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Agenda目录 Petrology岩石学 矿业市场基本概况及地质矿产基本知识 Julie Liu10/9/2014 The world leader in serving science Mining Marketing Size 矿业市场基本概况 Ore mineralogy: Major types of ore minerals主要的矿石矿物类型 Sulfide minerals硫化物 Oxide minerals氧化物 Native minerals自然矿物 Petrology: Common rock types associated with ore deposits常见的岩石类型与矿床的关系 Pathfinder elements指示元素 3D modeling三维地质建模 地质矿产勘探开采的各个步骤 The whole exploration miningproceSS ●区域地质调查 Green field exploration●勘查 Exploration 1.预查 2.普查 3.详查 4.勘探 Advanced exploration a.地表异常卷定 Surface exploration (identify anomalous zone) b.深部勘探 Deep exploration 钻探、硐探 ●采选冶 1.采矿 2.选矿 3....冶炼... 尼通便携式XRF可以用于矿业各个工作阶段,尤其是勘探阶段。 中国矿业市场概况 China Mining Marketing Overview 国家、省市级事业单位:中国地质调查局和各个省市地矿局、有色地勘局、核 工业地质局、冶金地质局、煤田地质局、化工地质勘查院以及高校和科研院所。 ·大型矿业公司:紫金矿业、五矿、中国铝业、中国黄金 勘探市场 高校及科研院所:中科院、中国地质科学院、地质大学、吉林大学... ·大型矿业公司:江西铜业、云南铜业、紫金矿业、山东黄金... ·中小型矿业公司:2011年,全国约有10000家矿业公司 开采市场 ·部分地矿局、有色局系统内矿业公司 ·大型矿业公司 ·小型矿业公司 选矿、冶炼及金属制品 ·各个下游产业链 中国矿业市场概况-政府 China Mining Marketing Overview--Government 中国地质调查局 六大区所:天津地调中心、沈阳地调中心、南京低调中心、武汉地调中心、成都地调中心、西安地 调中心。专业地质调查单位和中国地质科学院。 主要承担公益地质调查项目。 省级地质勘探局 ·31个省级地勘局,每个地勘局约有5-10个地质大队 ·全国共计约200个地质大队 ·主要承担中期和高级地质勘探工作 省级有色地质局 ·19个省级有色地勘局 ·全国共计约100个有色地质队 ·主要承担中期和高级地质勘探工作 冶金地质局 •中国冶金地质总局 下属15家冶金地质分支机构。 煤炭(煤田)地质局 ·中国煤炭地质局 下属12家煤炭地质分支机构。 ·建材地质:江苏建材地质 其他 ·化工地质:中化地质矿山 ·黄金部队 Niton便携式XRF的矿业市场定位采购流程 国家地勘单位 尼通的优势::便携、现场、快速!这些恰恰对野外勘探工作来说非常重要采购方式: 1.由下设的各个地质队每年报计划,由局里统一采购,每年有省财专项政拨款用于采购设备机械。 2.各地质队计划报到局里。由局里统一选型采购((决策人:总工、副局长 、局长) 3.统一政府招标,一般会大于5台。(部分地质队也会自主资金采购) 矿业公司 矿业公司(矿山)主要进行开采和选矿活动,一些环节也会用到我们的仪 器。但是,鉴于矿山一般都有固定地点,有化验室,而且专注于某些矿种 ,我们仪器的快速、同时多元素分析、内置GPS等优势不得发挥。 矿业公司没有政府资金,所以对价格比较敏感,对仪器的要求会更高。 采购一般一次1-2台。 Geological Terminology地质专业术语 ●(Geological terminology Rocks岩石 Minerals矿物 -Ore Minerals矿石矿物 - Gangue Minerals 脉石矿物 - Mineral Classification矿物分类 Ore Mineralogy 矿石矿物学 Ore mineralogy: Minerals that can be economically mined, are called oreminerals (i.e., valuable minerals). 矿石矿物::可被开采有经济价值的矿物成为矿石矿物,即有价值的矿物 Major types of ore minerals 矿物的主要类型 Sulfide minerals 硫化物矿物 Oxide minerals 氧化物矿物 Native (pure) elements自然元素矿物(纯元素) Ore Mineralogy: Sulfide Minerals硫石物矿物类 Group Mineral Photo Formula Color Luster Cu sulfides Chalcopyrite CuFeS2 Brass yellow, faint greenish tint 深黄铜色、暗绿色条痕 含铜量34.56% Metallic 金属光泽 黄铜矿 Bornite Cu5FeS4 Copper-red color on fresh exposures that quickly tarnishesto an iridescent purple after exposure to air and moisture.