
检测样品 环境水(除海水)

检测项目 (类)金属及其化合物

关联设备 共1种 下载方案


Cr是环境水中常见的重金属元素,常见化合价态为+3、+6和+2,其中六价Cr毒性最大。环境法规中对于Cr的限量值是NMT 0.05 mg/L。在这里,我们使用日立原子吸收ZA3000的双进样方式,测定了河水中ng/L浓度级别的总Cr。


Hitachi High-Technologies Corporation Certified value of JSAC 0301-3 0.16±0.01 ug/L INTRODUCTION: Chromium is rarely found in natural water. However, as hexavalent chromium is highly toxic, theenvironmental standard for the chromium is specified (NMT0.05 mg/L). By using the twin injectionfunction, newly installed to ZA3000 series instruments, total chromium in river water was analyzed.There are two sample injection ports on the twin cuvette (Pyro D HR) and a large volume can beinjected while the drying time for the analysis can be set at the same as that for a conventional cuvette (Pyro C HR). The data shown below indicates that chromium in river water at a ng/L level can be detected without concentration. INSTRUMENT CONDITIONS MEASUREMENT PARAMETERS GA AUTOSAMPLER Element : Cr Instrument : ZA3000 Atomization : GA Wavelength : 359.3 nm Lamp Current : 7.5mA Slit Width : 1.3 nm Cuvette : Pyro D HR Meas. Mode : Working Curve Signal Mode : BKG Corrected Curve Order :Linear Calculation : Peak Height Time Constant::0.1 sec Temp. Control:: ON Sample Volume : 60 uL Addition: Speed:4 MATRIX MODIFIER Matrix Modifier : 100 mg/L Pd+MgVolume: 20 uL Order: After TEMPERATURE PROGRAM NOTE Stage Initial/Final Heating/Keeping Gas Flow Rate Gas Temperature (C) (SeC) (mL/min) 1 Drying 2 Incineration 80/ 140 40/ 0 200 Normal700/700 20/0 200 Normal3 Atomization 2600 /2600 0/3 0 Normal Pyro D HR, a cuvette specially designed for twin injection, was usedfor the measurement. Sample 1: SLRS-4 River Water Reference Material for Trace MetalsSample 2: River water certifiedreference material (without addition) 3 Atomization 2600 /2600 0/3 0 Normal KEY WORDS Atomic Absorption Photometer Environmental Analysis Related, Environmental Water, Clean Water, (AA) Environmental Chemistry, River Water, Chromium, Cr, Flameless, Graphite Furnace, AA, ZA3000, GA, Pyro D HR, Environment Sheet No. AA120020-00

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日立科学仪器(北京)有限公司为您提供《环境水中(类)金属及其化合物检测方案 》,该方案主要用于环境水(除海水)中(类)金属及其化合物检测,参考标准《暂无》,《环境水中(类)金属及其化合物检测方案 》用到的仪器有日立ZA3000系列原子吸收分光光度计。


