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  • 【转帖】Validating Pharmaceutical Systems

    Guy Wingate, Ph.D.Validation has a key role to play in providing a high degree of assurance that computer systems supporting drug manufacture are fit for purpose. [1, 2] Those involved in computer validation tend to fall into one of two camps. One group believes in the inherent value of validation as a cost-effective means of quality assurance. The other group sees validation as an ineffective bureaucratic process whose only value is demonstrating regulatory compliance.These two mind-sets can have a big impact on the practical implementation of computer validation. Those with a more positive attitude tend to be more pragmatic,looking at validation as flexible tool that can be tailored to address the individual needs of different computer systems. This group accepts and is willing to make judgment calls on how much validation is enough in different situations. Those with a more negative attitude tend to think of validation like an insurance policy against regulatory censure. They want validation to be an entirely standard process that can be applied without any ambiguity. This group often does not understand and does not want to understand validation rather, it takes a “just tell me what to do and I’ll do it” stance.There are numerous horror stories of regulatory censure for lack of or insufficient validation. Consent decrees can cost pharmaceutical companies many hundreds millions dollars. Although computer validation has not yet triggered a consent decree, it has been a contributory factor. [3] And, of course, there are also horror stories concerning the cost of validation when implemented inappropriately. Not too surprisingly, the two are often connected as a drive to validate too quickly to remediate an adverse regulatory finding. Equally, short-cutting validation to reduce cost is likely to lead to an adverse regulatory finding. Such deficiencies may not be immediately found during initial regulatory inspections because of limited time to review systems. Indeed, it is not always the original validation that can cause problems poor maintenance of the validated state currently accounts for about one third of adverse regulatory computer validation findings. [3] A sense of balance on how much validation is enough must prevail. While it is undeniable that potentially regulatory authorities have extensive powers to financially penalize companies that have critical validation failings, these powers are only executed in extreme circumstances. The expectations of regulatory authorities are founded on common sense and experience. Pharmaceutical companies need to recognize this. Regulatory censure tends to only occur when pharmaceutical companies are seen to take an unreasonable approach to published regulatory requirements.Validation practices are becoming more effective and efficient as the discipline of computer validation matures. Validation costs exceeding 40% or more of project costs should be a distant memory. A survey of published best practices suggests that validation should now account for 10% or less of project budgets. [3] A key development in this maturing process is a much better understanding of the criticality and impact of data and systems supporting business processes and the application of risk management to focus validation activities.The U.S. FDA has been particularly prominent in promoting a risk-based approach [4] although other regulatory authorities have allowed this approach for many years. [5] The ISPE GAMP Forum has published specific guidance on risk management within the context of computer validation [6] and is shortly to publish new guidance on applying a risk-based approach to electronic records and signatures. [7] The International Conference for Harmonisation (ICH) is further embedding a common approach to risk management between U.S., European, and Japanese regulatory authorities within the ICH Q9 initiative.This book imparts some of the latest thinking on computer validation. [url=https://insevent.instrument.com.cn/t/Mp]gc[/url]P, GLP,and GMP regulatory requirements are explained with guidance from seasoned practitioners on how to fulfill them. GAMP guidance plays a central role. This book will be an key resource to IT staff, QA professionals, validation staff, control system engineers, suppliers, and consultants wanting to improve their validation capability. Invaluable suggestions are made throughout dealing with life cycle management, electronic records and signatures, risk management, and regulatory inspections. But, of course, it is not just about doing the right thing, but doing the right thing well, and several chapters deal with specific system examples.



