 稀释制冷机.UHV 超⾼ 真空版本, 最⾼ 兼容 2E-11 mbar1 三维尺⼨ 55.× 55 mm × 10.5 mm2 质量130 g适⽤ 环境范围 3 基础温度范围: 1.4 ~ 400 K 最低真空度: 2e-7 mbar 最⼤ 磁场: 18 Tesla4 可选1 - 30 mK&check &check 5 可选2 - 2e-11 mbar&check &check 材质6 主体Pure TiBeCuPure TiBeCu7 线缆磷⻘ 铜双绞线,20cm8 针脚材质聚酯材料(玻璃纤维填充), BeCuPeek, BeCu9 针脚数量驱动 -2 pins,传感 - 3 pins运动参数10 ⾏ 程30 mm11 最⼤ 运动速度 @300 K~ 2 mm/s12 驱动电压Max. 200 V13 最⼤ 负载2500 g14 最⼤ 推⼒ 3 N传感器(闭环)15 位置传感器电阻传感16 传感器⾏ 程30 mm17 传感器分辨率~ 150 nm18 重复定位精度1 - 2 um
  • 航空航天Sterling-TK1500气体轴承超低温斯特林制冷机超低温夜视红外特林制冷机制冷器1. 产品简介该机型采用静压气体轴承支撑技术消除活塞磨损,设计寿命可达 12 万小时以上; 采用高效压缩机技术和高效回热技术,COP 大于 6%@77K;通过单个直线压缩机驱 动,采用气体轴承结构消除支承部件,对制冷机结构进行紧凑性设计,制冷冷量重量 比大于 4.2W/kg@80K;采用多臂板簧的自适应被动减振技术和高效散热技术,产品 满足军标环境适应性要求。2. 产品功能为各种类型的器件和系统提供 35K-240K 低温环境。3. 产品特点 体积高、重量小、重量轻,寿命长。目前国际上冷量最大、效率最高、体积最小、 重量最轻和寿命最长的小型斯特林制冷机。4. 应用领域高温超导接收前端、低温斯特林冰箱、微型制氮机、制氧机、冷光学滤光片、锗 探测器、阿尔法磁谱仪、高光谱成像仪、射电望远镜阵列、通讯基站等领域的冷却。5. 技术指标 气体轴承斯特林制冷机主要有 Sterling-TK500, Sterling-TK1000 和Sterling-TK1500三种机型,三 种机型的详细技术参数分别如下表:



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