新鲜面为暗红铜色、风化面常具有暗蓝色、紫色 Metallic 63.33% 斑铜矿 Cu2S Dark-gray to black含铜量79.86% 铅灰色到黑色 Metallic Chalcocite辉铜矿 Covellite铜蓝 CuS Indigo-blue 靛蓝色含铜量66.48% Metallic Bournonite车轮矿 PbCuSbS3 Steel-gray 青灰色 Metallic Ore Mineralogy: Sulfide Minerals 硫化物矿物 Group Mineral Photo Formula Color Luster Zn sulfide Sphalerite闪锌矿 ZnS Yellow, light to dark brown, black, red- brown depending on the Fe content Zn 67.1% Resinous tometallic Pb sulfide Galena方铅矿 PbS Lead-gray Pb 86% Metallic (heavy/dense) Bi sulfide Bismuthinite 辉铋矿 Bi2S3 Lead gray to tin white (maybe accompanied by pure bismuth) Bi 81.3% Sb sulfide Stibnite 辉锑矿 Sb2S3 Lead-gray with pale blue Sb 71.3% Metallic Ore Mineralogy: Sulfide Minerals 矿石矿物:硫化物矿物 Group Mineral Photo Formula Color Luster Mo sulfide Molybdenite辉钼矿 MoS Lead gray, gray Metallic (very soft) Ag sulfide Argentite银矿 Ag2S Lead-gray, black Metallic CoSulfarsenide Cobaltite 辉砷钴矿 CoAsS Reddish silver white Metallic Ni arsenide Nickeline (Nickolite) 红砷镍矿 NiAs Pale copper red Metallic Common Sulfide Minerals (Not Ore)常见的硫化物矿广物 (非矿石) Although these are not ore, they can be used as exploration tools尽管它们不是矿石,但仍可被用作勘探工具。 Group Mineral Photo Formula Color Luster Fe sulfide 黄铁矿 Pyrite FeS2 浅黄铜色 Pale brass yellow Metallic Pyrrhotite雌黄铁矿 FeS Bronze brown, bronze 浅黄铜色 Metallic As sulfide(arsenide) Arsenopyrite毒砂 FeAsS Silver-white to steel-gray 银白色-青灰色 Metallic Ore Mineralogy: Oxide Minerals氧化物矿物 Group Mineral Photo Formula Color Luster Fe oxide Magnetite磁铁矿 Fe304 Grayish black or iron black灰黑色或铁黑色 Metallic Hematite 赤铁矿 Fe203 Steel-gray to black with red streak青灰-黑色,有红色条带 Metallic, Sub-Metallic, Dull,Earthy Cr oxide Chromite铬铁矿 Cr203 Black with brown streak Metallic Ti oxide Rutile金红石 TiO2 Blood red, brownish yellow, brown-red, yellow, grayish-black, black, brown, bluish orviolet 血红色、黄褐色、红褐色、黄色、灰黑 Adamantine.Metallic Mn oxide Manganite 水锰矿 MnO(OH) 、黑色、棕色、蓝紫色 Gray-black, black Sub-metallic Ore Mineralogy: Native (Pure) Elements 自然纯元素 Group Mineral Photo Formula Color Luster Au Gold金 Au Golden yellow 金黄色 Metallic (soft) Ag Silver银 Ag Silver-white, tarnishes dark gray to black银白色、暗灰-黑色 Metallic (soft) Bi Cu Bi Reddish-white to creamy-white; tarnishesiridescent pinkish, yellowish or bluis 淡红色到乳白色; Metallic (soft) Cu Copper-red. Tarnishes to black or green inair 红铜色,空气中变成黑色或者绿色 Metallic (soft) Petrology deals with rock types (petro=rock) Igneous rocks-originate directly from moltenmaterial. Types:岩浆岩(火成岩)-直接来源于熔融物质 ·Plutonic rocks: form due to cooling of molten materialat depth of earth (called magma); coarse-grained, e.g.,“granite”侵入岩:岩浆在地球深部冷凝固结成岩;粗粒,如花岗岩 Volcanic rocks: form due to cooling of moltenmaterial at surface of earth (called lava); fine-grained,e.g.,“rhyolite”喷出岩(火山岩)熔岩在地表冷凝固结成岩;细粒,如流纹岩 Note: Both granite and rhyolite have the same chemicaland mineralogical composition. The only difference is inthe grain size.,花岗岩与流纹岩有化学和矿物组成相同,仅粒度不同 ·In other words, we cannot discriminate them based onXRF or any other chemical analysis.