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检测样品 水泥/混凝土

检测项目 Mg,Al,Si,S,Ca,K,Ti,Fe

关联设备 共1种 下载方案


通过借助Xenemetrix公司的Genius IF能量色散X射线荧光谱仪对水泥样品进行定量分析,针对样品中Mg,Al,Si,S,Ca,K,Ti,Fe等元素进行定性及定量分析,其测量结果得到肯定,对于水泥相关样品,Genius IF是一款适合的元素定性定量分析设备,其无损,快速,准确的优点在实际生产需求中得以应用。


Xenemetrix The Power to Change Energy Into Information Quantitative elementaanalysis of cement: scoples EDXRF zer:C usEquipped with Silicon Drift Dretector (SNO) _公网限息有信技器科仪成限仅捷宁 Xenemetrix Genius IF APPLICATION NOTE#XE-2015-3274 Quantitative elemental analysis of cement samples Abstract A set of cement samples were quantitatively analyzed by Xenemetrix Genius IF bench top EDXRF analyzer equipped withSilicon Drift Detector. The quantification of the different oxides composition was performed using an advancedFundamental Parameter method with one cement commercial reference standard. Objective To develop quick and robust method for quantify elements content in different mixture samples Background EDXRF is a fast and non-destructive technique that can quantify any type of samplei solid, powder or diodfrom within a few minutes and is the method of choice. Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (ED BF)spectrometers play an important role in assuring that consistent quality of samples is retained hroughoutt amanufacturing process. EDXRF is an ideal method for a quick and simple elemental analysis for industrial cortronaarposes offering thefollowing advantages: 1) Fast and minimal sample preparation, 2) An automated anawwis process,3) Limited orno exposure to corrosive reagents used by other analytical techniques,4) Ease of ase fosoperation by non-technical or non-specialized personnel. Analytical Configuration Table Instrument Genius IF Anode Rh-Anode X-ray Abe,50ky,50W Detector Silicon Drift LettrDD) Environment Vacuu Excitation mode Direct Type of analysis Analysis time APPLICATION NOTE #XE-2015-3274 Quantitative elemental analysis of cement samples Experimental Three different cement samples in powder form were received for elemental quantitative analysis. The spectrum of each sample was acquired in vacuum environment to avoid the air absorption of low energyfluorescence signal of low molecular weight elements. Typical spectrum of cement sample is shown in figure 1 The detected elements by qualitative analysis were quantitatively analyzed in "oxide" form using special Fundamental Parameter software for the type of samples where 100% of the elements are not detected in theXRF spectrum such as for example, C and H.cement certified reference standard from NIST was used to calculate theoretical calibration coefficien. used inthe Fundamental Parameter software. The quantitative results are shown in table 2. Results Qualitative analysis results Figure 1: Typical spectrum of cement Quantitative ewts Table2: O. antit tive resuns SameD Oxides Conc.[%w/w] Mgo N203 SiO2 SO3 CaO K20 TiOz Fe20: A 1109 4.298 10.378 2.175 49.304 0.185 0.196 1.65 B 0.5.9 8.115 6.633 3.404 42.814 0.111 0.315 2.755 D 2.040 4.554 20.576 2.975 63.001 0.366 0.265 2.643 Conclusions This application report shows how simple and rapid an elemental quantitative analysis of cement samples canbe performed using Xenemetrix Genius IF SDD analyzer combined with Fundamental Parameter software. Inthe absence of calibration standards, fundamental parameter software with one commercial NIST standardprovides good results. Riham Mahroum, BSc. Xenemetrix, Ltd.www.xenemetrix.comRiham Mahroum, BSc.February age of 通过借助Xenemetrix公司的Genius IF能量色散X射线荧光谱仪对水泥样品进行定量分析,针对样品中Mg,Al,Si,S,Ca,K,Ti,Fe等元素进行定性及定量分析,其测量结果得到肯定,对于水泥相关样品,Genius IF是一款适合的元素定性定量分析设备,其无损,快速,准确的优点在实际生产需求中得以应用。

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辽宁捷成科技有限公司为您提供《水泥中Mg,Al,Si,S,Ca,K,Ti,Fe检测方案(能散型XRF)》,该方案主要用于水泥/混凝土中Mg,Al,Si,S,Ca,K,Ti,Fe检测,参考标准《暂无》,《水泥中Mg,Al,Si,S,Ca,K,Ti,Fe检测方案(能散型XRF)》用到的仪器有Xenemetrix 能量色散X射线荧光光谱仪 Genius IF。


