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Ellipsometry is a very sensitive measurement technique that uses polarized light to characterize thin films, surfaces,and material microstructure. Usually the polarization of light changes upon reflection. These changes are measured by an ellipsometer and interpreted on the basis of model calculations.


OPTREL GBR·STRASSE DER JUGEND 27-29 · D-14532 KLEINMACHNOW WWW.OPTREL.DE·OPTREL@T-ONLINE.DE Ellipsometry is a very sensitive measurement techniquethat uses polarized light to characterize thin films, sur-faces, and material microstructure. Usually the polariza-tion of light changes upon reflection. These changes aremeasured by an ellipsometer and interpreted on the basisof model calculations. The change in the state of polarization is the direct conse-quence of interference within the layer system. It is cap-tured by the so called ellipsometric angles ▲ and 亚. What information can beobtained? · Thicknesses with an accuracy in the sub-nm range ·Optical constants ● Orientation of molecules · Mass coverage at surfaces The data acquisition is sufficiently fast that the kineticsof adsorption processes can be studied. Ellipsometry is aversatile technology that has been used for over a century.The measurements are non-destructive and many samplework, even liquid-liquid interfaces are accessible. Ellipsometry can be used for a broad range of applications,common research areas are: · Assessment of scaling laws · Ion distribution ● Photochemistry Adsorption isotherms ·Adsorption kinetics ·Corrosion ● Characterization of thin films ·Glass transition in confined geometries · Determination of optical constants · Swelling experiments MULTISKOP - ELLIPSOMETRYMODULE The Multiskop performs ellipsometric measurements in avariety of different modes: · Multi-zone measurements ·Angle dependent ellipsometric reflection scans ● Kinetic runs The instrument and the software have been designed byscientists who are using these techniques in their own re-search. This ensures an ergonomic layout of the controland data evaluation software. The user receives an on-linecontrol about all decisive parameters as illustrated in thefollowing screenshot: The kinetic mode offers the possibility to record additionalexperimental parameters which may refer to temperature,surface tension, humidity or pH value. The external pa-rameters are simultaneously recorded with the ellipsomet-ric angles ▲ and亚. THE MULTISKOP comes with many useful accessories. Thefollowing list only some selected items. Automated x,y sample stage allows to scan big sur-face area. The analysis yields the topography of thesurface. Adsorption cells: The design of a proper cell is not triv-ial and requires some experience. It is important that thecell windows do not influence the measurement. The fol-lowing has to be considered: The beam should hit the windows at normal inci-dence because the state of polarization remains thenunchanged. ● Birefringence of the cell windows (thermal and me-chanical) stress must be avoided. · Multiple reflection should be avoided. All these requirements are met by our adsorption cell withwindows fixed at a certain angle of incidence. The cham-ber is made of Teflon. The cell can be hooked up to athermostat and a peristaltic pump. Angle dependent measurements are not feasible in thisarrangement.An interesting design has been reportedin J. Benjamins, B. Jonsson, K. Thuresson, T. Ny-lander New Experimental Setup To Use Ellipsome-try To Study Liquid-Liquid and Liquid-Solid Inter-faces Langmuir 2002,18,6437-6444. The experimen-tal problems have been overcome by fixing tubes on laserand detector-arm of the MULTISKOP. In this arrangementangle dependent measurements are feasible, the beam re-mains perpendicular to the cell window. This design isadvantageous if the solvent has a low vapour pressure.

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