  • 人红是非多 Life Tech又被告上法庭
    2013年,Life Tech出售消息一遭曝光,立即获得了业内众多人士的密切关注。坎坷数月,Life Tech一度成为众多潜在买家眼中的&ldquo 抢手香饽饽&rdquo ,其股票更是一路飘红,公司市值从最初的105亿美元跃升至130多亿美元。最终几经波折,Life Tech花落名家&mdash &mdash Thermo Fisher。但人红是非多,今年Life Tech已多次成为被告。  2013年2月27日,Promega公司起诉Life Tech,声称后者侵犯了前者用于遗传分析的短串联重复序列(STR)基因座的RE37984号美国专利。  2013年4月22日,Life Tech公司某股东提起诉讼,要求停止赛默飞世尔科技以每股76美元价格收购Life Tech公司的交易。  今天(2013年6月4日),Life Tech再被Unisone Strategic IP公司告上法庭,称Life Tech存在专利侵权嫌疑,据悉,该诉讼文件已提交至美国加利福尼亚州南区地方法院,案号是13-cv-1278-GPC-JMA。  投诉称,Life Technologies的供应链管理系统软件侵犯了Unisone公司的6996538号美国专利,该专利涉及到一个允许第三方通过互联网和万维网(Web)自动监测公司库存量,并自动订购急需物品的系统和方法。  Unisone所委托的圣地亚哥IP律师事务所表示,Unisone对此诉讼很有自信,并计划坚决追究此事。(撰稿:刘玉兰)
  • PerkinElmer发布Western Lighting Ultra 试剂盒
    PerkinElmer 发布新型 Western Lighting™ Ultra 试剂盒,为生命科学领域要求最严苛的蛋白质印迹检测应用指明方向。加利福尼亚阿纳海姆 – 关注人类和环境健康与安全的全球领先公司 PerkinElmer, Inc.,今天在加利福尼亚州阿纳海姆举行的 FASEB2010 上宣布其 Western Lighting™ Ultra 化学发光基质试剂盒正式上市。Western Lighting™ Ultra 专为测量弱表达蛋白的翻译后修饰而开发,旨在满足此领域严苛的应用要求,此款产品灵敏度高,动态范围宽,信号稳定,能够为各种生命科学研究提供可靠的检测结果。另外,这款试剂盒一抗的用量是其他产品的十分之一,因此能够从更少的样品中获得更多信息,帮助您快速经济地实现研究成果。此新型 Western Lighting 产品进一步提高了 PerkinElmer 在基础和应用生命科学研究中高可靠性检测蛋白技术方面的地位。这款新型试剂盒能够促进药理研究的发展,因为它解决了细胞信号传导通路研究中的各类难题,而其中很多研究环节都需要在较宽的动态范围内测量蛋白质表达。 “在各种充满挑战的实验环境中,生命科学研究人员越来越需要一种高灵敏度的目标蛋白质的检测方法,来生成可靠的数据。我们全新的 Western Lighting™ Ultra 检测试剂盒专为满足这些需求而设计。现在,研究人员可以利用更稳定的信号,在更广泛的动态范围内提供更加准确的结果,”PerkinElmer 生物研发部药物开发和研究试剂解决方案副总裁兼总经理 Martina Bielefeld-Sevigny 博士说,“最终,这种新功能将为潜在新药的研发带来益处,并帮助研究人员进一步了解这些药物在对抗严重疾病时的效用。” 凭借 Western Lighting™ Ultra试剂盒的超强灵敏度和信号稳定性,科学家可以在任何蛋白质表达水平下生成可靠结果,尽量避免进行大量反复实验,节省时间和资源。这使得研究人员能够更透彻地理解检测结果,并为后续研究打下坚实基础。 关于 PerkinElmer, Inc. PerkinElmer, Inc. 是一家专注于提高人类及环境的健康和安全的全球领先公司。据报道,该公司 2009 年收入为 18 亿美元,拥有约 8,800 名员工,为超过 150 个国家/地区的客户提供服务,同时该公司也是标准普尔 500 指数的成员。 有关其它信息,请致电800-820-5046 或 +86(0)21-39879510–3208或访问 www.perkinelmer.com.cn 。 媒体联系人:Kim McCrossen 电话:+1 (781) 663-5871
