
检测样品 固态复合调味料

检测项目 理化分析

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味精的整个生产主要是有准备非食用原料——发酵——分离纯化——产品等工艺,作为味精的重要工艺,发酵工艺控制的好坏直接影响到最终产品的产量和口味。为了实现发酵过程中的pH监测,Knick提供了一种自动化测量、清洗及校准pH的解决方案,本方案采用Knick全新的Unical 9000(X)全自动清洗校准系统,摒弃了传统的在线pH监测,需要定期的人工维护的缺陷,很好的满足了在发酵过程中pH的无人值守在线监测,并满足上述监测条件。


For up-to-date information, please visit www.knick-international.comKnick> Unical 9000 The electro-pneumatic controller for fullyautomated pH measurement, cleaning and calibration Polished stainless steel for foodand pharmaceutical applications Powder-coated steel forcorrosive environments In combination with the Protos processanalysis system and the SensoGate orCeramat sensor lock-gates, Unical offersthe ideal functionality of a completesystem for automatic process control of apH measurment. It allows highly accuratemeasurements to be taken, even withdifficult process conditions such as highpressure, high temperatures, and highlevels of impurities.The system can beinstalled next to the process, within thehazardous area. Maximum availability of the pointof measurement: Cleaning withoutinterrupting the process, evenwhen measuring directly in thepressure tank Since the sensor is not removed forcleaning, the process can continueuninterrupted. This allows problem-freemeasurements in a pressure tank or in themain pipe. Elaborate and lockable bypassesare eliminated and accuracy increases. Low maintenance Fully automatic sensor calibration inuser-defined intervals without interruptingthe process. Two buffer solutions are auto-matically pumped into the calibrationchamber. Only the buffer bottles needto be refilled. Cost-efficient Low-wear and low-maintenance pumpwith extremely low consumption of buffer. Long sensor life - also in criticalprocesses When measuring in aggressive media orat high process temperatures, the sensorrests in the calibration chamber and is onlybriefly moved into the process for meas-urement. This method decisively increasesthe sensor life. Safe and easy measurement, evenin strongly polluted media Sensor cleaning and rinsing are performedat user-defined intervals. Cleaning solutionand water are automatically pumped intothe calibration chamber. Dismounting andmanual cleaning of the sensor are notrequired. Distinction betweencalibration and adiustment This allows you to check the sensor data inthe running process. An adjustment is onlycarried out when preset deviations of thecalibration values are exceeded. Constantdisplacement of the measured values dueto small calibration scatters is omitted. Modern fieldbus integration The interfaces to PROFIBUS PA or FOUNDATION Fieldbus allow the Unicalsystem to be integrated directly in a field-bus network. Naturally also in hazardouslocations. Universal adaptationto retractable fittings The modular structure of the Unicalallows any retractable fittings to be used.Optimum functionality is achieved withthe Ceramat and SensoGate sensorlock-gates. Clean and safe construction All features for smooth, safe, and low-maintenance operation are provided asstandard: water pressure gauge and serviceswitch with alert message and check-backsignal of the actual probe position, air filterand water trap integrated, flooding sensorwith alert message. - time-controlled cleaning and checking Inside View Control Systems Unical 9000 New, Innovative Pump Design for Low Maintenance Costs -no usual pistons/cylinders - no wear Modular Flexibility for Very Simple Adaptation - The buffer or cleaning solution bottles (3.5l) are replaceable active, self-sustaining units with integrated pumpeasy refilling of buffer or cleaning solution, without removing the pump - The pump units are automatically recognized by the system. - The closure consists of a conveyor cap with funnel and buttoned lid. :- This innovative construction provides previously unknown flexibility and service friendliness. For up-to-date information, please visit www.knick-international.com Knick> Overview-The Complete System Safe Pump System with Minimum Buffer Consumption and Minimum Entrainment Control Systems Unical 9000 Control Systems Unical 9000 Product Line Order No. Basic unit For up-to-date information, please visit www.knick-international.com Accessories for Unical 9000 Order No. Pipe-mount kit for Unical 9000 ZU 0601 Pipe-mount