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检测样品 眼镜

检测项目 FR便携式眼镜涂层的表征

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Film Metrology & More...For further information, please contact us at info@thetametrisis.com or sales@thetametrisis.comThetaMetrisis C 2018, www.thetametrisis.com ThetaMetrisis APPLICATION NOTE #023 Characterization of coatings on eyeglasses by FR-pOrtable Introduction: Coatings on eye glasses are critical for good vision and long lasting usage of the eyeglasses. Eachcoating adds an additional layer of protection to lenses that improves the overall quality of the final product.Given the large volume processing, the manufacturers should have full control of the properties of thosecoatings (optical properties, thickness etc.). In this application note, thickness measurements of primer andprimer/lacquer coatings on PC and PA based lenses by using FR-pOrtable tool is presented. Means & Methods: Samples for characterization were PC and PA based lenses from a major manufacturer,coated either with primer or with primer and lacquer coatings. All samples were characterized by an FR-pOrtabletool operating in the 360-1050 nm spectral range and equipped with the focusing module (FR-Focusing). At thisconfiguration, the spot size is ~200microns in diameter. Due to the curvature of the samples, a dedicated holderwas designed and manufactured that allows for the easy and secure handling of the lens and measurement ofthickness of the coating at almost every point on the lens. Results: For the samples with primer only, the thickness of this coating (PR-670 or PR-1165) is measured. Forthe samples with primer and lacquer the thicknesses of the individual layers are measured simultaneously. Inthe images bellow measurements for thickness for PC and PA based lens with primer only and with primer andlacquer, are illustrated. 日F Figure 1: Experimental and fitted reflectance spectrafrom FR-Monitor of the PC based lens with PR-670.Thickness measured at 2.21um. Figure 2: Experimental and fitted reflectance spectrafrom FR-Monitor of the PC based lens with PR-670and X3. Thickness measured at 3.37um. Figure 3: Experimental and fitted reflectance spectrafrom FR-Monitor of the PA based lens with PR-670.Thickness measured at 2.85um. Figure 4: Experimental and fitted reflectance spectrafrom FR-Monitor of the PA based lens with PR-670and X3. Thickness measured at 4.10um. FR便携式眼镜涂层的表征简介:眼镜上的涂层对视力至关重要。每层涂层都会在镜片上增加一层保护层,从而提高最终产品的整体质量。鉴于大批量加工,制造商应完全控制这些涂层的性能(光学性能、厚度等)。在本应用中,介绍了使用FR便携式工具在PC(聚碳酸酯)和PA(聚酰胺)基透镜上测量底漆和底漆/油漆涂层的厚度。方法:用于表征的样品是来自一家主要制造商的PC和PA基透镜,涂有底漆或底漆和油漆涂层。所有样品均由一个可在360-1050nm光谱范围内操作并配有聚焦模块(FR聚焦)的FR便携式工具进行表征。在这种结构下,光斑直径约为200微米。由于样品的曲率,设计和制造了一个专用的支架,可以方便和安全地处理透镜,并测量透镜上几乎每个点的涂层厚度。结果:对仅涂有底漆的样品,测定该涂层(PR-670或PR-1165)的厚度。对于带有底漆和油漆的样品,应同时测量各层的厚度。在下面的图像中,说明了仅含底漆、底漆和油漆的PC和PA基透镜的厚度测量。PR-670型PC基透镜FR监测仪反射光谱的实验与拟合。              测得的厚度2.21umPR-670和X3的PC基透镜的FR监视器的实验和拟合反射光谱。测量厚度为3.37μmPR-670型PA基透镜FR显示器反射光谱的实验与拟合。              测的厚度2.85um用PR-670和X3对PA基透镜的FR显示器反射光谱进行了实验和拟合。厚度测量值为4.10μm。 FR的工具基于白光反射光谱(Reports) 。准确同步的厚度测量及薄膜的折射率-一个广泛的多样化的应用范围广泛的光电特性的工具和整体解决方案,如:半导体、有机电子、聚合物、涂料和涂料、光伏、生物传感、化学传感...

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