  • 直击展会现场|菲力尔在上海与您相约Automotive Testing Expo China 2024
    2024汽车测试及质量监控博览会 8月28-30日 上海世博展览馆 展台号:100152024汽车测试及质量监控博览会(Automotive Testing Expo China)是中国较具规模的整车和汽车零部件测试展览会。参展观众将会看到最新的汽车和零部件开发工具,例如高级驾驶辅助系统(ADAS)测试、NVH测量工具、测试台、仿真整体方案、耐久性测试技术、碰撞测试技术、测功机、排放测量系统和动态评估工具,以及数量众多的试验场和测试设施服务提供商。作为热成像技术领域的佼佼者菲力尔携众多优秀产品来参加了这场汽车行业的盛会 向菲粉们面对面展示FLIR红外热像仪在新能源电动汽车的研发设计、滥用测试、生产组装、后期维修等各个方面的实际应用展会首日就吸引了大批专业观众停留在菲力尔展台可以看到能实际监控动力电池的生产与组装过程的FLIR Axxx系列高级智能传感器热像仪集成新能源汽车自动化智能检测系统的FLIR A50/A70固定安装式热像仪用来检测不同尺寸或连接类型电池组的FLIR Txxx系列便携式热像仪还有查找汽车中狭窄区域隐藏问题的FLIR ONE Edge系列新型分离式热像仪......来到菲力尔展台(展台号:10015)这些产品都可以任意试用哦~ 来到菲力尔展台(展台号:10015)可以亲眼看到FLIR目前最先进的热像仪技术第一时间上手FLIR的最新产品与热成像专家面对面沟通解决方案关键是还能享受展会专属优惠哦~ 2024汽车测试及质量监控博览会还将持续两天各位上海周边的菲粉们快来菲力尔展台(展台号:10015)试用带走你心仪的FLIR产品吧~


  • 两天完成一个WB是一件很痛苦的事,如果结果还不好,那就不是一点点沮丧啊!WB费时间的步骤很多,电泳、转膜已经很成熟了,默克密理博的SNAP i.d. 2.0提升的是封闭、抗体孵育和漂洗操作速度,时间缩短到只需要30分钟!! 有了SNAP i.d. 2.0 加速器,做Western Blotting实验,对于你或许将成为一种享受。产品特色: 高效率:30分钟完成膜封闭、洗涤和抗体孵育全过程; 驱动力:通过真空压力驱动力快速进行; 高质量:保证检测灵敏度,更高的信噪比; 广兼容:与常规上游转膜和下游检测方法、试剂均兼容。 产品介绍: SNAP i.d.® 2.0是一套真空驱动的WB加速器,默克密理博2013年上市的这种第二代快速免疫检测小设备,支持您在不损失免疫信号及不降低数据质量的前提下,将Western Blotting封闭至二抗孵育由传统的几个小时缩减至30分钟。WB加速原理视频:技术支持热线:400-889-1988Email: china.marketing.online@merckgroup.com点击此处索取产品资料及询价更多新产品信息,请关注默克密理博生物科学微博。
  • 仪器简介:专为Western Blotting 用户设计的SNAP i.d. 2.0系统每次都能生成高品质的印迹,而且是在极短的时间内! 独特的真空驱动技术和内置分流槽确保试剂能均匀地通过膜。三种不同规格的支架每种最多可以处理三张转印膜,两个支架可以同时平行使用。因此,可以同时处理多达6张转印膜,快速优化条件,提高蛋白检测的通量。 普遍地,研究者缺少时间来优化转印方案。 SNAP i.d 系统把封闭,洗涤和抗体孵育所需的时间控制在30分钟内,让您有更多的时间优化免疫检测条件,得到更高品质的研究结果点击观看操作视频技术参数:SNAP i.d. 系统包含一个主机底座和两个独立的印迹支架。每个支架可以独立适用。另外,Millipore还提供配套的真空调节器确保稳定的真空压力,无需外接额外的真空调节器。 印迹支架有三种规格:单孔,双孔,三孔。抗体收集盘是非常有用的附件,同时您还可以订购去除空气的印迹滚筒。 其它组件: 耐化学性真空泵 (115 V/60 Hz)或(220 V/50 Hz), 1升抽滤瓶,8号穿孔活塞(5个/包)和不锈钢滤膜专用镊子。主要特点:高效率 30分钟完成膜封闭、洗涤和抗体孵育全过程驱动力 通过真空压力驱动力快速进行高质量 保证检测灵敏度、更高的信噪比广兼容 与常规上游转膜和下游检测方法、试剂均兼容高通量 6张印迹膜可同时操作