kit for media adapter ZU 0606 Connection kit for Unical 9000 (water and air) ZU 0656 Spare Parts and Retrofit Parts for Unical 9000 Order No. Media connection, rinse, 5 m (FKM gaskets) ZU 0572/1 Media connection, rinse, 5 m (EPDM gaskets) ZU 0572/2 Media connection, rinse, 10 m (FKM gaskets) ZU 0573/1 Media connection, rinse, 10 m (EPDM gaskets) ZU 0573/2 Media connection, rinse, 15 m (FKM gaskets) ZU 0652/1 Media connection, rinse, 15 m (EPDM gaskets) ZU 0652/2 Media connection, rinse + cal, 5 m (FKM gaskets) ZU 0574/1 Media connection, rinse + cal, 5 m (FKM gaskets), steel balls instead of glass balls*) ZU 0574/1S Media connection, rinse + cal, 5 m (EPDM gaskets) ZU 0574/2 Media connection, rinse + cal, 10 m(FKM gaskets) ZU 0575/1 Media connection, rinse + cal, 10 m (EPDM gaskets) ZU 0575/2 Media connection, rinse + cal, 17 m (FKM gaskets) ZU 0653/1 Media connection, rinse+ cal,17 m (EPDM gaskets) ZU 0653/2 Media interface for standard probes ZU 0576 Metering pump (PP, FKM) with empty 3.5-L bottle ZU 0580/1 Metering pump (PP, EPDM) with empty 3.5-L bottle ZU 0580/2 Metering pump (PP,EPDM) with empty 3.5-L bottle, steel balls instead of glass balls*) ZU 0580/2S Metering pump (PP, FKM) with empty 3.5-L bottle, Ex ZU 0580 X/1 Metering pump(PP,EPDM) with empty 3.5-L bottle, Ex ZU 0580 X/2 *) included with special version -001 Control Systems Unical 9000 Spare Parts and Retrofit Parts for Unical 9000 -continued Order No. Supplementary air purging kit ZU 0587 Supplementary Aux 2 kit ZU 0588 Media adapter (FKM gaskets) ZU 0577/1 Media adapter (EPDM gaskets) ZU 0577/2 Media adapter, Ex (FKM gaskets) ZU 0577 X/1 Media adapter, Ex (EPDM gaskets) ZU 0577 X/2 Service switch, coated steel ZU 0729 NC Service switch, coated steel, Ex ZU 0729 XC Service switch, polished stainless steel ZU 0729 NS Service switch, polished stainless steel, Ex ZU 0729 XS Service Parts for Unical 9000 Order No. Air pressure switch ZU 0632 Water pressure switch ZU 0633 Probe valve, complete ZU 0634 Water valve ZU 0714 Sensor dismount guard, complete ZU0644 Air purge valve, complete ZU 0636 Aux 2 valve, complete ZU 0637 Piezo valve for valve block ZU 0638 Gasket for port at media adapter (EPDM) ZU 0639 Filter insert (5 ... 10 pm) ZU 0640 Replacement filter housing ZU 0641 Electronics module, tested,encapsulated ZU 0642 Electronics module, tested, encapsulated, Ex ZU 0642 X Small-parts set (various screws, springs etc.) ZU 0643 Multiplug service set, FKM gaskets ZU0812/1 Multiplug service set,EPDM gaskets ZU0812/2 Reed switch, short (service part for multiplug) ZU 0813/1 Knick Dimension Drawings Wall mounting Pipe mounting Media connection All dimensions in mm. Connection to probe (e.g. Ceramat WA 150) and media adapter Control Systems Unical9000 Dimension Drawings-continued Pipe mounting Pipe diameter: 30 ... 65 mm                                                                                        应用背景         味精是我们日常生活中常见的调味料,其化学成分为谷氨酸钠,属于鲜味调味料,易溶于水,水溶液有浓厚鲜味,包括味精在内的大约15种氨基酸是通过发酵产生的,随着发酵过程的进行,由于谷氨酸的增加,培养基的pH趋于酸性,味精产生菌的产量下降。一般通过加入氨,使培养基pH保持在7.5±0.5,来优化味精的产量。因此在味精的生产过程中,pH是至关重要的监测指标。生产工艺     味精的整个生产主要是有准备非食用原料——发酵——分离纯化——产品等工艺,作为味精的重要工艺,发酵工艺控制的好坏直接影响到最终产品的产量和口味。主要的工艺流程如下:    在本工艺条件中,对于pH的控制及测量,提出了非常苛刻的条件:主要的测量介质为碾碎玉米或木薯的液体浆液;pH传感器应经得起CIP/SIP周期;CIP参数:4%碱溶液在60℃下4小时;  SIP参数:最低130℃蒸汽暴露3小时;实验室和中试工厂可以对pH传感器进行评估和验证; pH自动化解决方案      为了实现发酵过程中的pH监测,Knick提供了一种自动化测量、清洗及校准pH的解决方案,本方案采用Knick全新的Unical 9000(X)全自动清洗校准系统,摒弃了传统的在线pH监测,需要定期的人工维护的缺陷,很好的满足了在发酵过程中pH的无人值守在线监测,并满足上述监测条件。     Unical 9000(X)是一套通过气动控制的集 pH 测量、清洗和校准一体的全自动化装置,这套系统是基于模块和功能所架构的,附件包含电子控制器,过滤器和阀门。另有配液器是用来调节校准液和清洗液供给的。    德国原厂提供以下最佳适配部件作为此套全自动在线分析系统的核心:Protos 3400(X)  模块化过程分析Unical 9000(X)  可伸缩式护套控制器Ceramat WA154   陶瓷密封护套小结    Knick的Unical 9000(X)是真正意义上的免维护在线pH监测系统,通过气动控制的集pH 测量、清洗和校准一体的全自动化,主机Protos可以根据变色程度精确设定清洗程序,在线pH电极SE555可以准确和可重现的测量,甚至在CIP/SIP周期后,同时该WA130SensoGate组件允许更大的传感器浸入深度,即使在狭窄的安装条件下,独有的Ceramat陶瓷密封护套使得伸缩式传感器的维护特别简单,所需的维护操作很少,在现场即可执行,使用陶瓷密封,具备高耐久性。 同时,工艺浸湿部件和校准腔具备良好的可清洁性和可消毒性,已通过EHEDG认证。这使SensoGate具有优异的能力来满足食品和制药行业的要求以及FDA管辖的生产工艺的验证。                                  

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科伲可(上海)电子测量仪器贸易有限公司为您提供《味精发酵过程中pH值在线检测检测方案(在线pH计)》,该方案主要用于固态复合调味料中理化分析检测,参考标准《暂无》,《味精发酵过程中pH值在线检测检测方案(在线pH计)》用到的仪器有cCare pH自动清洗校准系统 、Knick Memosens数字pH传感器SE555。


