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检测样品 毛发/头发

检测项目 表面形态

关联设备 共1种 下载方案


Electron microscope is used to investigate human body parts and hairs. Examples include surfaces of epidermis, hair follicles, fat cells, glands, and blood vessels.


WINDOW FOR NANO WORLD with COXEM10 Overview Electron microscope is used to investigate human body parts and hairs. Examples include surfaces of epidermis, hairfollicles, fat cells, glands, and blood vessels. Hair Fibers (Top) Human hair is not conductive so needs to be coatedbefore taking SEM images. In BSE mode, however, samplemay be observed without coating. But due to charging, qualityimages cannot be obtained. (Bottom) SEM micrograph ofa healthy hair shows overlappingintact cuticle and scales on its surface. In a damaged hair,cuticles are lifted and have cracks inside. In an artificial hair,the surface is very smooth and there are no cuticles. Artificial (X1,000,15kV) SPT-20 Ion Coater Samples that do not conduct electricity are coated with gold(Au), gold/palladium (Au/Pd), platinum (Pt), silver (Ag),chromium (Cr), or iridium (Ir) with the SPT-20 ion coater toprevent charging effect. COXEM provides different typesof targets for customer's needs. Electron microscope is used to investigate human body parts and hairs. Examples include surfaces of epidermis, hair follicles, fat cells, glands, and blood vessels.

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北京天耀科技有限公司为您提供《头发、牙齿中表面形态检测方案(扫描电镜)》,该方案主要用于毛发/头发中表面形态检测,参考标准《暂无》,《头发、牙齿中表面形态检测方案(扫描电镜)》用到的仪器有库赛姆(COXEM)EM-30+ 台式扫描电镜。