也就是说,我们不同通过XRF或者化学方法来辨别它们 Discrimination only by visual inspection (grain size)只能通过视觉观察(粒度大小)来辨别 geology.com 2. Sedimentary rocks: originate by deposition mainlyfrom water (sea, lake, river). Types:沉积岩:来源于水(海、湖、河流)的沉积物 ●Clastic rocks: form from transported grains, e.g.,“sandstone”碎屑沉积岩:搬运其他岩石碎屑沉积形成如砂岩 Chemical rocks: form from material dissolved inwater, e.g.,“limestone"化学沉积岩:溶于水中的化学物质组成,如石灰岩 Main feature of these rocks is “layering”主要特征层状Association with ore deposits: Example World's major uranium deposits are found insandstone.世界上主要的铀矿床是在砂岩中发现的 Contact zone of granite and limestone always havesome ore minerals. 花岗岩与石灰岩的接触区域常会有一些矿石矿物 Limestone has more than 50% calcite, whichreacts with weak HCI. 石灰岩有超过50%方解石矿物,与弱酸发生反应。 3.Metamorphic rocks: if igneous or sedimentaryrocks are exposed to higher pressure (P) ortemperature (T) than their original P-T, they formmetamorphic rock. 变质岩::岩浆岩或者沉积岩在高温高压下将形成变质岩 Example: Limestone 石灰岩 → Marble大理岩Sedimentary rock extra temperature Metamorphic rock Example: Granite 花岗岩 → Gneiss片麻岩 Igneous rock extra temperature & pressure Metamorphic rock ●Note: Marble is chemically the same as limestone. Alsogneiss is chemically a granite. So they cannot bediscriminated using XRF or any analytical methods.Visual inspection and mineralogy maybe needed.注意:大理岩与石灰岩的化学组分相同... Igneous Rocks - Chemical Classification岩浆岩的 侵入岩(粗粒) Rock Name Family Class Photo Mineralogy Granite花岗岩 Granites Felsic Quartz, orthoclase (K feldspar),plagioclase, biotite, hornblende(amphibole) Quartz RichGranitoid富石英似花岗岩 Granites Felsic Quartz > 60%, orthoclase (Kfeldspar), plagioclase, biotite, hornblende (amphibole) Syenite 正长岩 Granites Felsic Orthoclase (K feldspar),plagioclase, biotite, hornblende(amphibole), pyroxene Granodiorite花岗闪长岩 Granites Felsic/Intermediate Quartz, plagioclase, orthoclase (Kfeldspar), biotite, hornblende(amphibole) Monzodiorite二长闪长岩 Granites Intermediate Plagioclase, orthoclase (Kfeldspar), quartz, pyroxenes, biotite, hornblende (amphibole) PlagiograniteGranitesIntermediate(tonalite)斜长花岗岩 Plagioclase, quartz (<10% ofbiotite and hornblende) Gabbro Gabbros Mafic 辉长岩 Plagioclase, pyroxenes, hornblende (amphibole), biotite, An> 50 Rock Name Class Photo Mineralogy Rhyolite流纹岩 Felsic长英物质 O geology.com Sanidine (K feldspar), plagioclase, quartz,biotite,, minor mafic minerals 透长石(钾长石)、斜长石、石英、黑云母 Dacite英安岩 Felsic 少量铁镁矿物 Plagioclase, sanidine (K feldspar), quartz, biotite, hornblende (amphibole), pyroxenes Andesite安山岩 Basalt玄武岩 Rock Name Class Photo Mineralogy Conglomerate砾岩 Clastic 碎屑岩 Quartz, rock fragments, orthoclase (Kfeldspar) plagioclase, clay, (anything)石英、岩屑、正长石(钾长石)、斜长石粘土等 Sandstone砂岩 Clastic Quartz (>60%), orthoclase (K feldspar)plagioclase, 石英>60%、正长石(钾长石)、斜长石 Shale页岩 Clastic Clay (>80%), very fine-grained quartz/feldspar 粘土>80%、非常细粒的石英长石 Limestone石灰岩 Chemical Calcite, dolomite 方解石、白云石 Rock Name Class Photo Mineralogy Gneiss Plagioclase, quartz, orthoclase (Kfeldspar), hornblende,biotite, muscovite,sillimanite 斜长石、石英、正长石(钾长石) 片麻岩 Schist片岩 Regionalmetamorphism Phyllite千枚岩 Slate板岩 Regionalmetamorphism Regionalmetamorphism Ogeology Marble大理岩 Contact metamorphism接触变质 Pathfinder elements are very important in facilitating the exploration of various types ofore deposits including precious metal mineralization. Commonly,pathfinder elementshave one or a few of the following criteria: 指示元素在促进各种矿床勘探,包括贵金属矿中非常重要。通常情况下,指示元素具有以下一个或多个特征 They are detected relatively easily compared to the target elements.比目标元素相对容易探测 2. They are present at higher concentrations than target elements.比目标元素浓度高 3. They have a genetic relationship with the target elements. This means that bothgroups of elements (target and pathfinder elements) originate from the samesource or were deposited at the same time and place.与目标元素具有同源性或者同时同地沉积 4. In most cases, pathfinder elements have a larger halo (due to higher mobility) thantarget elements. This means that pathfinder elements occur in a larger area thanthe target elements, and, as a result, the halo of pathfinder elements is used as avector toward the target elements’mineralized zone.大多数情况下,指示元素比匕标元素有更大的异常圈。成为指向目标元区域的导向 Halo off pathfinder elementII -m Target Halo of pathfinder element l PXRF data can be used effectively onsite for 3D modeling of oredeposits.便携式XRF能有效的用于矿床现场三维建模 3D modeling is a crucial stage:三维建模是非常关键的一步 3Tracing extension of ore zones and veins 最终矿带矿脉走向4F.Planning the future of mine, e.g. mining method 未来采矿计划如开采方法 See videos: They are just examples to show importance of 3Dmodeling.看视频贝::¥演示三维建模的重要性 resourceINTELLIGENCE Click on bear to play Grizzly bear (unwanted guest) coming to the camp, NWT, Canada美洲灰 Robinson camp, NWT, Canada Ali- Robinson camp, NWT, Canada roprietary & Confidential 矿业市场概况及地质矿产基本知识矿业市场概况及地质矿产基本知识矿业市场概况及地质矿产基本知识

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朗铎科技(北京)有限公司为您提供《矿产中矿业市场概况及地质矿产基本知识检测方案(能散型XRF)》,该方案主要用于其他中矿业市场概况及地质矿产基本知识检测,参考标准《暂无》,《矿产中矿业市场概况及地质矿产基本知识检测方案(能散型XRF)》用到的仪器有尼通(Niton) 手持式XL2合金XRF分析仪。


