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Focus Monitor光束质量分析仪,基于机械式探针扫描原理,对大功率聚焦激光的光束质量进行测量,通过集成电子控制Z坐标轴实现对聚焦光束束腰的全自动测量,广泛应用于科研及工业加工领域。其最显著的特点是可以无损耗的对高功率聚焦光束的原始质量参数进行详细的测量和分析,可用来监测激光器出光质量,保证加工的精确度,同时还可以对光束系统及激光器的故障做及时的自检测,大幅度节约维修的时间成本,并且可增加光束系统的使用寿命。


PRIMESFocusMonitor FM The FocusMonitor (FM), a scanningdiagnostics system for the analysisof continuous wave laser beams withlow up to high laser beam powers,is used for the analysis of laser beamsources for laser material processingin laser beam welding, cutting as wellas surface processing. Not only the geometric dimensions ofthe focused laser beam are determinedbut also the focus position in space,the beam parameter product as well asthe beam quality factor M2. Provided that the limitations concerningthe measuring window size as well asthe maximum power density are kept,CO,-laser systems with an optical powerof up to 50kW and solid-state laserswith an optical power of up to 30 kWcan be measured. Measuring Proce-dure - the Principle The laser beam is scanned by meansof a specialized measuring tip withina 3D measurement cylinder. There is a small pin hole (typical diame-ter: 20 pm) in the measuring tip throughwhich a small part of the laser beamis guided. By means of two deflectingmirrors this beam part is guided to adetector which is configured accordingto the laser power and the wavelength. By means of the PRIMES LaserDiag-nosticsSoftware it is then transferredto a computer in order to be evaluated.This 3D analysis is necessary for acomplete presentation of a causticclose to the focus. For different wavelengths pyroelectricdetectors or photodiodes are used.The divergence of the focused laserbeam of CO, lasers is rather small.The relationship between the focal lengthof the used focusing optic and the beamdiameter of the unfocused beam,i.e. the effective F-number, is usually greater than 5. Solid-state lasers, such as diode-, disk-or fiber lasers are focused with smallerF-numbers. To cater for the resultingdifferences in divergence, adaptedmeasuring tips are available. Specially adapted measuring tips fordifferent divergences and wavelengthsare available. Determination of the focus position in spatial coordinates with FM and LaserDiagnosticsSoftware However, the signal-to-noise ratio mustbe> 40. Detectors with dynamic ranges> 85dB support this requirement.Please note that hardly no laser beampower is absorbed,> 99% of the powerhas to be absorbed separately afterit passes through the FM. This can be effected by means ofPRIMES devices, such as the Power-Monitor PM48 or PM100. Hence, different laser beam sources and-systems can be measured at maximumlaser beam powers simply by choosingthe right measuring tip and the suitabledetector. The high speed of the rotating measuringtip allows the analysis of high power den-sities. Due to the high dynamic range ofthe analog digital converter used, a verygood signal-to-noise ratio is achieved. High peak intensities as well as very lowintensities are displayed precisely. This isone of the preconditions for an automa-tic measurement of caustics in the focusrange over at least four Rayleigh lengthsaccording to ISO 11146. This means thatthe power density along the laser beamaxis varies at least around the factor 4in this measurement range. FocusMonitor FM Mounting of a FocusMonitor ona PowerMonitor 48 Operation For the evaluation the PRIMES LDS-the LaserDiagnosticsSoftware -is provided. It runs, e.g., with theoperating systems Windows XP orWindows 7 for example. The FocusMonitor can communicatewith computers or system controlsvia the PRIMES RS 485 bus. Details ofthis communication are visible andadjustable in the start screen as soon as is selected in the menu . The selection of different interfaces andCOM ports is effected manually. In this start screen the revolutions perminute, measuring window sizes, detec-tors etc. are chosen in the menu . Focal width, wave-length, operator