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This particular investigation of phosphor emission characteristics was made possible by the excellent stray-light reflection, sensitivity, and wide lifetime range of the FLUOROLOG-τ® producing rapid and accurate characterization of the phosphor.


EMISSION·FLUORESCENCE·FORENSICS· GRATINGS F OEM·RAMAN·SPECTROSCOPIC SYSIEMS ·THIN FILMS Flat Panel Displays and Fluorescence Introduction One of the fastest-growing segments of thesemiconductor industry is concerned with a newgeneration of graphic displays for communica-tions and high-definition television setss..FForphosphors that might be used as the active me-dium in such displays, the critical characteristicsare the lifetimes and wavelengths of their emis-sions. Experiment and Results Because the lifetimes and wavelengths ofemissions were required, the SPEXRFLUOROLOG-TR steady-state andlifetimespectrofluorometer was chosen for this investiga-tion. To further complicate matters, the lifetimeof the phosphor had to be obtained in a short pe-riod (three to five minutes) because of the rap-idly changing character of the material. In addi-tion, the phosphor and matrix were highly scat-tering, so stray-light rejection was crucial. Figure 1 shows the emission spectrum of thefinal phosphor, confirming a useful visible emis-sion dominated by the 550-nm peak. In Figure 2 the results of the quick lifetimestudy (eight frequencies scanned in five minutes)indicate a three-component system, dominatedby a very fast (10s) decay. This fast emissionassures that the phosphor will produce a highquantum yield within a timeframe compatiblewith refreshing the CRT’s screen. Copyright C 2000 Jobin Yvon Inc. In the USA: Figure 1. Fluorescence emission spectrum ofthe phosphor complex, showing lumines-cence in the visible range. Figure 2. Phase-shift(+)and modulation-ratio frequency response(x) of phosphorcomplex. Conclusion This particular investigation of phosphor emis-sion characteristics was made possible by theexcellent stray-light reflection, sensitivity, andwide lifetime range of the FLUOROLOG-tproducing rapid and accurate characterization ofthe phosphor. Printed in the USA This particular investigation of phosphor emission characteristics was made possible by the excellent stray-light reflection, sensitivity, and wide lifetime range of the FLUOROLOG-τ® producing rapid and accurate characterization of the phosphor.

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HORIBA(中国)为您提供《平板显示器中荧光检测方案(分子荧光光谱)》,该方案主要用于其他中荧光检测,参考标准《暂无》,《平板显示器中荧光检测方案(分子荧光光谱)》用到的仪器有HORIBA Fluorolog®-3科研级荧光光谱仪。


