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检测项目 理化分析

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库仑法卡氏水分仪检测乙醇(无水乙醇)中水分含量 使用日本京都电子公司(KEM)-库仑法卡氏水分测定仪(MKC-501),检测乙醇(无水乙醇)中水分含量的应用资料。


Kyoto Electronics Manufacturing Co., Ltd.Data No.LN38-110726 No.EKCR-110726上海市中山西路2366弄1号203室电话:021-54488867 电邮: kemu-kem@163.com 网址: http://www.kem-china.com KEM Application Note No.EKCR-110726Coulometric Kar-Fischer Titration Moisture of Ethanol ·Summary- Checked the possibility of measuring moisture of Ethanol with MKC-501 and good r ep e at a b il i ty wa s o b ta i n ed . -Measuring instrument- Main unit: MKC-501 Coulometric KF moisture titrator Electrode: M-713 Twin platinum electrode #433-0006Inner burette -Reagent- Anolyte: Coulomat AG Catholyte: Coulomat CG -Measurement method- Preparation: (1)Fill the titration cell with the anolyte and the inner burette with the catholyte. (2) Pretitrate for dehydration. Measurement: (1) Place about 0.5mL sample in the titration cell with syringe for the moisture measurementon the sample. -Equation- Moisture (%): ((Data-Driftxt-Blank)/(Wt1-Wt2))xF Data: Measured water content (ug) Drift : Drift before measurement (ug/s)t:Measuring time(s) Blank: Blank value (ug) Wt1: Tare including sample weight (g) Wt2: Tare including residual weight (g) F : Factor (1.00) ·Standard method- Karl Fischer method -Ambient conditions- Temperature:26°℃ R. Humidity:41% Weather: Fine t(max) 0s Drift Stop : rel Rel(ug/s) 0.1 Result1 Calculation1 Unit :% Weight : Var Drift Comp.:auto Blank: :(0 Result1 Report] Short Date 11/07/26 Date 11/07/26 Date 11/07/26 18:50 Sample No. 01-03 Wt1 0.3842 9 Wt2 0 9 Net 0.3842 9 Result 413.4 ug 0.1076 % -Measurement results- Run Sample size(g) Moisture(ug) Concentration(%) Statistics 1234 0.3831 0.3797 0.3842 0.3866 409.6 405.7 413.4 411.2 0.1069 0.1068 0.1076 0.1064 MeanSD RSD 0.1069%0.0005% 0.4668% 京都电子工业株式会社-可睦电子(上海)商贸有限公司

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