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检测样品 尿液

检测项目 汞、水汞、尿汞、汞含量、总汞

关联设备 共5种 下载方案


从人体排泄汞的主要途径是通过尿液来向外排泄,这也可以作为重要诊断介质来筛查人群、确定风险、进一步进行诊断和治疗的。对世界各地的人的尿液中汞进行定期检查。尿中汞的浓度在0.2~0.5μg/L。根据世界卫生组织,成人的尿中的汞浓度应该为10μg/L(成人),而12岁以下儿童为5g/L。 尿中总汞浓度的测定方法是在RP92附件(冷蒸气法)反应容器中,用氯化亚锡还原溶液将汞阳离子还原为原子状态,然后测量其原子汞浓度。用塞曼背景校正的汞分析仪RA-915M作为分析单元测量汞含量,在2分钟内可以完全出数据。


DETERMINATION OF TOTAL MERCURY CONTENT IN URINE INTRODUCTION The main way of mercury removal from human body is its urinary excretion, which is an important diagnostic medium for screening examination of population, risk group determination, diagnostics and treatment of mercury exposure. Personnel of mercury-involving production facilities all over the world are regularly examined for mercury content in urine. The background mercury concentration in urine is at the 0.2–0.5 µg/l level. According to WHO, the ultimate tolerable mercury concentration in urine is 10 µg/l (for adults) and 5 µg/l (for children under 12 years). MEASUREMENT METHOD Method of determination of total mercury concentration in urine is based on the reduction of mercury cations to the atomic state using a stannous chloride reducing solution in a reaction vessel of an RP-92 attachment (the "cold vapor" technique) and then measuring the atomic mercury concentration in an analytical cell of a mercury analyzer RA-915M with Zeeman background correction. The mercury content in a urine sample is determined by the value of integrated analytical signal with due account of a preset calibration coefficient. The mercury content is measured by an RA-915M mercury analyzer within 2 minutes. MEASUREMENT RANGE Measurement ranges of mercury concentration in urine are as follows: 0.05–10 µg/l (with a multipath cell); 0.2–100 µg/l (with a single-path cell). ANALYSIS FEATURES Direct analysis. High sensitivity. Low cost of analysis. EQUIPMENT AND REAGENTS The following equipment and materials are used for analysis: Mercury analyzer RА-915М with RP-92 attachment; PC with Windows® ХР/Vista/7/8 and RAPID software; SRM of mercury. The information in this leaflet is supplemental. To get more specific information on this method, please contact the developer of this method LUMEX INSTRUMENTS Group. NORTH AMERICA Lumex Instruments Canada 0890278 B.C. Ltd. E-mail: info@lumexinstruments.com www.lumexinstruments.com EUROPE Lumex Analytics GmbH E-mail: info@lumexanalytics.de www.lumexanalytics.de RUSSIA Lumex-Marketing LLC E-mail: sales@lumex.ru www.lumexinstruments.com CHINA Beijing Lumex Analytical Equipment Co. Ltd. E-mail: lumex@lumex.com.cn www.lumexcn.com 从人体排泄汞的主要途径是通过尿液来向外排泄,这也可以作为重要诊断介质来筛查人群、确定风险、进一步进行诊断和治疗的。对世界各地的人的尿液中汞进行定期检查。尿中汞的浓度在0.2~0.5μg/L。根据世界卫生组织,成人的尿中的汞浓度应该为10μg/L(成人),而12岁以下儿童为5g/L。尿中总汞浓度的测定方法是在RP92附件(冷蒸气法)反应容器中,用氯化亚锡还原溶液将汞阳离子还原为原子状态,然后测量其原子汞浓度。用塞曼背景校正的汞分析仪RA-915M作为分析单元测量汞含量,在2分钟内可以完全出数据。

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LUMEX INSTRUMENTS (鲁美科思分析仪器)为您提供《尿样、尿液中汞、水汞、尿汞、汞含量、总汞检测方案(测汞仪)》,该方案主要用于尿液中汞、水汞、尿汞、汞含量、总汞检测,参考标准《暂无》,《尿样、尿液中汞、水汞、尿汞、汞含量、总汞检测方案(测汞仪)》用到的仪器有LUMEX应急便携测汞仪RA-915M(汞分析仪)、LUMEX高效毛细管电泳仪Capel 205、LUMEX石墨炉原子吸收MGA-1000、分子荧光分光光度计Panaroma、LUMEX实时荧光定量芯片qPCR仪- AriaDNA®。