  • 产品概览:StirTrac功能提供温和、稳定的搅拌速度和强劲的磁力耦合作用样品拿走前可以通过即刻停止搅拌子转动HOT TOP报警系统在温度超过50℃时启用,防止过温精确的温度和搅拌速度控制功能,温度设定精度为1℃,温度显示精度为0.1℃, 设定增量为1℃使用单旋钮可以分别控制温度和搅拌速度,锁定功能防止误操作用户设定存储键可以存储3个常用的温度和搅拌速度,方便快速设定用户友好型界面,3个独立的LCD显示屏可以分别显示温度、搅拌速度和时间稳固的基座可以保证运行稳定RS232接口与PC连接可以将运行时间、温度等信息进行存档用户可以预先设定停止时间或运行间隔,仪器会按照设定自动运行或暂停运行独立的可调节过温保护功能保障使用安全电源线缠绕架防止过长的电源线引起不便或不安全情况的发生技术规格:产品名称材质搅拌速度温度范围℃可容纳最大容器(L)最大承载样品量(Kg)电源运输重量(Kg)加热/搅拌面板半径为13.5cm,整体外部尺寸为16.5(W)× 28.4(D)× 9.9(H)cm加热板+搅拌器铝50-12005℃-350℃418220-240V50/60Hz3.4


  • Series Evaporating Light Scattering
    产品名称:G4218A 1200 Series Evaporating Light Scattering Detector Supplies仪器厂商:Agilent/美国 安捷伦价格:面议库存:是 DescriptionPart No.Standard flow nebulizerG4218-20000Semi-micro flow nebulizerG4218-20001Large flow nebulizerG4218-20002Micro flow nebulizerG4218-20003RRLC nebulizerG4218-20004Nebulization chamber, glassG4218-40000Black plastic nut, 13 mm diameter, glasswareG4218-40010Black plastic nut, 22 mm diameter, glasswareG4218-40011Black exhaust tube, 2.5 mG4218-40110BulkheadG4218-40130Cartridge, 0.01 &mu m for gas regulatorG4218-40150Pneumatic tube with stainless steel fittingG4218-40220Drain tube with stainless steel fittingG4218-40100Gas regulator with 0.01 &mu m filter and manometerG4218-60100Seal kit for nebulization chamberG4218-68010Caffeine standard, 250 &mu g/mLG4218-85000
  • Seta 配件:绝缘盖 Insulating Lid | 82103-2
    产品特点:Insulating Lid - 82103-2订货号:82103-2适用仪器:● Setaflash Series 8 ActiveCool Flash Point Tester ● Setaflash Series 8 ActiveCool Flash Point Tester – Corrosion Resisting CupInsulating lid for use use with the Series 8 ActiveCool Flash Point Testers 82150-2 and 82100-2.
  • Anion Self-Regenerating Neutralizer ASRN 300 | 067526
    Anion Self-Regenerating Neutralizer ASRN 300 4 mm | 067526 Anion Self-Regenerating Neutralizer ASRN 300 4 mm订货信息:部件号品名描述数量067526Anion Self-Regenerating Neutralizer ASRN 300 4 mmAnion Self-Regenerating Neutralizer ASRN 300 4 mmEA
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