notes etc. are enteredin the menu in order to obtain a concise protocolalongside the measurements. The resolution can be adjusted in stepsbetween 32×32 up to 256×256. At thesame time the measurement windowsize can be adapted between 0.125 mmand 8 mm. This variation of resolutionhelps display even the smallest beamdeformations due to contamination.aberrations, alignment errors, or thermalinfluences. The scan range lies in the beam propa-aation direction z at 35 mm in case ofthe FM35 and at 120 mm in case of theFM 120. The measurement range trans-verse to the propagation direction istypically specified at 8×8 mm in x-y.As an option, larger measurement win-dows up to 24×12 mm are available. The integrated z-axis enables the auto-matic measurement of completecaustics over four Rayleigh lengths.The number of measurement planesis freely selectable. However, the number of planes is typi-cally between 16 and 22. The graphicalevaluation not only provides the geomet-rical dimensions but also the resultingbeam quality factor M²at the work piece. By means of the function complete measure-ment programs can be stored andloaded again for further measurementswith specified basic data as reference. NA X(mm) Astigmatic beam: false color presentationat different z-positions Measuring Tipsand Detectors Every FocusMonitor needs to be equip-ped with a suitable measuring tip andone detector. The replacement of boththe detector and the measuring tip canbe done in a few minutes. For the wavelength range 入=10.6 pm ofCO, lasers, mainly pyroelectric detectorsDFCM together with HP-CO,measuringtips are employed. Caustic of multikilowatt CO, laser, focussing mirror optics not positioned properly For the analysis of solid-state lasers inthe range between 800 and 1100nmswitchable DFY-2 detectors on the basisof photodiodes are employed. Recom-mended is the highly dynamic detectorDFY-PS with an automatic signal adjust-ment.The DFING detector is available forwavelengths up to 入=2 pm. These de-tectors are generally combined with aHighDiv. YAG measuring tip. There areadditional DL measuring tips for diodelasers, which are mostly highly divergent. In addition, specially adapted detectors,e.g. with an optimum signal-to-noise ra-tio or measuring tips with increased orreduced sensitivities can be provided. Various evaluation possibilities provideinformation on faulty alignments of opti-cal components and their contamination. FocusMonitor FM ConfigurationsFM35 and FM120 The basic version of the FocusMonitorconsists of one rotating axis with tworevolutions (optionally 3) as well as twolinear axes, one with a horizontal strokeof 8 mm (optionally 12 mm) and one witha vertical stroke of 35 mm or 120 mm. The measurable focus diameter for bothconfigurations ranges from 0.1 to 3 mm.Measurable Rayleigh lengths could reach8 mm/25 mm. Thus, the FocusMonitorenables the measurement of a widerange of laser sources for various fieldsof applications. Upside down mounting of a FM120 on a PM48 Measuring tip in the FocusMonitor Left: FocusMonitor 35. Right: FocusMonitor 120 Detector for the analysisof 10.6 um laser radiation FocusMonitor FM Technical Data Measurement Parameters PRIMES PRIMES GmbH Max-Planck-StraBe 264319 PfungstadtGermanyinfo@primes.dewww.primes.deTel: +49 6157-9878-0Fax: +49 6157-9878-128 etsCTechnologies Co., Ltd 9th, Building 1, Guangguchuangye Street, EastlakeDevelopment Zone, Wuhan, Hubei,430074 ChinaPhone +862787807177 Email sales@etsc-tech.comTelefax +862787807133 Web www.etsc-tech.com RIMES GmbH Max-Planck-StraBe Pfungstadt Germany www.primes.de Focus Monitor光束质量分析仪,基于机械式探针扫描原理,对大功率聚焦激光的光束质量进行测量,通过集成电子控制Z坐标轴实现对聚焦光束束腰的全自动测量,广泛应用于科研及工业加工领域。其最显著的特点是可以无损耗的对高功率聚焦光束的原始质量参数进行详细的测量和分析,可用来监测激光器出光质量,保证加工的精确度,同时还可以对光束系统及激光器的故障做及时的自检测,大幅度节约维修的时间成本,并且可增加光束系统的使用寿命。可测量功率范围: 0-15KW(具体可测量功率以功率密度为准)最大功率密度: 10MW/cm2波长范围: 0.4um-1.1um or 1-2.1um最大测量转速: 3500rps/7500rps

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