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Analysis Example by Vacuum Model FT/IR (1) Measurement of Silicon Wafer (1/1) No. 220TR0164-E Due to the high refractive index of silicon wafer samples, there is a correspondingly high reflectance from the sample. If the sample is placed directly in the sample compartment, vertical to the incident source beam, the reflection of the source returns to the interferometer, is reflected by the beamsplitter and then illuminates the sample again. As a result, the sample pathlength of the sample measurement is different from the background measurement and excessive noise is observed due to the atmospheric water vapor, even with a purged instrument. While it is possible to adjust the angle of the sample with respect to the incident source illumination, using an evacuated FT-IR instrument allows measurement of the sample vertical to the incident illumination without


Application NoteNo. 220TR0164-EJASCO, USA8649 Commerce Drive Analysis Example by Vacuum Model FT/IR (1)Measurement of Silicon Wafer Due to the high refractive index of silicon wafer samples, there is a correspondingly high reflectance from the sample. If thesample is placed directly in the sample compartment, vertical to the incident source beam, the reflection of the source returns to theinterferometer, is reflected by the beamsplitter and then illuminates the sample again. As a result, the sample pathlength of thesample measurement is different from the background measurement and excessive noise is observed due to the atmospheric watervapor, even with a purged instrument.While it is possible to adjust the angle of the sample with respect to the incident sourceillumination, using an evacuated FT-IR instrument allows measurement of the sample vertical to the incident illumination without any interference due to the water vapor. Condition 50.0 Resolution: 4cm Accumulations: 16 Detector: DLATGS Fig. 1 Measurement example of epi-film on a silicon wafer

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佳士科商贸有限公司为您提供《FTIR通过真空模型测量硅片》,该方案主要用于其他中检测,参考标准《暂无》,《FTIR通过真空模型测量硅片》用到的仪器有JASCO傅立叶变换红外光谱仪FT/IR-6000、JASCO FTIR-4000傅立叶变换红外光谱仪、jascoRFT-6000傅立叶变换红外拉曼光谱仪。


